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Table of Contents

Staff documentation needs (reuse ExLibris content)

  • Processing physical reserves when faculty member is not using of using Canvas

    • Only option to see reserves is Summon

  • Managing copyright clearance

  • Managing faculty personal copies

  • Managing broken links

Instructor rollover --

Default behavior for different types of citations

You can expect 4 different types of citations to be submitted by faculty. This is the terminology that Ex Libris uses.

  • Physical - physical material (books, scores, physical DVDs). These default to being created as BeingPrepared. That is the status prior to ReadyForProcessing.

  • Digitization Request - these citations occur when a faculty member finds a physical item and requests that it be digitized using Leganto’s built-in form. These will be created as ReadyForProcessing, meaning that they are ready for library staff to take action.

  • Electronic - these represent electronic materials held in our Alma instance. These records have an MMS ID, and when you view them in Alma, you will see an “electronic” tab for holdings, like the example below. These will commonly, for us, be eBooks. These will be created as Leganto citations with a status of Completed, meaning that no library staff action is necessary to make them visible to students.

  • PC or CDI citations - these are citations from CDI (CDI stands for “Central Discovery Index.”) For our purposes, CDI is essentially what drives the appearance of articles in Summon. You won’t see these with an MMS ID or article title search in Alma. These will be created as Leganto citations with a status of Completed, meaning that no library staff action is necessary to make them visible to students.

There are also digital citations that can be created, but are not yet in use at Duke. (Digital refers to citations held in Alma Digital, which is not yet implemented.)

Process when a new reading list comes in from a faculty member via Leganto

If a reading list is brand new, it will appear as an Unassigned task when it first arrives in Alma. You can view it via the Tasks widget on your home page:


Assign a reading list to a library staff member

  1. Click Unassigned from the tasks widget to view the list of tasks.

  2. From the More actions menu, choose View in Leganto


  3. From the Leganto view of the list, choose List info


  4. Under the “Description” field, you should see where the faculty member wants the reserves to be held.


  5. Return to the Alma view of the reading list. From the More actions menu, select Reassign.


  6. From the Reassign box, select the person who should work on the list. Include an explanatory note, and click Send as email so a notice is generated.

    1. Lilly or Bishop’s House: David Felton

    2. Music: Sarah Griffin

    3. Perkins or any other library listed: Jeremy Martin


If the faculty member did not indicate which library should manage their reserves

TBD - this process needs to be determined. You’ll need to contact the faculty member to find out where they want their reserves to go.

Jeremy Martin (he/him/his) David Felton Sarah Griffin

Processing physical reserves when faculty member put request into Leganto

When a faculty member asks to put a physical item on reserve, it will have a default citation status of BeingPrepared. The faculty member has to send it to the library when they are ready for it to be processed. (TO BE CONFIRMED - happens when the list is sent?) This can be when they send the full reading list, or when they send just a citation.

Working from the reading list level

When the faculty member sends the list to the library, it will show up in the reading list task list as either “Assigned to me - ready for processing” or “Unassigned - ready for processing.”


Click one of the two links to go to reading lists.

Working from the citation level

Click Citations > Ready for processing to open the citations list.


Use the facets on the left to filter the list of citations to those for lists that are assigned to you.


Processing physical reserves - starting from the reading list

  1. Scroll to the Citations list. Find the citation with Ready for Processing. From the More Actions menu, choose Manage Fulfillment Options


  1. On the next page, review the options in Physical Services. In this example, we have one DVD that is in a temporary location in Perkins Locked Stacks.
    Request either a specific copy in Physical Services from the More Actions menu, or choose the Place Request button in the top right to place a title level request, if you don’t care which copy you receive.


To request the item

  1. Choose a request type of Move temporarily.

1a. Optional - use the Note field to indicate what class the item is for

  1. Choose the destination library.

  2. Choose the destination location.

  3. Choose the Item Policy.

  4. Set a Due Back date. (It should default to the last date of the course.)


When you return to the citation page, you’ll see an Alert now on the citation:


The item will be pulled like a patron request.

When the item arrives, it will get an Item temporary location popup, like this:


Returning to the reading list and citation, it will still say Being Prepared, but there will now be a second alert saying the move request was completed.


Once you’ve finished any additional preparation and the item is shelved, click Set Complete to finish the reserve.

On the Physical tab, you’ll see that the item is now on the reserve location.


Processing physical reserves when faculty member did not put the request into Leganto

This is similar to the process when they put it in themselves, but you must create the citation first.

  1. Open the reading list.

  2. On the Citations tab, choose Add citation

  1. There are three ways to add citations.

    1. Brief - use for personal copies

      1. See

    2. Add Non-Repository Citation - use this when you are creating a citation for something you want to put on reserve that should not be added to Duke’s Alma repository.

      1. An example of this would be an electronic journal article, which would be held in Summon, but would not be in the Alma repository as its own thing with its own MMS ID. Another example would be a scan of a physical article or book chapter.

      2. This is similar to adding electronic journal articles to reserves before - we wouldn’t want those to show up in discovery, as they were not cataloged items.

    3. Add Repository Citation - use this when you are creating a citation for something that you know that Duke owns already, like a book or CD.

Add repository citation

This is fairly straightforward. It will take you to an Alma All Titles search. See for directions as needed. Once the citation is added, if the item is a physical item, follow the directions from to process the reserve.

Add a non-repository citation

  1. Choose Book Chapter, Article, or other material type if more appropriate.

  2. For Edit Reading List Citation:

    1. Mandatory field: Article/Chapter Title

    2. Add any additional citation information potentially needed for reporting or copyright purposes.

Processing electronic reserves (eBooks, Journal Articles)

If Duke already owns the electronic item in question, and it can be found in a Summon search, the faculty member should be able to put the item on reserve with little or no library intervention.

If Duke doesn’t own the electronic item in question, the manual entry must include

  • ISSN, volume, issue, start page, and publication year

  • ISBN

  • DOI,Reading%20List.

Finishing a reading list

When the faculty member has sent the list to the library, you can safely assume that they mean for it to become available to students once library processing has been completed.

The status of the list will be Ready for Processing and you will be able to get to that list from the Tasks widget.


To finish a reading list and make it visible to instructors and students:

  • Ensure that all citations are set to Complete, Inactive, or Declined.

  • If not already set that way, change the reading list status to Complete

    • NOTE - if you set all the citations on a reading list to Complete, that action(s) will also set the reading list status to Complete.

    • Note - if a faculty member sends in a new citation after the list is set to Complete, the list will flip to Being Prepared. The faculty member will have to resubmit the list to have it republished.

  • Change the publication list visibility to Course Students.

  • If the instructor wants the reading list to be visible to students for a shorter time period than the default start date and end date of the course, set a Reading List Visible Start Date and End Date.

  • Save your changes.

Processing physical reserves when faculty member is not using Canvas

If a faculty member is not using Canvas, they are not able to get electronic reserves. Only physical reserves are eligible.


Note - publishing from Alma to Summon (to the Course Reserves tab) can take anywhere from 24-72 hours, depending on the time of week. This includes both adding new materials and removing materials that were added by accident. Make sure this is communicated to the instructor.

The general workflow is:

  1. Faculty member submits a Qualtrics form request (form link to be added)

  2. Library staff member creates the course in Fulfillment > Courses

  3. From the course in the courses list, click More Actions, and Reading List.

  4. On the Reading List page, click Add Reading List

    1. Code should be the course code (e.g., listing + term + year) - for example, Chem.101.F.25

    2. Name should be the name of the course as you inputted on the course screen. This name is what will display in Summon.

    3. Leave the status as Being Prepared

    4. The Due Back date should be set to the end of the course term

    5. Click Add and Close


  5. You’ll return to the reading lists screen. For the list you just created, click the More Actions menu, and click Reassign. Assign the list to the appropriate staff member for processing ( )

  6. On the reading list page, begin processing materials with the same process for if the faculty member is using Canvas. Just remember that only physical materials can be put on reserve through this process

Putting items on reserve when they can’t be found in Summon

Faculty may want to put items on reserve that we don’t own, or that they can’t find in Summon for whatever reason.

They can do that in different ways once the list is created.

Faculty list and items documentation:


Adding via ISBN or Manual Entry

To add via ISBN, the instructor will get a screen similar to the manual entry screen, but it may populate information like the book cover.

Note that it may not auto-populate the title - which can be confusing if Syndectics finds the book cover.


What library staff see

Depending on the type of thing that the faculty member is trying to get, the resource will not be located, but it may display as one of several different types of failure.

  • Resource locate: Information incomplete

  • Resource locate: Not located

  • Resource locate: Locate not run

  • Resource locate: No resources located


How to know if something needs to be purchased

Unfortunately, there isn’t a clear way in the UI to get to a list of “we don’t have these items” with either citations or reading lists. What you need to do is to review citations that did not locate for whatever reason and determine how those will be handled.

In other words, it may be that we actually don’t own a thing, and therefore a purchase request is needed. But it may also be the case that the instructor didn’t provide enough information for resource locate to find it. You’ll have to intervene either way.

Putting a personal copy on reserve

ExLibris documentation: can be found here (Alma focused documentation) and here (Leganto focused documentation.)

When the instructor created the citation in Leganto first

When the instructor created the citation in Leganto first, they hopefully marked that it was a personal copy (under Library Services > I will provide a personal copy to the library):


When the instructor didn’t create it in Leganto and just dropped the item off at the library

From the reading list, choose Add citation > Brief.

Choose the citation type.


On the Quick Cataloging screen, provide title, author, isbn, and any other information you want to capture.


Scroll down to the bottom of the screen

  • Ensure that Suppress from Discovery is checked. Course Restricted may be checked or unchecked; it supports searching in Primo so is not currently used.

  • In Citation Parameters, change Copyright Status to the appropriate value.

  • In Item information, check the box for Personal copy. In the box Personal copy of, click the Select from a list option and search for the course instructor to attach to the item.

Note that the other item information boxes are grayed out; you cannot fill them out yet.


Save the citation, and finish putting the item on reserve following the directions from

What library staff see

On the citation level, you’ll see

  • The title, author, and other citation information provided

  • Resource Locate will display as Resource Located

  • A holdings and items will appear, in the library named “Course Reserves Personal Copies”, with a location of the name of the instructor


After the item has been delivered - final processing

When the item has been delivered

  • Locate the citation

  • Click on More Actions > Items

  • From the list of items, click the barcode to edit the item record. Then:

    • Edit the item barcode to the one that you have on the item for circulation

    • Apply the appropriate item policy (e.g. “3-hour loan”):


    • Scroll down to Temporary Location Information, and apply a temporary location where the item will circulate from. This is important - the item will not circulate if it remains in the personal copy library.


    • Save the item.

    • Return to the citation and mark it as complete, and then shelve the item as on reserve.