Using Globus Connect to Upload Files

Using Globus Connect to Upload Files

This tutorial assumes that you have have already gone through the Request Batch Submission Access process and the Begin Using Globus tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to use the Globus Connect Personal, a desktop application, to transfer one or more files to your personal file deposit folder on the MorphoSource Batch Submission Deposits Globus share.


  1. Head to the Globus Connect Personal website. Scroll down to find the install link for your platform of choice. Select “Install Now,” and follow the instructions on that page to install Globus Connect Personal.

  1. Open Globus Connect Personal, and click “Log In” to authenticate with Globus. You will be taken to a website which will ask you to log in to Globus and to authorize Globus Connect Personal to access your account. Then Globus Connect Personal will ask you to complete an application-specific setup. Please give your local collection any name you prefer, such as “GCP Collection,” and click “Save.”

  1. Click “access data in this collection.” You will be taken to a Globus web page where you will see files on your local computer listed. Please note: this does not mean your local files are accesible to other users on Globus! Instead, Globus Connect Personal allows you (and, by default, only you) to make use of the online Globus system to transfer files from your local share - AKA your local files - to a remote share, such as your personal file deposit folder on the MorphoSource Globus share. Nonetheless, you probably do not want all of your files to be accessible in your Globus Connect Personal share. So let’s change that, and only share a specific folder with Globus. This should be the folder where the files that you will transfer to MorphoSource are located.

  2. Go to your menu bar and find the Globus icon (a stylized letter G). Click on that icon, and click “Preferences.” Go to the Access tab.


  3. If the option is present, ensure that “Deny access to hidden (e.g. security) files in y our home directory” is selected. This may appear for Mac but not for Windows. Then, we are going to select the single directory listed and click the “-” button. After removing that directory, click the “+” button and select your desired local file directory. Save your preferences if a “Save” button is present.

  1. After adding your new file directory, go to the Globus menu bar icon and select “Web: Transfer Files.” This will take you to the Globus web page listing the files and folders accessible in your Globus Connect Personal share. You may have to navigate to the specific folder you shared, but you’ll notice that now only the specific folder or folders that you shared are accessible on Globus.

  1. Locate the files you intend to transfer to your personal file deposit folder on the MorphoSource share. Then, on the right menu, select “Transfer or Sync to…”

  1. On the right side of the page, select the Search bar and and search for “MorphoSource” to find the “MorphoSource Batch Submission Deposits” share. Select it and navigate to your personal file deposit folder.

  1. On the left side of the page, click “select all” or click to select which files you want to transfer to your personal file deposit folder. Click “Start” to begin the file transfer. Your files should shortly begin transferring. A notification will appear on the top right of the page. Click “View details”.

  1. The Activity details page will let you monitor the progress of your file transfer. You will also receive an email when your transfer is complete, or if it has failed for some reason. You should leave Globus Connect Personal running for the entirety of your file transfer, as this application is what enables Globus to transfer files from your system.

  1. Success! For instructions on how to ingest the files you have transferred into MorphoSource, see Batch Submitting Multiple Media



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