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What files can I include in my .zip folders?
Please "modality specific instructions" on see Critical Formatting Details and Modality Specific Instructions on which file types can/should be provided as .zips and also to see what should or should not be included.
How can journal reviewers see my media if it is private?
You can now anonymously share access to private media and private projects by generating temporary links if you have edit access to a media record or are a project manager. By sending the link URL to someone else, they can view the private media or project without logging into MorphoSource or while logged into a MorphoSource account that would otherwise not have access to those records. This is our new recommended solution for granting journal reviewers anonymous access to private media. To read more on this feature, visit New Feature: Media and Project Temporary Access Links
How do I change my media's publication status from Private to Public?
Media records have an Ownership and Permissions section which lists the Contributor's selected Copyright and Licensing. You are able to click on the links next to "Copyright statement" and "Creative Commons license" in order to see the permitted uses under the selected Copyright and License. For questions regarding commercial use, the field "Permits commercial use" will either state it is permitted or not permitted. If these fields have been left blank, it is appropriate to contact the listed media manager. Clicking on the data manager's name will lead you to their profile which contains their email.
Who do I contact for special permissions that appear prohibited by the standard ownership and permissions?
Ownership and Permissions for MorphoSource data are controlled by Data Managers listed on the media page. Usually data managers are museum staff in charge of the physical specimen represented by the scan. You can find the Data Manager of your media of interest under the Ownership and Permissions section next to the "Data managed by" field. Clicking on the data manager's name will lead you to their profile which contains their email.
How do I get information on use of my data?
Currently usage data can be accessed from the public view of team and project pages you manage.