Versions Compared


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Contact: Lesley Looper
Note to reviewer: Please update "Gwen" in first sentence to position title; also "Beth Sheppard" "Danette" and "Janil" highlighted in orange belowthe following names highlighted in orange to position titles (parentheses indicate # of occurrences): Gwen (6), Beth (2), Janil (3), Danette (1), Betsy (1), Jessica (1), Valerie Gillespie (1), Edward Proctor (1), Candice Brown (1)


Date last reviewed:

Date of next review:


Rush with PV flag: Whenever a rush book has a PV flag, please process and send to PV for immediate processing and they will see to it getting to its destination in a timely fashion.

Blue notify flags as rush: (061313) Starting today books with blue notify flags will be considered rush.  They will get placed on the rush truck with blue flag and are to get process the same as a rush item.  If cataloger happens to place any on the shelves, they are to be pulled and process as rush.

Edge Reference Rush:
Rush books that are being cataloged for the Edge Reference Room in Bostock. They get processed the same as any rush book, but call number will have imprint stamp


There are 10 characters in a barcode and the last character of a barcode will (or should) be letter, symbol, or blank. For barcodes, a blank at the end is a character.
Ex: D04689502Y


Microfilms Process

  • Run labels for each barcode: XML may have to be edited, please review
  • Use a self-inked Duke stamp and stamp each box on the side where barcode is
  • After matching barcode, turn box to left of barcode and affix call number. Most of the time this will be where the title information is, do not cover the title if possible. (see over for demo)


DVD Reserves for DS or Duke Marine Lab. (D.M.L.) Code PZ

When we receive some DVDs destined for Divinity or DML instead of Lilly with the OK of Beth Sheppard and Danette. Beth and Janil would like the DVDs to have regular LC call numbers. (they won't be re-routed to Lilly).

These will have Rush flags since they are destined for course reserves, and no accession labels—we'll just print regular LC labels for them. The LC labels will have Div.Sch. or D.M.L. over the call number.

Please place label where the accession label usually is for each DVD, write the location in the hub of the DVD with fine point sharpie, and boxed them with Div.Sch or D.M.L., and rush on the box and deliver them to Div.Sch. or D.M.L. Please place a DML flag with the ones going to Janil at Duke Marine Lab.

Please make sure these get processed as instructed in the above statement.  If you have any question please ask Gwen.


Processing CDs DVDs for Data/GIS Ref. eMedia


Some CDs and DVDs will come with a note that they're for Duke Authors. Per the Music Librarian, there's a Duke Authors display at Music that's not an official Aleph location, so call number labels will print out normally, without mention of Duke Authors. Keep the Duke Authors note with the CDs and DVDs going to Music, so Music Library staff will know how to handle the materials when they arrive.

An Odd Situation
2 barcodes on single box for 2 items (see example in notebook)

2 Items boxed in the same container and each item is barcoded on Aleph with each barcodes on the back of container. It's ok, if it is done this way.


[Cataloger should ask Gwen Faulkner for double barcodes for processing loose items in a box/container]

Perkins/Bostock Locked Stacks




Use for items ordered for Locked Stacks, and for portfolios of loose material and other items likely to "come apart" in the regular stacks.


Note to Shelf Prep staff: If not barcoded as instructed above, and location not for lock stacks, return to supervisor as a problem.


If it fits Shelf Prep criteria for boxing, change the IPS in Aleph to PB for boxing and place on the appropriate shelf for NT boxing. If item fits Preservation criteria for boxing, change the IPS to PV and place in PV bin.

FYI: Info from Cataloging Documentation: For loose leaves in a container (such as a box with title information) use double barcodes if available, one on the front of the container and one on the last leaf.   For loose leaves without a container or binder (for example unbound photocopies or printouts of electronic files) place the barcode on the last leaf, use a pink or white string to hold the pages together, and place in a plastic bag.  Loose leaves in binders are barcoded like books.


Yankee Complete Shelf Ready for Firm Orders for sort, count and delivering (started Dec 2011)


This informs Shelf Prep and library staff that the book should be located on shelves in Shelf Prep area waiting to be processed.


Rebinds from NT shelves

Rebinds also come from new title shelves, LSC sticker shelves and LSC reclass shelves, etc. (Rebind is done for any books that is coming apart from its hard-casing and pages are in good enough condition for rebinding)
Instructions for this group:
  • Place a rebind flag in book
  • Print call number and place on title page
  • Re-barcode book in the back on first significance page with piggy back barcode, once re-barcoded, black out old barcode
  • Place book on truck labeled "Bindery books with call numbers"
*Note: If book is a paperback and already barcode on back cover, do not need to re-barcode with a piggyback barcode.


Category 1 Preservation group with LSC stickers (category 1 are ones w/o PV flags but destined to PV for processing)

Books in category 1 going to Preservation please do the following:


*Note: Sometimes these can be too brittle for targeting. If that' the case, then write on PV flag "too brittle to target" add your initial.


Started Aug 2015

Serial New titles going directly to LSC Process:


"Please hinge page 5a to the fore-edge of page 5 for playing."


Microfiche process (The call number should be written on the first fiche envelop.)

Stamp the fiche envelop at the bottom toward the right.

Will need to do call number because Perkins won't always have someone to write the call number on envelop. The call number should be written on the first fiche envelop. Will need to type the labels on Label Template and use the Foil laser labels to print via laser printer. Each label may need additional information to distinguish the call number. (see supervisor for additional information to be added to end of each call number label)

3 fiche

Place each label on the outside fiche envelop.


For Branches= 45's (records) LPs (Albums), etc. (Use also for Rush/notify flagged items)

--Run labels
--write call number on album center label using a sharpie fine point pen
--Stamp the cover w/Duke stamp and also center label of the Album
--affix the printed label on the upper left corner of album cover
--Check for printed text material inside Album cover, if there, print another label and affix on printed text in the normal area for books, and property stamp the top
--Do not target
--wrap in bubble wrap (see S&R staff for bubble wrap)
--write on a non-campus envelop:"Fragile: Please handle with care"
--Hand deliver to S&R staff
For LSC= 45's (records) LPs (Albums), etc.
--Stamp the cover w/Duke stamp
--Do not target
--wrap in bubble wrap, write on a non-campus envelop:

"Fragile: Please handle with care"
For 45's and albums going to a branch other than LSC: (Use also for Rush/notify flagged items)



LSC stickers for CDs
If CDs Media has LSC sticker:


Processing VHS or Beta Video tapes:

The VHS or Beta video tape should already have a call number label on it. Do the following:


  • Fine a clear spot and stamp the title label—(may need to use the smaller stamp)
  • Item does not get targeted
  • Place in a secure container (a box that fit will suffice)
  • Deliver to the LSC



NEW AND NOTEWORTHY PROCESS (Returned to old process 2015)

The new and noteworthy process returned to old process July 2015. New and Note Worthy (N&N) process has re-started back to being routed to Preservation/Conservation for Colibri due to having Yankee so it did not work out. However, Yankee is still doing shelf ready for all New and Noteworthy type books, [i.e. N&N and Lilly Current Literature flagged books], but no longer doing colibri We now process and send these to PV for colibri


Rebinding N&N books: When N&N book is going to be rebind and need to stay N&N, do not add "New and Note-Worthy" to the call number, but make sure book has a N&N flag for returning to N&N shelves once return from bindery. Book would then get sent to PV for Colibri once return.

Remarking N&N books: When N&N books are on

Processing books with CoLibri covers: most to the time these are N&N type books being processed for the regular stacks (currently given to Gwen for processing)

Books with CoLibri covers will come in mail and/or with rebind group or on walk-in shelf most of the time needing a new call number, below is the procedures for processing.

Processing Procedures for new call number when book has a CoLibri cover over the dust jacket:

Process items as is with Colibri cover if have a "LSC Return Item" blue flag

  • Remove the CoLibri cover
  • Scan in Barcode on Aleph
  • Print new call number
  • Remove dust jacket and replace barcode with a new barcode as appropriate on back of book
  • Scan in new barcode on item screen
  • Label book and place in appropriate area for delivery

Note: If a Lilly book and going to LSC do not keep dust jacket with book
Note: Please count on stats as a Remark



Papyrology Reserves Flagged books: When book has a Papyrology flag in it, please deliver to Perkins no matter what the location on the call number. Papyrology is located in the Perkins stacks. Place book with Papyrology flag in the Perkins Rush bin in S&R instead of Perkins truck.


Herbarium B-BES call number:

Herbarium Flagged books: When book has a Herbarium flag in it, please place on Perkins truck to be delivered to Perkins. Staff in Circulation will route to B-BES Herbarium shelves in Perkins.

Place book with rush and Herbarium flag/B-ES Herbarium location in the Perkins Rush bin in S&R instead of Perkins truck.


I. Distribution of cataloged materials

Most cataloged materials are placed on the shelves labeled "Shelf Prep incoming new titles." These shelves are further labeled by date, and the date of cataloging should match the date on the shelves, so that materials in process can be located.

Rush materials go on the Red Rush truck near Gwen Faulkner's desk. [Exception: Rush to be circulated un-cataloged goes on Gwen Faulkner's desk]

Materials that need to be remarked as part of LC re-class (for example duplicate resolution referred by Backstage) go on the "LC re-class for re-label" shelves behind the new titles shelves. These are handled separately for statistical purposes.

Materials needing special attention from Shelf Preparation Section go to the "shelves for walk-in items" in section B1-4 of the shelves on the western side of cataloging. Most of these are items needing to be relabeled, and no flag or special instructions are required for this "default" category. Another category, which does need a flag, is call numbers that will not print normally because of equivalencies between series and set volumes. A stock of "equivalency" flags is found in a pocket next at the end of the shelf range. The flag alerts Shelf Preparation Section staff that data needs to be manipulated in order to print the call number label.

Most new materials going to LSC (those with LSC labels instead of call number labels) go on separate shelves".

In the item record, the material is recorded in an OPAC note. The form of the note is:

 [number] [special material designator] in pocket

 "Special material designator" is the term prescribed in AACR2 for the material if it is cataloged on its own.  

EXCEPTION: we use "disc" for any kind of disc, because technology is blurring the distinction between types of discs.

+1 disc in pocket      
+2 discs in pocket           
+1 sound cassette in pocket
+3 maps in pocket
+5 plates in pocket
+4 pts. in pocket

A circulation note "Check for [number] [type of material] in pocket" is also made and a green sticker "check for material in pocket" is placed next to the barcode to alert circulation staff.  Discs are targeted as a security measure.  Preservation makes special pockets, which replace the pockets which may be found in books.

OPAC note: +1 disc in pocket Circ. note: Check for 1 disc in pocket.

Shelf preparation staff can print out extra labels for paper material in pockets (e.g. maps and plates).  To alert them to the material, fill in the blank in the "__ labels needed" line on the "Material needs pocket flag..  This method can also be used to print labels for loose materials in a portfolio or case (e.g. "27 parts").  As a general principle, paper material which can be separated from the labeled item needs its own label.

 In the rare case when material in a pocket is lost prior to cataloging, the material should still be recorded in the bibliographic record, which describes the work as issued.  To make it clear that the material was lost, not overlooked, make an OPAC note in the item record, e.g. "Disc missing."


Duke Marine Library (D.M.L.)

New Process for delivering D.M.L. books: When process a D.M.L. book, please place book in a campus envelop address it to-- Janil Miller at Duke Marine Library—and place in the DML bin in S&R.
If the book is too large for campus envelops, please see supervisor.



Duke Press Book Process: Special Instructions:

DO NOT STAMP AND DO NOT TARGET (These are normally processed by Supervisor or a designee)

Duke Press books are books for the Rubenstein Collection with an exception to having the barcode applied to back of book. Instead, the barcode is applied to a flag within the book. Also they are counted on STATS sheet under "RBMSCL", which is for Rubenstein Collection.

These will come to Shelf Prep and are placed on the supervisor's desk. As mentioned the barcode applied to a flag that is place inside the book. The process is as follows: run the call number using the barcode on flag and affix call number to the opposite side of the barcode at top of flag not on the book. There is no further processing. Again DO NOT stamp and DO NOT Target

Note: These books will retain their dust jackets.

Duke Press books are delivered to Jessica in Rubenstein at Smith. If on a few books, then place in Rubenstein mailbox.

Archives titles

Books for Archives will get the same process. Archives titles will get delivered to Valerie Gillispie


(from cataloging documentation)

Electronic Gift Plates

Gift plates in Endeca are generated from local fields, 796 or 797. These fields are usually generated from information in the order record. For example, certain fund codes generate gift plates of everything ordered in the fund.  

In general, the required information is added prior to cataloging. The instructions below are for catalogers working outside of the Perkins/Bostock mainstream who may need to add it themselves, and for general information.

1. How to add gift plates manually

Pull up the record for the title you are working on. Click on overview and click on cataloging. With your cursor in the bib record do the following:

• Press F6 to create a new field.  Enter 796 13  Gilbert, Kermit C. [ last name, first name]

• Press F7 and  make a subfield e.  Enter donor. • Press F7 and make a subfield x.  Enter Gift of

• Press F7 and enter plate phrase : EX: [From the Kermit C. Gilbert Classical Record Collection]

When you are done, the note should look like this for a personal name:

796 13 $$a  Gilbert, Kermit C.
$$e donor.
$$x Gift of
$$z From the Kermit C. Gilbert Classical Record Collection

For a corporate entry use the 797 field:

797 13 $$a Glaxo
$$e donor.
$$x Gift of
$$z Gift of The Glaxo Wellcome Endowment Fund for African American

Variations in the subfield z:

• "From the",

• "Gift of",

• "Estate of",

• "In Memory of", or

• "In honor of" The note will show up in the OPAC the next day.

There is a macro for creating the 796 field Ctrl+G (in macro folder)


Call number label too long: Below is what to do when any type of call number is too long to print on the computype labels.


There should be a supply of Foiled back adhesive labels in the supply cabinet.


Irreparable materials

For books that are irreparable, please send PL-480 type books to Edward Proctor and all other books to Candice Brown.



Map Call numbers:

Map call numbers are different than what a normal book call number looks like. Below are examples. Go ahead and use it, even if call number appears like this:
