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This page is in draft - please ask Sarah Griffin if you have questions about what is listed here.

Table of Contents


Basics of Fulfillment

In Alma, Fulfillment refers to circulation desk activities, such as loans, returns, renewals, holds, and more.

In depth information about fulfillment tasks can be found via ExLibris documentation on Managing Patron Services at a Circulation Desk 

Viewing a Patron Record  

titleTo find and view a Patron Record
  • Navigate to Fulfillment > Checkout/Checkin > Manage Patron Services.

  • Search for the patron by typing their name, their NetID, or scanning their DukeCard.

  • This will bring up the patron record, with a snapshot of their current status and any user notes in the right sidebar, and tabs for Loans, Returns, and Requests down below.

  • The Patron Services Page displays the following core patron information: Patron Name, ID (NetID), User Group, Active balance, Notes, Number of items of the Hold Shelf, Overdue Items.

  • A small, folded blue corner indicates that a tab has content.

titleTo view a Patron Record in more detail (User Details)
  • From the Patron Services page, click the patron’s ID in the Patron ID Card (right, or top) to enter a more comprehensive User Details view, including tabs for Contact Information, Identifiers (alternate IDs), Notes, Blocks, Fee/Fines, Attachments (emails sent to patron), Proxy Information, and History.

  • You can also search for patrons using the persistent search bar, with Users selected from the dropdown menu, which will bring you directly to the more comprehensive User Details view.

  • Toggle back to Patron Services by clicking Manage fulfillment activities in the Patron ID Card.

Patron Services 

From the Patron Services page, you can manage loans, renewals, and item requests.


titleLoaning an Item
  • From the Patron Services page, select the Loans tab.

  • Scan or enter the barcode of the item being loaned in the Scan item barcode field. Scanned barcodes should contain the final “enter/return” input. If you enter manually, click OK.  

  • Due date and time, along with other item details, will show in the Loan Display.

  • Multiple items can be loaned in a session. Once you have finished, close the patron session by selecting “Done”.

  • Note that a patron record will time out after 2 minutes of inactivity if not closed.


titleProxy loaning

You can define one user to be a proxy user for another. A proxy user can loan and return items on behalf of another user. Manage proxy users on the Proxy For tab of the User Details page.

To add a proxy user:

  • Search for the patron who will act as proxy and navigate to the User Details page.

  • Open the Proxy For tab of the User Details page. Select Add Proxy For.

  • In the Proxy for field, enter or select the patron for whom you want the current user to be a proxy.

  • Select Add User. The patron is added; the user is now a proxy for this patron.

Proxy relationships are not assigned an expiration date. To remove the proxy relationship, select Delete in the row actions list in the Proxy For tab of the proxy’s User Details page.

Each user can act as Proxy for multiple other users.

Note that proxy relationships can only be managed from the proxy’s User Details page, not from the user for whom they are designated as a proxy. In other words, if a graduate student is set up to be a proxy borrower for a faculty member, the relationship is managed from the graduate student’s page, not the faculty member’s page.

When loaning items to a user as a proxy, be sure to click the Use proxy button under the patron ID field.


Note: the process for returning borrowed items and processing in items arriving when requested from other libaries is separate.


titleRouting Prompts

When items belong to a separate branch on campus, an Item Destination window will appear at return or scanning items in.

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Print dialog boxes appear when slips are needed for items. Of note: be sure to select the 'Enable Quick Print” option in the header dropdown to allow slips to appear in the browser and be sent to a designated printer.

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titleBackdating Returns
  • The return date in the Manage Items Returns tab defaults to the current date and time. To modify the return date, such as for items returned in an overnight drop box, select Override return date and time. Select the date and time from the drop down and select Apply.

  • To reset the return date to the current date, use the X to clear the Override field.

titleCanceling/Deleting Loans

Loans should not be deleted in Alma, for the purposes of data integrity. 

Renewing and Changing Due Dates

Renewal limits in Alma are calculated based on a length of time rather than the number of renewals. For example, if an item is loaned for seven days and two renewals are allowed, Alma enforces that renewal by allowing a 21-day overall use period for the item.


titleTo change the loan due date
  • On the Patron Services page, select the Loans tab. 

  • In the Loan display drop-down list, select All loans

  • In the row actions […] of the loan, select Change Due Date and select the new due date and time from the Calendar dialog box. If a time is not specified, the system uses the library closing time of the new due date. If the library is closed on the chosen day, the due date will default to the next open day.

  • Select Change Due Date. The new date is saved in the Loans tab. 

  • A Loan Status Notice letter email is sent to the patron with the new due date and saved as an attachment to the user record. 

  • For more:

Viewing an Item Record

titleSearching for and Viewing Items

Searching Items     

  • Use the persistent search bar to conduct either a Titles or Physical Items search.

  • Choose search type Physical Items, search criteria of Title (or whatever information you have), and type in your search term and click the search icon.

  • The results will show all item records matching your search.

physical title search.png

Viewing the Item Details  

Note: Clicking the title itself will display the MARC record view, NOT the item record.

  • To view item information, click Expand All (double down arrows) to display all items available.  

Updating barcode 1 .png
  • Select Items.

Updating barcode 2.png
  • When in this items view, you can customize the order of the columns by selecting a column and dragging it to the preferred location. You can also change the width of the columns.

  • Click the Gear icon to customize which columns are shown. To access details from hidden columns, click the row action item list icon […] and select View.

Requests and Recalls

Hold requests and recalls in Alma are mostly handled at the title level instead of item level. This means that Alma will automatically put the hold on the nearest available copy. If there is information in the item description field, such as a volume number, then the request will be handled at item level instead. Staff can also submit requests at the item level (see “Requesting a Specific Item” below).

If all items are on loan, Alma will recall the item that has been loaned for the longest period of time.

Fulfilling patron physical item hold requests

There are many ways to search for both Active and Completed patron hold requests. For batch pulling of hold requests, Alma creates a Pick List which contains hold requests that have not yet been filled.


titleMarking Items Missing on a Pick List
  • Confirm the items are Missing, that is, they were not found in the stacks, reshelving, etc. 

  • Go to Fulfillment > Pick from Shelf.

  • Locate the first missing request/title by scrolling or searching the pick list and/or using the facets on the left to limit what's being viewed.

  • On the item's record, click on Mark as Missing (if not visible, click on the row action item list icon […] and choose Mark as Missing).

    • Note: You will be prompted that it will mark the entire holding as missing, but this will only mark the items on that holding as missing, not the holdings at all Duke Libraries combined. 

  • The hold request now moves to the holding at the next available Duke library, if any. If there are none, the patron will receive an email informing them the request was not filled. 

pick list mark as missing.png

Placing patron physical item hold requests 

Note: patron requests are title-level if there is nothing in the item description field. If there is something in the item description field, i.e. volume or copy numbers, the request will move to item-level. 


titleRequesting a Specific Item for a Patron 

Best practice is to make title-level requests, to offer the best chance of the request being filled quickly, but it is possible to place item-level requests for specific issues or volumes, or a unique copy of a more common work (one with marginalia, for instance). 

To request a specific item: 

  • Search for the item using the Physical Items search type, the Title search criteria, and the title. You can also use other criteria and terms as appropriate. 

  • Click Items to view the List of Items for the requested title.

  • Click on the row action list icon […] for the requested volume or copy and select Request.

  • In the Request type field, select Patron physical item request.

  • Scan or manually type patron ID number into the Requester field. Make sure to select the user. You should see their “lastname, firstname” in the field before continuing.

  • Add any special instructions or comments about the request in the Notes field.

  • Select the Pickup At location. 

    • Note: No locations will appear if there are errors in entered fields above.

  • The Additional Request Attributes are optional. 

  • Click Submit to place the request. 

  • A green check message box at the top of the page confirms the request. 

  • Hold requests can be verified from a patron’s Patron Services page, under Requests.

Alternatively, you can place requests from the title record by following the above directions (“Requesting a title for a patron”) and choosing the requested volume or copy in the Description drop-down field.

Item request 3.png

Notices and Letters 

Notices (letters) will be sent by email to patrons automatically, such as overdue and courtesy notices, but can also be sent manually by library staff.
