Updating 852 $c in Batch

Scope: Steps for changing location codes
Contact: Heather Baker
Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department
Date last reviewed: 05/30/2024
Date of next review: 05/30/2025

In DUK01,

  • CCL search for 852 $c using WHC


  • save results and run Reclass Holdings Report (custom-18) in Local Duke Services

  • Open results in Excel, filter columns, and then select the BibSysNo column for Conditional Formatting

  • Sort the column smallest to largest to see which BIBS have duplicate holdings with the same location. Look at those individually and move items so that there is only one holding with that location. Delete the unused holding from the custom-18 spreadsheet

  • Create a .txt file of the holding numbers using the DUK60 suffix (save with name of old and new location ex. pduf_to_pdf_loc)

  • Add the .txt file to Files to Move, run custom-03

  • Run Global Changes (manage-21)