What is the Organization Permission Defaults form?

What is the Organization Permission Defaults form?

Organizational management teams have access to an "Organization Permission Defaults" form in the Organization tab of the Team edit page. This form is used to guide other MorphoSource users in applying the most appropriate Ownership and Permissions settings when contributing new media representing physical objects managed by the organization. An example of an empty initial version of the form can be seen to the right. When a new organizational management team is created, this is how the "Organization Permission Defaults" form appears.

Team managers can modify the values for the fields listed to indicate their preferred settings for Ownership and Permission for media. To better understand and to read more information about each of these fields, pleaseĀ visitĀ Rights, Licenses, and Usage Settings for Media. Leaving a field blank indicates the organization has no preference regarding what contributors should include in that field. Certain fields (IP holder, Copyright statement, and License) have checkboxes to indicate that a field has intentionally been left blank. If this is checked, this means the organization indicates that they specifically prefer that the field be left blank, rather than that no preference exists.

Some fields and controls on this form benefit from further explanation, and whether you take advantage of them may depend on your organization's specific use case. Please see the following topics to read further:

Organization permission topics

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