Duke Acronyms
An ABC Guide to Duke - defining the many Duke-specific acronyms for the Duke community
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A&S: Arts & Sciences
AAAC: Alumni Admissions Advisory Committee
AAALAC: Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
AAC: Academic Advising Center
AADS: Asian American & Diaspora Studies
AAHRPP: Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
AAHVS: Art, Art History & Visual Studies
ABCDS: Advanced Bioalgorithm Clinical Decision Support (DUHS)
ABMT: Adult Bone Marrow Transplant
ABN: Advance Beneficiary Notification
AC: Academic Council or Audit Committee
ACA: Affordable Care Act (federal law)
ACC: Audit and Compliance Committee (of the Duke University Board of Trustees)
ACD: Automated Call Distribution
ACE: Analytics Center of Excellence (in DHTS)
ACE: The Rubenstein-Bing Student-Athlete Civic Engagement Program
ACH: Automated Clearing House
ACIR: Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility
ACL: Access Control List
ACNO: Associate Chief Nursing Officer
ACO: Accountable Care Organization
ACOI: Administrative Conflict of Interest
ACP: Advance Care Planning
AD: Active Directory
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act (federal law)
ADF: American Dance Festival
ADFC: Adjusted Direct Fixed Cost
ADG: Administrative Development Group
ADIC: Adjusted Indirect Variable Cost
ADJ: Adjustment
ADP: Automated Data Processing
ADR: Alumni and Development Records
ADS: Application and Database Services (in OIT)
ADVANCE-UP: Academic DeVelopment, Advocacy, Networking, Coaching and Education for Underrepresented Populations (in SOM)
AE: Adverse Event (clinical research)
AED: Alumni Engagement and Development
AERI: Albert Eye Research Institute (at Duke Eye Center)
AES: IDX application Enhancement System
AFLG: Academic Financial Leadership Group
AFS: Andrew File System
AG: Academic Guide
AGI: Adjusted Gross Income
AGM: Advanced Grants Management
AHEAD: Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development
AHEC: Area Health Education Centers
AIICE: Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing Education (in Pratt)
AIM: Acute Infection Management
ALCOA: Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneous, Original & Accurate
ALICE: Academic Leadership, Innovation, and Collaborative Engagement (in SOM)
ALIS: Advanced Light Imaging & Spectroscopy
AMC: Academic Medical Center
AMES: Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
AMI: Arts of the Moving Image (renamed Cinematic Arts)
AMP: Award Management Portal
AMP@D: Association for Mixed People at Duke
AMT: Award Management Team
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
AOC: Administrator on Call
AOR: Authorized Organizational Representative
A/P: Accounts Payable
APC: Ambulatory Payment Classification
APCR: Accounts Payable Check Request
APG: Ambulatory Payment Groups
API: Duke uses 3 API software systems: Time & Attendance, Staffing & Scheduling, and EdTrack
APM: Application Performance Management
APP: Advanced Practice Provider
APPLI: Advanced Practice Provider Leadership Institute
APT: Appointments, Promotions and Tenure
A/R: Accounts Receivable
ARC: Academic Resource Center
ARLG: Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (in DCRI)
ARO: Academic Research Organization
ARPM: Assistant Research Practice Manager
ASA: Accounting Systems Administration
ASC: Ambulatory Surgery Center
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASET: Antimicrobial Stewardship and Evaluation Team
ASIST: Advancing Scientific Integrity, Services and Training (in DOSI)
ASM: Administrative Systems Management
ATB: Aged Trial Balance
ATBS: Aged Trial Balance Summary
ATC: American Tobacco Campus or Athletic Trainer-Certified
Athena: (not an acronym) The Artificial Intelligence Institute for Edge Computing Leveraging Next-Generation Networks (in Pratt)
ATLAS: Adolescents Transitioning to Leadership and Success
AUDS: Academic, User and Device Support (in OIT)
AUTH: Authorization
AVP: Assistant Vice President or Associate Vice President
AVS: Address Verification System
AWN: Administrative Women's Network
B&B: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Department
B@D: Buy@Duke (Procurement program)
BAA: Business Associate Agreement
BaLLIR: Bashir Lab for Liver Imaging Research
BAN: Billing Account Number
BAR: IDX Billing & Accounts Receivable System
BAS: Building Automation System
BBP: Business-to-Business Procurement
BC: Bryan Center
BCBS: Blue Cross/Blue Shield
BCC: Blood Cancer Center (in DCI)
BCG: Biochemical Genetics Laboratory
BCMS: Business Continuity Management System
BCN: Batch Control Number
BCP: Business Continuity Plan
BERD: Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (Methods Core)
BF: Balance Forward
BFR: Budget and Financial Reporting (code)
BHSRC: Behavioral Health and Survey Research Core (in DCI)
BIA: Business Impact Analysis
BIAC: Duke-UNC Brain Imaging and Analysis Center (in SOM)
BIOS: Biomedical Interferometry Optics & Spectroscopy
BIRCWH: Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health
BME: Biomedical Engineering
BMT: Bone Marrow Transplant or Blood and Marrow Transplant
BMTL: Bone Marrow Transplant Laboratory
BOD: Board of Directors (of Duke University Health System)
BOM: Board of Managers (of the Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC)
BOOST: Building Opportunities and Overtures in Science and Technology
BOT: Board of Trustees (of Duke University)
BPAs: Best Practice Advisories
BPS: Budget Planning and Simulation
BRISC: Behavioral Research Intervention Science Center (in DCRI)
BRPC: BioRepository and Precision Pathology Center
BSC: Balanced Scorecard
BSRC: Brain Stimulation Research Center
BSRT: Basic Science Research Track (in the CRTP)
C/A: Contractual Adjustment
C/AC: Compliance/Audit Committee (of the DUHS Board of Directors)
CA: Coverage Analysis
CAB: Community Advisory Board
CAC: College Advising Corps
CACHE: Collaborative for Advancing Clinical Health Equity (DUHS)
CADCE: Center for Arts, Digital Culture and Entrepreneurship at Duke
CAEAS: Committee on Assessment of Educational and Administrative Support
CAGPM: Center for Applied Genomics and Precision Medicine (in SOM)
CAGT: Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies (in Pratt)
CAH: Critical Asian Humanities
CALS: Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support
CAMC: Central Administration Management Center
CAMD: Center for Autonomous Materials Design (in Pratt)
CAMRD: Center for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Development
CAMT: Campus Award Management Team
CAP: Center for Advanced Practice
CAPA: Corrective and Preventative Action
CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services
CARCO: Chief Audit, Risk and Compliance Officer
CARD: Clinical Account Request Database
CARL: Clinical and Research Laboratory Building
CAS: Cost Accounting Standards
CASE: Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (in Fuqua)
CAST: Center for Adolescent & Young Adult Substance Use Treatment (in SOM)
CAVD: Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (in DHVI)
CBB: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
CBC: Duke Center for Blood Conservation
CBO: Central Business Office
CBR: Credit Balance Resolution
CBRN: Community-Based Research Network
CBSF: Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship
CBT: Computer-Based Training
CBTE: Center for Biomolecular & Tissue Engineering (in Pratt)
CBU: Clinical Business Unit
CC: Cost Center
CCBB: Carolinas Cord Blood Bank
CCE: Common Clinical Editor (online grouper)
CCF: Cell Culture Facility or Central Core Facility
CCFG: Climate Change Fundraisers Group
CCFP: Center for Child and Family Policy (in Sanford)
CCITSE: Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
CCN: Center for Cognitive Neuroscience (in DIBS)
CCO: Chief Compliance Officer
CCOW: Common Clinical Object Working Group
CCPS: Cancer Control Population Science
CCS: Community Consult Studio
CCT: Center for Computational Thinking
CCU: Coronary Care Unit
CCWS: Common Clinical Workstation
CDA: Confidential Disclosure Agreement or Collaborative Development Awards
CDE: Clinical Data Editor (old online grouper)
CDE: Common Desktop Environment
CDG: Clinical Development Group
CDM: Charge Description Master File
CDN: Controlled Directory Number
CDO: Chief Digital Officer or Care Delivery Organization
CDR: Clinical Data Repository
CDRN: Clinical Data Research Networks (in CTSI)
CDS: Center for Documentary Studies or Clinical Decision Support
CDSA: Compute & Data Services Alliance for Research
CDSS: Centralized Device and Services Support (in OIT)
CDU: Cardiac Diagnostic Unit
CDVS: Center for Data and Visualization Sciences
CE: Continuing Education
CEC: Clinical Events Committee or Clinical Endpoint Committee
CEE: Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEI: Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (in Fuqua)
CEINT: Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (in Pratt)
CEN: Clinical Encounter Number
CEO: Chief Executive Officer
CEPD: Clinical Education and Professional Development
CERI: Community Engaged Research Initiative (CTSA)
CESP: Clinical Enterprise Strategic Plan
CFAR: Duke Center for AIDS Research or (U.S.) Center for AIDS Research (at NIH)
CFL: Center for Living
CFO: Chief Financial Officer
CFR: (U.S.) Code of Federal Regulations
cGCA: Clinical Grants and Contracts Administrator
CGGC: Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness (see GVCC)
CGMT: Campus Grants Management Team
CGNE: Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence (in SON)
CHAMPUS: Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (federal)
CHAVD: Consortia for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development (in DHVI)
CHAVI: Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology
CHAVI-ID: Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology and Immunogen Discovery
CHC: Children's Health Center
CHCL: Children's Health Center Laboratory
CHDI: Children's Health & Discovery Initiative
CHHC: Children's Hospital & Health Center
CHG: Center for Human Genetics
CHGV: Center for Human Genome Variation
CHIO: Chief Health Information Officer
CHM: Center for Health Measurement
CHPIR: Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research
CHRO: Chief Human Resources Officer
CHSI: Center for Human Systems Immunology (in SOM)
CIBMTR: Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
CICL: Center for International & Comparative Law (in the Law School)
CICS: Customer Information Control System
CIDDI: Center for Infectious Disease Diagnostics & Innovation
CIEMAS: Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering, Medicine and Applied Sciences (Fitzpatrick Center)
CIO: Chief Information Officer
CIOP: Center for Institutional & Organizational Performance (in the Law School)
cIRB: Central Institutional Review Board
CIRIUS: Hospital UB Claims Scrubber System
CISO: Chief Information Security Officer
CIT: Center for Instructional Technology (a/k/a 'Learning Innovation')
CITI: Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (research-related training program)
CIVICs: Collaborative Influenza Vaccine Innovation Centers (in DHVI)
CIVM: Center for In Vivo Microscopy (in Radiology)
CLA: Corporate License Agreement
CLAFH: Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health (in SON)
CLRP: Center on Law, Race & Politics (in the Law School)
CLSS: Clinical Laboratory Support Services
CM: Configuration Management
CMA: Center for Multicultural Affairs (in Student Affairs)
CMAC: Computational Media, Arts & Cultures
CMB: Cell and Molecular Biology
CMDB: Configuration Management Database
CME: Continuing Medical Education
CMF: Cash Management Fund
CMIO: Chief Medical Information Officer
CMIP: Center for Metamaterials & Integrated Plasmonics (in Pratt)
CMO: Chief Medical Officer
CMS: Content Management System or Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (a federal entity) or Comparative Medicine Specialist
CND: Center for Nursing Discovery (in SON)
CNO: Chief Nursing Officer
CNR: Center for Nursing Research (in SON)
COA: Clinical Outcome Assessment or Certified Ophthalmic Assistant
COB: Coordination of Benefits or Close of Business
COC: Conflict of Commitment or Certificate of Confidentiality
CODA: PDC General Ledger
COE: Center of Excellence
COI: Conflict of Interest
COIOC: Conflict of Interest Oversight Committee
COLE: (Fuqua/Coach K) Center on Leadership & Ethics
COMT: Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist
CON: Closeout Notifications System
CONTDAY: Daily job that builds the CTL-M schedule for the following day
COO: Chief Operating Officer or Campus Oversight Organization
COPAY: Co-payment
COS: Chief of Staff
COT: Certified Ophthalmic Technician
COTL: Close Out Task List
CPPAS: Computer Purchasing Program for Arts & Sciencesa
CPC: Campus Pantry Collaborative or Cancer Protocol Committee (now PRMC)
CPDC: Community PDC
CPE: Continuing Professional Education
CPED: Clinical Pediatric Laboratory
CPH: Center for Precision Health (in CTSI)
CPHA: Center for Population Health & Aging (in DuPRI)
CPO: Chief Pharmacy Officer
CPOE: Computerized Physician Order Entry
CPPD: Centralized Practice Plan Directors
CPRF: Capital Project Request Form
CPRN: Community-Partnered Research Network (in READI)
CPT: Current Procedural Terminology
CQMP: Clinical Quality Management Program (DOSI) or Clinical Quality Monitoring Program
CR: Continuing Review
CRA: Certified Research Administrator or Clinical Research Agreement
CRAM: Campus Research Administrator Meeting
CR@D: CoreResearch@Duke
CRC: Clinical Research Coordinator
CRF: Case Report Form
CRISP: Clinical Research Internship Portal (SOM) or Climate Research Innovation Seed Program (NSOE)
CRMS: Clinical Research Management System
CRNC: Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator
CRO: Clinical Research Organization
CRP: Clinical Research Professional
CRS: Clinical Research Specialist
CRSO: Clinical Research Support Office
CRTP: Clinical Research Training Program
CRU: Clinical Research Unit
CRUD: Clinical Research Unit Director
CrUX: Creative and User Experience team (in OIT)
CS: Campus Services
CSC: Campus Sustainability Committee
CSEEES: Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies
CSFC: Clinical Science Faculty Council
CSGD: Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (in Student Affairs)
CSIRT: Computer Security Incident Response Team
CSL: Clinical Service Line
CSML: Course in Scientific Management & Leadership
CSO: Chief Scientific Officer
CSP: Community Specialty Practice
CT2: Clinical and Translational Cell Therapy (GMP Lab Facility)
CTA: Clinical Trial Agreement
CTBO: Clinical Trials Billing Office
CTIL: Clinical Transplantation Immunology Laboratory
CTMS: Clinical Trials Management System (DCRI) or Center for Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences
CTO: Chief Technology Officer
CTQA: Clinical Trials Quality Assurance
CTSA: Duke Clinical and Translational Science Award
CTSI: Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (in SOM)
CY: Calendar Year
¡DALHE!: Duke Advancing Latine/Hispanic Excellence!
D3C: Duke Collaborative Community Council
D@W: Duke at Work (web portal)
D-CHIPP: Duke Community Health Improvement Partnership Program (in SON)
D-CIDES: Duke Center for Interdisciplinary Decision Science (DIBS & SSRI)
D-M: Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
D-TECH: Duke Technology Scholars
DAA: Duke Alumni Association or Diversity Action Alliance
DAAA: Duke Asian Alumni Alliance
DAAAC: Duke Asthma, Allergy & Airway Center
DAAS: Duke Access and Accommodation Services (formerly Disability Management System or DMS)
DACUP: Duke Animal Care and Use Program
DADD: Duke Alumni Development Database
DAE: Director of Academic Engagement (in Academic Advising Center)
DALHE: Duke Advancing Latine/Hispanic Excellence
DAHVCRL: Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab
DAN: Duke Alumni Network
DANCE: Duke Advancement of Nursing, Center of Excellence (in SON)
DAPDA: Division of Anatomic Pathology and Digital Analytics
DARA: Durham and Regional Affairs (now Office of Durham and Community Affairs)
DART: Duke Administrative Reform Team or Duke AIDS Research and Treatment (Center)
DASC: James E. Davis Ambulatory Surgical Center
DASON: Duke Antimicrobial Stewardship Outreach Network
DBA: Duke Black Alumni or Database Administration
DCA: Duke Office of Durham and Community Affairs (formerly DARA)
DCAL: Duke Central Automated Laboratory
DCASIP: Duke Center for Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention
DCBSM: Duke Center for Brain and Spine Metastasis
DCC: Duke Cancer Center or Duke Connected Care or Duke Compute Cluster or Durham Casualty Company or Department Communication Coordinators
DCE: Duke Clinical Enterprise
DCEC: Duke Children's Evaluation Center
DCEC: Duke Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
DCI: Duke Cancer Institute (in SOM)
DCID: Duke Center for International Development
DCHI: Duke Center for Health Informatics
DCHSB: Duke Center for HIV Structural Biology
DCLP: Duke Clinical Leadership Program (in SOM)
DCN: Duke Cancer Network
DCORE: Duke Council on Race and Ethnicity
DCRC: Duke Consultation and Referral Center
DCRI: Duke Clinical Research Institute
DCRU: Duke Clinical Research Unit
DCT: Duke Central Tower
DDC: Doris Duke Center (of Sarah P. Duke Gardens)
DDR: Duke Digital Repository
DDS: Duke Divinity School
DE: Dictionary Entry or DukeEngage
DEAL: Department of Economics Analytics Lab
DEBC: Duke Endoscopy of Brier Creek
DEC: Duke Eye Center
DECO: Duke Ethics and Compliance Office (now OARC)
DEDUCE: Duke Enterprise Data Unified Content Explorer
DEFT: Duke Elder Family Training Center (in SON)
DEI: Duke Energy Initiative or diversity, equity and inclusion
DEIA: diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility
DELPHI: Duke Environment for Learning and Promoting Health Innovation
DEMAN: Duke Entertainment, Media & Arts Network
DEPCRU: Duke Early Phase Clinical Research Unit (in DCRI until July 2020)
DEPRU: Duke Early Phase Research Unit (in DOCR eff. July 2020)
DERI: Duke Engineering Research Institute
dFac: Duke Faculty (the Financial Services system of record for all faculty appointment history)
DFC: Duke Faculty Club
DFEC: Duke Financial Economics Center (in Trinity)
DFELL: Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory
DFI: Depository Financial Institutions
DFM: Duke Family Medicine
DFP: Duke Faculty Practice
DGHI: Duke Global Health Institute (in SOM)
DGIN: Doing Good in the Neighborhood (program)
DGNN: Division of Global Neurosurgery and Neurology
DGP: Duke Global Policy
DHARC: Duke Health Accessibility Resource Center
DHAS: Duke Health Access Services
DHCC: Duke Health Community Care
DHCH: Duke HomeCare and Hospice
DHDAA: Duke Health Development and Alumni Affairs
DHE: Duke Health Enterprise
DHE-SSUM: Duke Health Enterprise Secure System Usage Memo
DHFC: Duke Health and Fitness Center
DHIP: Duke Health Integrated Practice
DHIS: Duke Hospital Information System
DHHS: Department of Health and Human Services (federal or State of NC)
DHMDM: Duke Health Mobile Device Manager
DHN: Duke Heart Network
DHRC@FHI: Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute
DHRT: Duke Human Research Training
DHTS: Duke Health Technology Solutions
DHVI: Duke Human Vaccine Institute (in SOM)
DHVI-P3: Duke Human Vaccine Institute Pandemic Prevention Program
DHW: Duke Health and Well-Being
DIBS: Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (in SOM)
DICE: Disability Inclusion & Community Engagement or Disability Inclusion & Community Empowerment (Affinity Group)
DICON: Duke Infection Control Outreach Network
DIHI: Duke Institute for Health Innovation (in SOM)
DIIL: Duke Imaging Innovation Laboratory (in CIVM)
DIPC: Duke Immune Profiling Core
DiRTE: Disinfection, Resistance and Transmission Epidemiology Lab
DISC: Duke International Student Center (formerly International House)
DISC: Duke Islamic Studies Center
DISCC: Duke Information System for Cardiovascular Care
DISM: Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology (in SSRI)
DISP: Duke Information Spaces Project
DITA: Duke Initiatives in Theology & the Arts
DJAN: Duke Jewish Alumni Network
DLAR: Division of Laboratory Animal Resources
DLC: Duke Lemur Center or Duke Lupus Clinic
DLCMNH: Duke Lemur Center Museum of Natural History
DLDP: Drea Lab Data Portal
DLA: Duke Leadership Academy (through L&OD)
DLI: Duke Learning Innovation
DLP: Data Loss Prevention
DLWMC: Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center
DMA: Duke Management Academy (through L&OD)
DMAS: Duke Medicine Access Services
DMGSC: Duke Medicine Global Support Corporation
DMI: Duke Materials Initiative (in Pratt)
DMP: Duke Medicine Pavilion or Data Management Plan
DMPI: Duke Molecular Physiology Institute (in SOM)
DMRSC: Duke Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Center
DMS: Data Management and Sharing or Disability Management System (which is now known as DAAS: Duke Access and Accommodation Services)
DMSP: Data Management and Sharing Plan
DN: Duke North (hospital)
DNAIA: Duke Native American/Indigenous Alumni
DNE: Direct Note Entry
DNS: Duke Network Services or Domain Name System or Do Not Schedule
DOB: Date of Birth
DOC: Dean on Call
DOCE: Duke Office of Civic Engagement
DOCR: Duke Office of Clinical Research
DOM: Department of Medicine (in SOM)
DOMRA: Department of Medicine Research Administration
DON: Duke Oncology Network
DOR: Delegation of Responsibilities
DORI: Duke Office of Research Initiatives
DORR: Director of Research Review
DOS: Date of Service
DOSI: Duke Office of Scientific Integrity
DP: Duke Performances
DPAD: Duke Programming, Arts & Design (club)
DPAF: Duke Proposal Approval Form
DPC: Duke Primary Care
DPH: Duke Prospective Health (now DukeWell)
DPIA: Data Protection Impact Assessment
DPHS: Department of Population Health Sciences
DPPN: Duke Policy & Politics Network
DPT: Doctor of Physical Therapy or Duke Parking & Transportation
DQ: Duke Digital Intelligence
DR: Disaster Recovery
DRA: Data Risk Assessment
DRaH: Duke Raleigh Hospital (a/k/a DHRH)
DRAHCL: Duke Raleigh Clinical Laboratories
DRAL: Duke Raleigh Hospital
DRC: Duke Regeneration Center
DRDL: Duke Research Data Lifecycle or Duke Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory
DRDR: Duke Research Data Repository
DRH: Duke Regional Hospital (formerly Durham Regional Hospital)
DS: Duke South (clinics)
DSA: Data Sharing Agreement or Data Security Agreement or Data Security Assessment
DSAB: Duke Student Alumni Board
DSCR: Duke Shared Cluster Resource (now Duke Compute Cluster)
DSG: Duke Student Government
DSGJ: Duke Student Government Judiciary
DSGRU: Duke Student Government Research Unit
DSM: Decision Support Module
DSM-V: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (pub. May 2013)
DSMB: Data Safety Monitoring Board
DSMC: Data Safety Monitoring Committee
DSMP: Data and Safety Monitoring Plan
DSO: Digital Strategy Office
DSR: Database and Specimens Repository
DSS: Decision Support System
DSSI: Duke Sports Sciences Institute
DST: Duke Science and Technology Initiative
DTA: Data Transfer Agreement
DTB: Detailed Trial Balance
DTEC: Duke Triangle Endoscopy Center
DTIF: Data Transfer Intake Form (ORC)
DTMI: Duke Translational Medicine Institute (replaced by CTSI)
DTO: Duke Telehealth Office
DTRI: Duke Translational Research Institute
DTS: Duke Temporary Service
DU: Duke University
DUA: Data Use Agreement
DUAA: Duke University Athletics Association
DUAP: Duke University Affiliated Physicians (now DPC)
DUCIGS: Duke University Center for International and Global Studies
DUE: Department of Undergraduate Education
DUEI: Duke University Energy Initiative
DUES: Duke Utility & Engineering Services
DUFCU: Duke University Federal Credit Union
DUH: Duke University Hospital
DUHLA: Duke Hispanic/Latino Alumni
DUHS: Duke University Health System
DUID: Duke Unique Identification (number)
DUL: Duke University Libraries
DUMAC, Inc: Investment organization controlled by Duke University (formerly Duke University Management Company)
DUMC: Duke University Medical Center
DUMCLA: Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives
DUML: Duke University Marine Lab (in Beaufort, NC)
DUP: Duke University Press
DUPD: Duke University Police Department
DuPRI: Duke Population Research Institute
DUS: Director of Undergraduate Studies
DUSOM: Duke University School of Medicine (a/k/a SOM)
DUSON: Duke University School of Nursing (a/k/a SON)
DUU: Duke University Union
DUWC: Duke University Wetland Center (in NSOE)
DUWELL: Duke Student Affairs Wellness Promotion
DVCC: Duke Voice Care Center
DVS: Duke Visa Services
DVTU: Duke Vaccine & Trials Unit (in DHVI)
DWCCR: Duke Women's Cancer Care Raleigh
DWS: Duke Web Services
E&O: Engineering & Operations
EA: Executive Assistant
EAP: Employee Assistance Program or Expanded Access Protocols or Emergency Assembly Point
eAPCR: Electronic Accounts Payable Check Request
EBAT: Employee Behavioral Assessment Team
ECAC: Executive Committee of Academic Council
ECE: Electrical and Computer Engineering
eCR: AP Check Request
ECRT: Effort Certification and Reporting Technology
ED: Emergency Department
EDC: Electronic Data Capture
EDGE: Center for Energy, Development & Global Environment (in Fuqua)
EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
EDM: Electronic Document Management
EERS: EHR-Enabled Research Support
EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer
eGRC: Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance
EHHCC: Enhanced Home Health COVID Care (Duke Home Health program at DUH)
EHR: Electronic Health Record
EI: Energy Initiative
eIC: Electronic Informed Consent
eIRB: Electronic Institutional Review Board
EJR: Expected Job Results
EMAIL: Electronic Mail
EMC: Executive Management Committee
EMR: Electronic Medical Record
EMS: Event Management System
EMT: Effort Management Tool
ENC@Duke: Every Nation Campus (at) Duke
EOB: Explanation of Benefits
EOC: DUHS Enterprise Operations Council
EOHW: Employee Occupational Health & Wellness
ePHI: Electronic Protected Health Information (sometimes referred to as Electronic Patient Health Information)
EPIC: Evidence-based Practice Implementation Center (the company that created Maestro Care)
EPM: Enterprise Project Management
eRA: Electronic Research Administration
ERA: Electronic Remittance Advice (payment notification)
ERG: Employee Resource Group
ERM: Enterprise Risk Management
ERN: Electronic Research Notebooks
EROC: Executive Research Oversight Committee
ERP: Employees' Retirement Plan
ER&R: Employee Recruitment and Retention (program) or Employee Rewards and Recognition (in HR)
ESG: Evidence Synthesis Group (DCRI)
ESI: Early-Stage Investigator
ESS: Enterprise System Support
ET&R: Employee Travel & Reimbursement
ETAP: Employee Tuition Assistance Program
EU GDPR: European Union General Data Protection Regulation (implemented May 2018)
EULA: End-User License Agreement
EURIQA: Error-corrected Universal Reconfigurable Ion-trap Quantum Archetype (in Pratt)
EVP: Executive Vice President
EVS: Environmental Services
EWA: Earned Wage Access
EWB: Engineers Without Borders
EWH: Engineering World Health
ExO: Experiential Orientation
F&A: Facilities and Administrative Costs
F2F: Face-to-Face
FAB: Faculty Advisory Board
FAC: First-Year Advisory Counselor
FAM: Financial Assessment and Management
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
FC: Financial Class (Duke Hospital)
FCAP: Federated Clinical Analytics Platform
FCC: Financial Care Counselor or Flow Cytometry Core (in DCI) or Federal Contracting Certificate
FCIEMAS: Fitzpatrick Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering, Medicine and Applied Sciences (a/k/a CIEMAS or Fitzpatrick Building)
FCJL: Freeman Center for Jewish Life
FCOI: Financial Conflict of Interest
FCP: Financial Certification Program
FCS: Financial Counseling Status
FDA: (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration or Faculty Development Academy (in DOM)
FDOC: First Day of Class
FEL: Free Electron Laser (lab)
FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (federal law)
FFR: Final Financial Report or Federal Financial Report
FFSC: French Family Science Center
FHI: Franklin Humanities Institute
FIFO: First In, First Out (financial acronym; common cash term)
FIP: Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics (in Pratt)
FIR: Faculty in Residence
FMCH: Family Medicine and Community Health
FMD: Facilities Management Department
FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act (federal law)
FPDC: Facilities Design, Planning and Construction
FPM: Financial Practice Manager
FPO: Facilities Planning and Operations
FRPM: Financial Research Practice Manager
FSC: Financial Status Classification
FSP: Forum for Scholars and Publics
FSS: Financial Systems Specialist
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
F/U: Follow Up
FWA: Federal-Wide Assurance
FY: Fiscal Year
FYE: Fiscal Year-End
FYTD: Fiscal Year-to-Date
GADU: Gilbert-Addoms Down Under
GAP: General Accounting Procedures
GCA: Grants and Contracts Administrator
GCB: Center for Genomic and Computational Biology (in SOM)
GCC: General Computer Controls
GCC: Graduate Communications Center
GCIP: Graduate Communications and Intercultural Programs
GCM: Grants and Contracts Manager
GCP: Good Clinical Practice
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (European Union)
GEO: Global Education Office
GHIC: Global Health Innovation Center (in DGHI)
GHX: Global Healthcare Exchange
GIM: General Internal Medicine (in DOM)
GJE: Global Justice and Equity
G/L: Duke General Ledger System
GLP: Good Laboratory Practice (federal & international)
GLS: Graduate Liberal Studies
GME: Graduate Medical Education
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice
GMS: Graduate Medical School
GPSG: Graduate & Professional Student Government
GRID: Duke Center on Genomics, Race, Identity and Difference (in SSRI)
GSA: Graduate Student Affairs
GSAAC: Graduate Student Affairs Advisory Committee
GSF: Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies
GSRB: Genome Science Research Building
GSRC: Genome Science Research Center
GUI: Graphical User Interface
GVCC: Global Value Chains Center
GVI: Gender Violence Intervention
GVPI: Gender Violence Prevention & Intervention (in Student Affairs)
GWHT: (Center for) Global Women's Health Technologies
HAL: Humans and Autonomy Lab (in Pratt)
HAR: Hospital account record
HBC: Hospital-based Clinic
HCA: Health Center Administrator
HCC: Hierarchical Condition Categories
HCFA: Health Care Financing Administration (federal agency)
HCPCS: HCFA Common Procedure Coding System
HCW: Health care worker
HDM: Health Data Maintenance (3M Coding System)
HDRC: Health Disparities Research Curriculum (CTSI)
HDS: Health Data Systems (Per-Se)
HICN: Health Insurance Claim Number
HICS: Hospital Incident Command System
HIM: Health Information Management
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (federal law)
HITECH: Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (federal law)
HIVRAD: HIV Vaccine Research and Development (in DHVI)
HL7: Health Level 7 Interface Protocol
HLLAPI: High-Level Language Application Programming Interface
HMO: Health Maintenance Organization
HPA: Office of Health Professions Advising
HPPI: Siemens Hospital Profile
HPT: Human Physiology Testing (in DMPI)
HPTS: High Performance Transaction System
HR: Human Resources
HRA: Health Risk Assessment
HRIC: Human Resource Information Center
HRL: Housing and Residence Life
HRPP: Human Research Protection Program
HSA: Hindu Students Association
HSDS: Health Statistics and Data Science (in SON)
HSM: Center for Health Sector Management (in Fuqua)
HSP: Human Subjects Protection
HSRC: Human Subject Research Compliance
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HVP: Healthcare Vertical Portal
HWPER: Health, Wellness, Physical Education and Recreation
Hyland Onbase: Workflow Management System
I2S: Intent to Submit
IA: Institutional Approval
IAA: IRB Authorization Agreement
IACUC: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IAM: Identity and Access Management
IB: Investigator Brochure (clinical research)
IBC: Institutional BioSafety Committee
IBRC: Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center
IBS: Institutional Base Salary
ICA: Insurance Counseling Assistance (program) or Internal Cost Assessment
ICC: Independent Contractor Checklist or Identity & Cultural Centers
ICD-10: International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision
ICF: Intermediate Care Facility or Informed Consent Form (clinical research)
ICN: Intensive Care Nursery
ICOIC: Institutional Conflict of Interest Committee
ICS: Investigational Chemotherapy Services
ID: (Division of) Infectious Diseases
IDE: Investigational Device Exemption
IDEALS: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Advancement, and Leadership in the Sciences (office in SOM)
IDGC: Institutional Data Governance Committee
IdM: Identity Management
IDR: Integrated Data Repository
IDRP: Infectious Disease Research Pharmacy
IDS: Investigational Drug Services
IEE: Institute for Educational Excellence (in SON)
IEP: Initial Enrollment Period
IEQ: Initial Enrollment Questionnaire
IER: Intermediary Expenditure Report
IFU: Instructions for Use
IGSP: Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy
IHI: Institute for Healthcare Improvement
IHOUSE: International House (now Duke International Student Center)
IIA: Individual Investigator Agreement
IIH: Innovations in Healthcare
IIHI: Individually Identifiable Health Information
IIT: Investigator-Initiated Trial
ILL: Interlibrary Loan
IM: (Duke) Integrative Medicine
IMaCS: Innovative Managed Care Systems, Inc.
iMedRIS: The company that created iRIS
IMP: Investigational Medicinal Product
IMV: Interim Monitoring Visit
IND: Investigational New Drug
IO: Institutional Official
IP: Intellectual Property or Investigational Product
IPA: Intergovernmental Personnel Act (federal law)
IPC: International Patient Center
IPE: Interprofessional Education building (SON & Ortho)
IPEC: Duke Health Center for Interprofessional Education and Care (SOM & SON) or Interprofessional Education Collaborative (national group)
IPHE: Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology
IPMH: Integrated Pediatric Mental Health (in SOM)
IPRP: Interim Payment Review Program
IR2: Institutional Research Incident Response Committee (DOSI)
iRASR: International Research Administration Support Resource
IRB: Institutional Review Board (Duke has 2 - Campus IRB and Duke Health IRB)
IREx: IRB Reliance Exchange (sIRB platform)
IRI: Interdepartmental Request and Invoice (form)
iRIS: Integrated Research Information Software (Duke Health IRB system)
IRST: International Research Support Team
IS: Information systems or International Studies or Interdisciplinary Studies
ISDS: Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences (renamed Department of Statistical Science)
ISI: International Students, Inc.
ISO: Information Security Office (in DHTS)
ISO-SSUM: Information Security Office Secure System Usage Memo
ISOP: Information Security Operations Plan
ISP: Integrating Special Populations
ISS: Information Science + Studies (in Trinity)
ISSC: Information Security Steering Committee
IT: Information technology
ITAC: Information Technology Advisory Council
ITOM: Information Technology Operations Management (in OIT)
ITS: Intent to Submit
ITSO: Information Technology Security Office (in OIT)
IVQAC: Immunology Virology Quality Assessment Center (DHVI)
IVR: Interactive Voice Response
JAQ: Job Assessment Questionnaire
JCAHO: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
JIT: Just in Time
JLD: Jewish Life at Duke
JOA: Joint Operating Agreement
JV: Journal Voucher
K: Krzyzewski (former men's basketball coach)
KAVC: Karsh Alumni and Visitors Center
KIE: Kenan Institute for Ethics
K-Lab: Krzyzewski Human Performance Laboratory
KP: Key Personnel
KPI: Key Performance Indicator(s)
KSAB: Karsh Student Advisory Board
KSP: Key Study Personnel
L&OD: Learning & Organization Development
LAN: Local Area Network
LAR: Legally Authorized Representative
LCHL: Lincoln Community Health Center Laboratory
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (an Identity Management tool)
LDOC: Last Day of Classes
LDSSA: Latter-day Saint Student Association
LEADER: LEAdership DEvelopment for Researchers (in SOM)
LE@DD: Leadership Education at Duke Divinity
LIMS: Laboratory Information Management System
LIRB: Local Institutional Review Board
LLCs: Living Learning Communities
LLRR: Local Laboratory Reference Ranges
LMCF: Light Microscopy Core Facility
LMS: Learning Management System
LMSA: Latino Medical Student Association
LOA: Letter of Agreement or Letter of Authorization or Leave of Absence
LOC: Letter of Credit
LOI: Letter of Indemnification
LRA: Lead Research Administrator
LSC: Library Service Center
LSRC: Levine Science Research Center
LTP: Long-Term Pool
MACC: Multi-Specialty Ambulatory Care Center
MAG: Mobile App Gateway
MALS: Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (now Graduate Liberal Studies)
MaRRS: Marine Robotics & Remote Sensing (at DUML)
MBCL: Morris Building Clinical Laboratory
MC: Maestro Care or Medical Center
MC3: The Marcus Center for Cellular Cures (in SOM)
MCEC: Medical Center Executive Committee
MCO: Managed Care Organization
MCRC: Maestro Care Research Concierge
MDC: Medicaid
MDE: MDeverywhere
MDR: Medicare
MECA: Medical Education Capture and Access
MEDB: Medicare Part B
MEDITECH: Medical Information Technology, Inc.
MEDx: Medicine + Engineering at Duke
MELIG: Medicaid Eligibility Lookup Program
MELT: Medical Education Leadership Track
MEMENTO: Mapping Epigenetic Memory of Exposure to Observe (in Pratt)
MEMS: Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
MEng: Master of Engineering
MF: Minimum Footprint
MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication
MGM: Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
MIDS: Master in Interdisciplinary Data Science
MIP: Major Incident Process
MIS: (Division of) Minimally Invasive Surgery (in Dept of Surgery)
MIST: Multifunctional Integrated Systems Technology
MiSTiC: MultiSite Trials Service Center (in DCI)
MLOA: Medical Leave of Absence
MLWC: Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
MMCi: Master of Management in Clinical Informatics
MMUF: Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship
MNMC: Medicine and Nursing Management Center
MOB: Medical Office Building
MORe: (Dept. of) Medicine Office of Research
MOU: Memo of Understanding
MRC: Multicultural Resource Center (in SOM)
MRN: Medical Record Number or myRESEARCHnavigators (team)
MRO: Misconduct Review Officer
MRSEC: Materials Research Engineering and Science Center
MSCC: Medical/Surgical Critical Care
MSCT: Manual Salary Cost Transfer
MSP: Medicare Secondary Payer
MSPQ: Medicare Secondary Payer Questions
MSRB: Medical Sciences Research Building
MSSP: Medicare Shared Savings Program
MTA: Material(s) Transfer Agreement
MTD: Month-to-Date
MTDC: Modified Total Direct Costs
MTE: Mid-Term Exam
MUMPS: Massachusetts (General Hospital) Utility Multi-Programming System
MYF: Multi-Year Funded (sponsored projects)
NAC: Network Access Controls
NAS: Network Attached Storage
NCAG: New Creation Arts Group (in Divinity School)
NCE: No-Cost Extension
NCS: Nationally Competitive Scholarships (in OUSF)
NDA: Non-disclosure Agreement
NDW: Novius Data Warehouse
NEIC: National Electronic Information Clearinghouse
NEMB: Notice of Exclusion for Medicare Benefits
NHID: National Healthcare Identifier
NHO: New Hire Orientation
NIH: National Institutes of Health (for NIH acronyms click here)
NIL: Name, Image and Likeness (pertains to student-athletes)
NMA: Nasher Museum of Arts
NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Center)
NOA: Notice of Award or Notice of Admission
NP: Nurse Practitioner
NPP: Notice of Privacy Practices
NPRI: (The Jean and George Brumley Jr.) Neonatal Perinatal Research Institute
NSF: National Science Foundation
NSO: New Staff Orientation
NSOE: Nicholas School of the Environment
NSP: New Student Programs
NTF: Note to File
NUBC: National Uniform Billing Committee
NUS: National University of Singapore (Duke & NUS have a joint Graduate Medical School)
OA: Other Adjustment
OARC: Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance
OASIS: Office of Academic Solutions and Information Systems (in SOM; formerly ORI)
OAWA: Office of Animal Welfare Assurance
OBGE: Office of Biomedical Graduate Education (in SOM)
OCA: Office of Curricular Affairs (SOM)
OCF: Orthodox Christian Fellowship
OCRC: Office of Corporate Research Collaboration (now ORC)
OCRD: Office of Campus Research Development
OCS: Office of Communication Services (in HR)
OD: Overdraft
ODB: One Duke Budget (for clinical research)
ODIN: OneDukebio Integrated Biospecimen Network
OE: Open Enrollment
OEC: Office of Export Controls
OEP: Office of Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity
OERAF: Office of Education for Research Administration and Finance
OESO: Occupational & Environmental Safety Office
OGACHI: Office of Global and Community Health Initiatives (in SON)
OIA: Office of Internal Audits (now OARC)
OIE: Office for Institutional Equity
OIPM: Office of Interdisciplinary Program Management
OIT: Office of Information Technology
OLC: DUHS Operations Leadership Committee
OLP: Onboarding Learning Plan
OLV: Office of Licensing & Ventures (now OTC)
OMIA: Optical Molecular Imaging and Analysis
OMOP: Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership
ONC: Office of News & Communications (now University Communications)
OnCore: Online Collaborative Research Environment (Duke's CRMS)
OO: Oversight Organization
OON: Out of Network
OPSD: Office of Physician-Scientist Development (in SOM)
OPAA: Office of Post-Award Administration
OPD: Office of Planning and Design (in FMD)
OPM: Office of Project Management (in FMD)
OPP: Outpatient Phlebotomy Service
OPPAP: Office for the Promotion of Physician Assistant Practice (in the PA Division, Dept of Family Medicine & Community Health)
OPS: Office of Postdoctoral Services
OPSD: Office for Physician-Scientist Development (in SOM)
ORA: Office of Research Administration (in SOM)
ORAQ: Office of Regulatory Affairs and Quality (in SOM)
ORC: Office of Research Contracts (in SOM)
ORI: Office of Research Informatics (now OASIS)
OR&I: Office for Research & Innovation
ORL: Operating Room Liaison
ORS: Office of Research Support (Campus)
OSA: Outside Services Agreement
OSCP: Other Support Current and Pending
OSCCS: Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (in Student Affairs)
OSF: Open Science Framework
OSMB: Observational Study Monitoring Board
OSP: Office of Sponsored Programs (now PAFM; website needs to be updated)
OTC: Office for Translation & Commercialization (formerly OLV)
OUE: Office of Undergraduate Education
OUSF: Office of University Scholars & Fellows
OVPFA: Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement
OVPRI: Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
OWA: Outlook Web App
P&N: Psychology & Neuroscience Department
P&P: Pay and Performance
P-Card: Duke's Procurement Card
PA: Patient Accounting or Protocol Amendment
PABL: Platelet Antibody Laboratory
PA-C or PAC: Physician Assistant-Certified
PACE: Protected Analytic Computing Environment
PACU: Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
PAFM: Post-Award Financial Management office (formerly OSP)
PAIA: Duke Pacific Islander Alumni
PAL: Center for Philosophy, Arts & Literature (in FHI)
PAM: Privileged Access Management or Privileged Account Management
PAMC: Provost Area Management Center
PAR: Periodic Automatic Replenishment
PARISS: Program for Advanced Research in the Social Sciences (in SSRI)
PAS: Personal Assistance Service or Provost Academic Support
PASH: Peer Advocacy for Sexual Health
PASS: Preoperative Anesthesia and Surgical Screening (clinic)
PASSPORT: Eligibility System
PATCH: Post-Acute Transitional Care @ Home (program)
PBAT: Patient/Visitor Behavioral Assessment Team
PBMT: Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant (see PTCT)
PCB: (Dept. of) Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
PCC: Preference Card Coordinators
PCI: Participant & Clinical Interactions (a CTSI core)
PCL: Protocol Clarification Letter
PCM: Presbyterian Campus Ministry
PCMI: Precision Cancer Medicine Initiative
PCN: Patient Control Number
PCOBA: President's Council on Black Affairs
PCP: Primary Care Provider
PCS: Paperless Collection System
PDA: Personal Digital Assistant
PDC: Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC (merged into DHIP in 2023)
PDF: Portable Document Format
PDI: Professional Development Institute
PDSS: Professional Development Seminar Series (in SOM)
PEOT: Patient Experience Oversight Team
PEP: Performance Evaluation and Planning (form)
PERQs: Duke's Employee Discount Program
PERT: Product and Equipment Review Team
PERs: Proactive Employee Relations
PFF: Preparing Future Faculty (in TGS)
PGC: Precision Genomics Collaboratory
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy
PGY: Post-Graduate Year
PHD: Predicting Health and Disease (Program)
PHI: Protected Health Information or Patient Health Information
PHMO: Population Health Management Office
PI: Principal Investigator
PIA: Privacy Impact Assessment
PII: Personally Identifiable Information
PIN: Personal Identification Number
PIRL: Positron Imaging Research Lab
PLB: Provider Level Adjustment on Payor Remittances
PM: Siemens' Patient Management (Invision)
PMI: Protected Medical Information
PNR: Protected Network for Research
POCT: Point of Care Testing Program
POE: Physician Order Entry
PORT: PDC Outcomes Research Team
POS: Point of Service
PPGWLI: Penny Pilgram George Women's Leadership Initiative
PPO: Preferred Provider Organization
PPOS: Passport OneSource Eligibility System
PRA: Privacy Risk Assessment
PRCU: Prolonged Respiratory Care Unit
PRD: Production
PRDN: Protected Research Data Network
PRIME-PREP: Preparing Research scholars In bioMEdical sciences-Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program
PRINS: Profile Insurance Master
PRM: Payor Responsibility Master File
PRMC: Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (in DCI, formerly known as CPC)
PRMO: Patient Revenue Management Organization
PROs: Patient-Reported Outcomes
PRTBTC: Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center (in DUH)
PSA: Patient Service Associate or Personal Service Agreement
PSCQ: Patient Safety and Clinical Quality
PSL: Peer Success Leader
PSP: Protocol Signature Page
PSSC: DHTS Privacy Security Steering Committee
PST: Patient Status Transfer (Invision)
PTCT: Pediatric Transplant & Cellular Therapy
PTE: Pass-through Entity (in SPS)
PTO: Paid Time Off
PTS: Parking and Transportation Services
PVDC: Pulmonary Vascular Disease Center (in SOM)
PWIM: Program for Women in Internal Medicine (in SOM)
QA: Quality Assessment or Quality Assurance
QAR: Quality Assessment Review
QbD: Quality by Design
QC: Quality Control
QI: Quality Improvement
QM: Quality Management
QMF: Query Management Facility
QMS: Quality Management System
QRG: Quick Reference Guide
QRP: Questionable Research Practice
QSD: Quality System Document
R/3: SAP System (real-time, 3-tier)
R&R: Rewards and Recognition (in HR)
R@P: Research at Pickett (Road)
RA: Remittance Advice or Research Agreement or Research Assistant or Resident Assistant
RAA: Research Administration Academy
RACI: Research Administration Continuous Improvement
RAD: Research Application Development (in ORI)
RAI: Research Administration Institute or Ravin Advanced Imaging (Labs)
RAMP: Research Administration Mentoring Program (in ORA)
RAS: Report Automation System
RASR: Research Administration Support Resource (in SOM)
RBL: Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (in DHVI)
RBM: Risk-Based Monitoring
RBS: Research Business Solutions (team in OASIS)
RC: Residence Coordinator or Regulatory Coordinator
RCA: Research Collaboration Agreement or Root Cause Analysis
RCAC: Research Computing Advisory Council
RCC: Research Computing Center or Research Costing Compliance
RCH: Raleigh Community Hospital
RCOC: Residence Coordinator on Call
RCR: Responsible Conduct of Research
RCSC: Risk and Compliance Steering Committee
RDI: Research Data Initiative
RDR: Research Data Repository
RDSP: Research Data Storage Plan or Research Data Security Plan
REAC: Racial Equity Advisory Council
REACH (Equity Center): Duke Center for Research to Advance Health Equity
READI: Research Equity and Diversity Initiative (SOM)
REDCap: Research Electronic Data Capture (web application)
REG: Registration
REGSS: Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Gender in the Social Sciences (in Trinity)
REMEDY: Recovered Medical Equipment for the Developing World
REQ: Required
RESURP: REACH Equity Summer Undergraduate Research Program
RFP: Request for Proposal
RIC: Recruitment Innovation Center (in CTSI)
RiDE: Re-imagining Doctoral Education
RIO: Research Integrity Office (now DOSI)
RLHS: Residential Life and Housing Services (see HRL)
RMDM: Research Management Data Mart
RMT: Research Management Team
RNTAP: (Duke's) Registered Nurse Tuition Assistance Program
RLSP: Robertson Scholars Leadership Program
ROD: Record of Destruction
ROI: Return on Investment or Release of Information
ROR: Return of (Aggregate/Summary) Results
RPA: Robotic Processing Automation
RPL: Research Program Leader
RPM: Research Practice Manager
RPMC: Research Project Management Core
RPN: Research Professionals Network
RPPR: Research Performance Progress Report
RPR: Review Preparatory to Research
RQMP: Research Quality Management Program (DOSI)
RQO: Research Quality Officer
RQT: Research Quality Team
RRIL: Research-Related Injury Language
RSSA: Research Support Services Agreement
RTC: Research Translation and Commercialization
RTF: Rich Text Format
RTIF: Return Transaction Interface Facility
RTS: Research Technology Solutions (in OASIS)
RUF: Reformed University Fellowship
S/4: SAP System, successor to R/3
SaaS: Software as a Service
SAE: Serious Adverse Event (in research)
SAGE: STEM Advancement through Group Engagement
SAGDAC: Sexual and Gender Diversity Advisory Council
SAIL: Small Animal Imaging Laboratory (in CIVM)
SAM: Service Access Manager or Sensor Array and Multipath Signal Processing Lab
SAP: System Applications and Products (Duke's payroll and financial system)
SAPT: Sexual Assault Prevention Team (merged with SHAPE Sept. 2023)
SBAR: Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation
SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research
SBR: Site-Based Research
SC: Study Coordinator or Service Center
SCAC: Scalable Computing Advisory Committee (a RCAC committee)
SCAP: Science Culture and Accountability Plan
SCHED: IDX Appointment Scheduling System
SCHIP: State Children's Health Insurance Program
SCOHP: Student Collaborative on Health Policy
SCORES: Surgical Center for Outcomes Research
SCRI: Stewardship and Compliance for Research Investigators
SCRO: Stem Cell Research Oversight
SDAL: Signature and Delegation of Authority Log
SDAO: Student Disability Access Office
SDEC: Safety and Dose Evaluation Committee
SDOR: Signature and Delegation of Responsibilities (Log)
SEEDS: Sustaining Equity, Elevating Diversity in Surgery (SOM)
SEELRC: Slavic and Eurasian Language Resource Center
SEI: Sensitive Electronic Information
SEPC: Special Event Planners Council
SES: Sponsored Effort System
SHAPE: Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention and Education
SHC: Strength, Hope & Caring (Duke Health program)
SHS: Student Health Services
SIG: Special Interest Group
SIP: Study Information Portal or Shelter in Place
SIQEM: SSRI Initiative on Qualitative, Ethnographic & Mixed-Methods Research
SIR: Security Incident Response
sIRB: Single Institutional Review Board or Smart Institutional Review Board (system)
SISS: Student Information Services and Systems
SIV: Site Initiation Visit
SLAPLAB: Science, Law and Policy Lab
SLG: Senior Leadership Group or Security Liaisons Group or Scientific Leadership Group or Selective Living Groups
SLR: Staff and Labor Relations (in HR)
SMAT: (Duke) State Medical Assistance Team
SMIF: Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (in Pratt)
SMS: Siemens Medical Solutions
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNAP: Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process
SNIP: Specialty Nurse Intern Program
SO: Signing Official
SOC: Security Operations Center or Standard of Care
SOCA: Students of the Caribbean Association
SOCR: (Department of) Surgery Office of Clinical Research
SOD: Segregation of Duties
SOFC: Student Organization Finance Committee (Duke Student Government committee)
SOLD: The Science of Learning at Duke
SOM: School of Medicine
SOMF: School of Medicine Finance
SON: School of Nursing
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
SORF: Surgical Oncology Research Facility
SOT: Solid Organ Transplant
SOuRCE: Survey of Organizational Research Climate
SOW: Scope of Work
SPARC: Sponsored Programs Assurance and Research Compliance (in OARC)
SPD: Sterile Processing Department
SPDG: Sarah P. Duke Gardens
SPIRE: (Duke) STEM Pathways for Inclusion, Readiness and Excellence
SPM: A Microsystems, Inc. system used in SPD
SPO: Strategy, Planning & Optimization (team in OASIS)
SPOC: Single Point of Contact
SPS: Sponsored Projects System
SPT: Surgical Pathology Services
SQAP: Scientific Quality Assurance Plan
SQV: Site Qualification Visit
SRA: Sponsored Research Agreement
SRS: Safety Reporting System
SRtE: Site Ready to Enroll
SSCRS: Substrate Services Core Research Support
SSN: Social Security Number
SSO: Single Sign-On
SSPACISS: Statistical Signal Processing Applied to Cochlear Implants and Subsurface Sensing
SSPP: Sanford School of Public Policy
SSRI: Social Science Research Institute
SSUM: Secure System Usage Memo
SSV: Site Selection Visit
STAQ: Software-Tailored Architecture for Quantum Codesign (in Pratt)
STAR: Space Tracking and Reporting
STCF: Short-Term Cash Fund
STCL: Stem Cell Laboratory
STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
STINGAR: Shared Threat Intelligence, Network Gatekeeper, Automated Response (OIT platform)
STTR: Small Business Technology Transfer
SUA: Secure Usage Agreement
SVT: Subject Visit Tracker
SWG: Scientific Working Group
T3: Trainee Tracking Tool (SOM)
TABFAR: Temporary Adjustments to Base for Administrative Roles (calculation of Institutional Base Salary)
TAP: Tuition Assistance Program
TBOC: Trinity Board of Visitors
TBS: Treasury and Billing Services
TCA&S: Trinity College of Arts & Science
TCE: Transmission Control and Errors (Siemens daily report of errors from batch processing)
TCO: Total Cost of Ownership
TDC: Total Direct Costs
TDE: The Duke Endowment
TERMID: Terminal ID
TES: Transaction Editing System
TGMS: Toxic Gas Monitoring System
TGS: The Graduate School
TIC: Trial Innovation Center (CTSA)
TIN: Taxpayer Identification Number
TIP: Talent Identification Program (disbanded 2021)
TIRTL: Transplant Immune Regulation and Tolerance Lab (Dept of Surgery)
TISS: Triangle Institute for Security Studies
TMAD: This Month at Duke
TOF: Transforming Our Future (DUHS initiative)
TOS: Type of Service
TQMS: Total Quality Management System
TRaC: Travel Reimbursement and Corporate Card
TRDC: Triangle Research Data Center (SSRI)
TRHT: Duke Center for Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation
TriCEM: Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine
Tri-I MMPTP: Tri-Institutional Molecular Mycology and Pathogenesis Training Program
TRLN: Triangle Research Libraries Network (Duke, NCCU, NCSU, UNC)
TSCHE: (The Mary Duke Biddle) Trent Semans Center for Health Education
TT: Trial Tracker
TTS: Trinity Technology Services
TTT: Transdisciplinary Think Tank
TUNL: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory
TWIM: This Week in Medicine (DOM newsletter)
TXSV: Transplant Services or Transfusion Service
UB: Uniform Bill
UB92: Uniform Billing Code of 1992
UC: Unapplied Cash
UDN: (Duke) Undiagnosed Diseases Network
UDV: University Development
UG: Uniform Guidance (officially "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards" issued by the U.S. Office of Management & Budget)
UIC: University Institutes and Centers
UIR: Unacceptable Institutional Risk
UPEF: Undergraduate Program Enhancement Fund
UPGG: University Program in Genetics and Genomics
UPIN: Universal Physician Identification Number
UPIRTSO: Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others (clinical research)
URiM: Underrepresented in Medicine
URS (URSO): Undergraduate Research Support Office
USP: University Scholars Program
VA: Veterans' Affairs
VBA: Visual Basic for Applications
VBPI: Value-Based Performance Improvement
VC: Vice Chancellor or Vice Chair
VCM: Virtual Computing Manager
VIP: Vertical Integration Program
VMS: Visual & Media Studies
VOIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol (Duke phones)
VP: Vice President or Vice Provost
VPN: Virtual Private Network
VSA: Virtual Security Academy
WAN: Wide Area Network
WaSH-AID: (Duke Center for) Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Infectious Disease
W@D: Working@Duke
WBSE: Work Breakdown Structure Element
WC: Workers' Compensation
WCON: Watts College of Nursing
WCS: Work Culture Survey
WD: Workforce Development
WDI: Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club
WE-R: Workforce Engagement and Resilience (DOCR)
WF: Workflow
WILD: Water Innovation Leadership Development Program
WIN: Women's Impact Network
WU: West Union (now Brodhead Center)
WWW: World Wide Web
XC/TF: Cross-Country and Track & Field
YADC: Young Alumni Development Council
YTD: Year-to-Date
Z-Core: Zebrafish Core
1:1 One-on-One
1GP: First Generation Professionals Law Alumni
25Live: Duke Event Management scheduling system
277: Specific format of Health Care Claims Notification
835: Specific format of an Electronic Remittance Advice (payment notification)
837: Specific format of Health Care Claims Transaction Set
1040: Specific format of an Electronic Remittance Advice (payment notification)
4010: Specific format of an Electronic Remittance Advice (payment notification)