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LibAnswers Ticketing System

Contact: Dennis Christman
Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy
Date last reviewed:
Date of next review:


A user, normally a library staff member, has an issue to be addressed by Technical Collections Services. They submit a ticket to our Asktech system, either through email or an online form. Either submission method generally by emailing This will generate a ticket in our LibAnswers system. This will also generate an email to the user confirming the creation of their ticket, and an email to the triagers, notifying them that there is a new unassigned ticket.


Once the issue has been resolved, the tech will assign one or more tags to the ticket and mark the ticket as closed. This generates an email to the user letting them know the ticket has been closed. If they disagree or have any follow up, they can reply to the ticket to reopen it.Verify still true

Navigating LibAnswers

Logging In


  1. You ended up on the public facing page:

There is a public facing side to LibAnswers that is easy to end up on by mistake. We're not currently planning on doing anything with this, so it's pretty bare bones at the moment. The bottom right hand corner has a link to login to the system. If you are already logged in, there will be a link reading 'My Admin' that will take you to the ticket Dashboard.

  1. You're in different section of LibAnswers:


Once you are viewing the dashboard, you can change the tickets being displayed in one of two ways:

  1. There are several pre-built views available to you that you can select from by clicking the small arrow next to the first in the row of tabs.


Sometimes you need to ask another staff member a question regarding a ticket. By CC'ing them, you include them in the ticket while maintaining ownership of the ticket. Towards the bottom of the ticket, you can choose them type their email address in the CC Note to drop down list. Only users with LibAnswers accounts appear in the list, and as such only they can be added as CCsAnswer to textbox.

After you add a CC'd User, that tech will receive all further communications on the ticket until they are removed. It is important to note that that tech will not receive an automatic email when they are addedVerify still trueadded. You need to add them, then send a message through the system.


If the rest of the work on a ticket is to be done by another member of Technical Collections Services, the currently assigned tech can transfer it to any other tech in the system by following these steps:


Transferring a ticket will generate an email to the new tech, the same as when the ticket is originally assigned. As this is no longer your ticket, it will disappear from your list of tickets, so make sure to add any comments you need to and save them before assigning the ticket or you will no longer be able to.
Reassigning a ticket is for when your part of the ticket is completely over, and it is ready to be handed off to another tech. If you are simply looking for input before continuing to work on a ticket, use the CC or internal note functionality instead.
Ask a triager for help if you know the ticket should be reassigned to another tech, but are not sure who the best choice is.Need to test if any of this is still true

Adding one or more Tags

Before you are finished with a ticket, you should add Tags (previously Cat Anchor_GoBack_GoBackegoriesCategories) in the box on the left side of the screen. This does not generate an email for the patron, so it can be done at any time during the ticket process. You can add one or more tag to reflect the nature of the work performed. These tags are used for reporting purposes in order to track the work that is done on Asktech.
