Logging in and Finding your Globus Folder

Logging in and Finding your Globus Folder

When initially setting up Globus, you will be taken directly to your personal file deposit folder with a special link sent by email. But on future visits, you can visit Globus and find your folder without needing that URL. This tutorial will show you how.


  1. Visit Globus and select “Log In” at the top right of the page.


  1. Log in to Globus with the credentials you created previously. You can use your existing institutional single sign on, or sign in with GitHub, Google, ORCID, or Globus ID, depending on which you used to create your account.


  1. From the File Manager, select the “Search” input field.


  1. You can use the Collection search input field to search for “MorphoSource” and select “MorphoSource Batch Submission Deposits.” Or you can select the “Shared With You” tab and “MorphoSource Batch Submission Deposits” should be listed, as shown here. Click on that collection link.


  1. The File Manager view will take you to the root or base path of the collection (“/”). In order to upload files, you need to navigate to your folder. It will probably be the only folder you can view. Select that folder.


  1. You have successfully navigated to your folder, and you are done with this tutorial. You can upload single small files directly from this web UI. If you want to upload large numbers of large files, you probably want to use the Globus desktop app, which has better support for such tasks. A tutorial for this will be coming soon!

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