Thesis, Preliminary Slides/Report & Seminar Slides

Dissertation Thesis

Preliminary Exam Report/Presentation

Brodie Popovic (March 2020): Improving measurements of Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae by using the largest photometric samples (Prelim_report-post_Friday.pdf & Brodie_prelim.pdf)

Masaya Yamamoto (1/6/2022): Measuring the Cosmic Shear signal in Weak Gravitational Lensing (Report & Presentation)

Kevin Wang (2/11/2022): Supernovae in Image Simulations for the Roman Space Telescope (Presentation + Report)

Rebecca Chen (2/28/2022): Type Ia Supernova Cosmology without Spectroscopic Redshifts (Report + Presentation)

Erik Peterson (4/12/2022): Improving Cosmological Parameter Measurements with a Revised Local Flow Model and Near-Infrared Supernova Observations (Report + Presentation)

Conference Slides and Sundry

Erik Peterson (January 2022): In-person talk at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii on Peculiar Velocities and Near-Infrared Supernova Observations (Slides)

Rebecca Chen (January 2022): Remote talk at University of Southampton (Slides)

Brodie Popovic (February 2022): Remote talk at University of British Columbia on the similarities of SNIa and GW cosmology (UBC Presentation 2_2_22.pdf)

Erik Peterson (April 2022): In-person talk at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Notre Dame on Peculiar Velocities, Variable Rungs on the Distance Ladder, and Near-Infrared Supernova Observations (Slides)

Masaya Yamamoto (July 2022): In-person talk at Kavli IPMU on the Roman image simulations (Slides)

Masaya Yamamoto (Sep 2022): In-person talk at The Ohio State University on "Characterizing weak lensing shear systematics with DES and Roman". (Slides)

Masaya Yamamoto (Nov 2022): In-person talk at Argonne National Lab on "Characterizing weak lensing shear systematics for the Roman space telescope". (Slides)