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This challenge was created by Dr. Eddie Moore, America & Moore, LLC. Image credit to Westminster Presbyterian Church.


Begin with LibGuide for Anti-Racism and Black LiberationHeather Martin created this guide with contributions from Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Dee McCullough, and Danette Pachtner.

Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi


Where are all the librarians of color? : the experiences of people of color in academia coedited by Rebecca Hankins, CA, MLS; and Miguel JuárezJuárez, MLS, MA.

The Color of Law : A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein


White Librarianship in Blackface: Diversity Initiatives in LIS by April Hathcock. Whiteness—an ideological practice that can extend beyond notions of racial supremacy to other areas of dominance—has permeated every aspect of librarianship, extending even to the initiatives we claim are committed to increasing diversity. This state of affairs, however, need not remain. This article examines the ways in which whiteness controls diversity initiatives in LIS, particularly in light of the application requirements set upon candidates. 

Damage Limitation by Sara Ahmed, discusses how diversity often takes institutional form as damage limitation.

How White People Got Made, by Quinn Norton, exploring where the term “white people” comes from and which ethnic groups have and have not been able to become “white” through US history.


Algorithmic Bias and Fairness: Crash Course AIdiscusses five common types of algorithmic bias

Stone Ghosts: A Journey Through The Confederate South, From Charlottesville To Selma - NBC News clip on Confederate Civil War monuments

How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history - Vox clip

Disturbing History of the Suburbs - Adam Ruins Everything clip

5 Tips for Being an Ally

Back to Natural - 75-minute documentary film that takes a look at the intersection of hair, politics, and identity in Black communities.

Exploring the Emotions of White Racism and Antiracism


Digital Blackness in the Archive: Collecting for the Culture

1898 Wilmington coup - Vox clip featuring Prof. Darity

The Ferguson Effect on Local Activism and Community Memory - digital activism

TED Talks to Help You Understand Racism in America


White Like Me: Race, Racism & White Privilege in America

The Great Migration and the power of a single decision | Isabel Wilkerson TedTalk

Everyday Inclusion Begins with Me: Diversity and Intergroup Communication in the Workplace - ACRL workshop


Why are Black & White Funerals STILL Separate? - Ask a Mortician with Caitlin Doughty

These Divers Search For Slave Shipwrecks and Discover Their Ancestors | National Geographic
