CT data

CT data

The table below gives a number of examples of derivative data that can be generated from CT projection series.  These are not the only possibilities. Furthermore, "raw data" are never required and are often disallowed.  For example, if a CT scan containing several different specimens was made, both the raw data and derivative data 1 would be disallowed.  The projection series (raw data) would have to be reconstructed (derivative 1) and then cropped so that each volume represented a single specimen (derivative 2) before being uploaded. In such cases, at the beginning of the upload the user would simply indicate they had "derivative data" and that the raw data are "not available".  They would then select "reconstruction" and "crop" as two processing activities that had been applied to the file they uploaded.

CriteriaRaw dataDerivative data 1Derivative data 2Derivative data 3Derivative data 4Derivative data 5
Importance for reproducibility and re-uselowhigh-highesthigh-highestmediummediumlow
typeprojection seriesreconstructed image stackcropped image stacksegmented meshsegmented mesh with texturesimage (screenshot)
formats.tiff or other open, lossless rasterany open raster (preferably lossless)any open raster (preferrably lossless)any open format (obj, ply, stl, glb, gLTF)(obj+mtl+texture); glb; (gLTF+texture); plyany open raster
zip** files required/recommended/discouraged?requiredrequiredrequireddiscouraged*required when using obj+mtl+texture; note that neither ply or stl are compatible with texturesdiscouraged
critical metadata for accurate reuse(1) source to object distance; (2) source to detector distance; (3) pixels in y direction; (4) pixels in x direction; (5) width of y pixels; (6) width of x pixelsvoxel dimensions (x,y, and z directions); units of voxel dimensions (if other than millimeters)voxel dimensions (x,y, and z directions); units of voxel dimensions (if other than millimeters)units of mesh coordinates (if other than millimeters)units of mesh coordinates (if other than millimeters)none
attachments recommendedyes - log file from scanner as .txt or .pdfyes (if no parent files included) - log file from scanner as .txt or .pdfyes (if no parent files included) - log file from scanner as .txt or .pdfyes (if no parent files included) - log file from scanner as .txt or .pdfyes (if no parent files included) - log file from scanner as .txt or .pdfna
Thumbnail***sample image from projection seriessample image from reconstructed image stacksample image from cropped image stackscreenshot of segmented meshscreenshot of segmented mesh with texturena
Preview  settingSelect "use 2D thumbnail"Select "interactive preview"Select "interactive preview"Select "interactive preview"Select "interactive preview"na

*"discouraged" means that the system does not prevent you from uploading a zip for the given derivative type, but mostly likely a member of the MorphoSource support team will eventually contact you and ask you to replace the zip with something else.

**zip files should never be created using OS archiving tools (instead, use freeware: Mac - Keka / PC - 7zip).  Zip files should always be saved in .zip format.

***Thumbnails cannot be larger than 50mb in size or the system will reject them and notify you of the rejection.

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