Request Batch Submission Access

Request Batch Submission Access

Any MorphoSource contributor user who has a large quantity of media to upload to MorphoSource can be granted access to the batch submission features, and this document will describe the process for being granted access. MorphoSource uses the Globus data transfer system to enable users to transfer large quantities of media data to MorphoSource file servers. Because of this, part of the process for onboarding a user for batch submission involves the user setting up access to Globus, which is simple and straightforward. Read on for full details about requesting batch submission access.


1. Before beginning this process, you should create a MorphoSource account and request general contributor status through your Dashboard. 

2. Email us at morphosource@duke.edu from the email linked to your MorphoSource account to start the batch submission access process. You should include some details about the purpose for which you will be using batch submission and the total amount of data you intend to contribute.

3. We will respond to you, and shortly after you should receive an email from Globus Notification inviting you to accept the sharing of a file deposit folder, named to match your MorphoSource display name. Please follow that link and login to Globus.

a. If you already have a pre-existing Globus account, log in to that account.

b. If your university participates in Globus, you can use your existing organizational login (e.g. a university single sign on).

c. If you are not affiliated with a university or your university does not participate in Globus, you can sign in with GitHub, Google, ORCID, or sign up for a Globus ID associated with your email. 

4. You will be taken to your file deposit folder in the "MorphoSource Batch Submission Deposits" Globus share. 


For further instructions and more details, see the following pages:

Begin Using Globus

Logging in and Finding your Globus Folder

Using Globus Connect to Upload Files

Batch Submitting Multiple Media


Logging in to Globus to accept sharing of a file deposit folder.


After logging in to Globus, you will be taken to your file deposit folder.




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