Duke Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Home

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Welcome to the Duke Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan wiki site. 

Duke has engaged Stantec, a Canadian firm with Raleigh offices, as a planning consultant to help identify ways to improve bikeability and walkability to, from, and around campus.  Stantec will be conducting the study along with subconsutlants, Toole Design Group and Mobycon, over the course of a 10-month period beginning in May 2016.  A Steering Committee of student, faculty, and staff representatives from across campus will act as an advisory body during the planning process, in order to bring perspective from the campus community and help guide the effort.  This wiki will be the project site for the Steering Committee, allowing a collaborative space for sharing ideas and documents related to the campus planning effort.

Simultaneous to the Duke study, the Stantec team is working with the City of Durham to develop a citywide bike and pedestrian infrastructure plan.  The citywide effort will be separate from the campus study, but the synergy between the two projects provides a great opportunity to improve connections between campus and off-campus destinations.  For more information on the City's planning initiative, visit http://www.durhambikewalkplan.com/.

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For more information on the Duke Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, contact Alison Carpenter at alison.carpenter@duke.edu or 919-684-3640.