Share files on UITS supercomputers with other users


  1. Secure your own environment.


  1. Open a terminal (command line) window on the supercomputer.
  2. Use POSIX ACLs (access control list), an extension of normal Unix permissions.

  3. To give another user with username "mycollaborator" read and write access to a specific file called "filename":

    setfacl --modify user:mycollaborator:rw- filename

    The ACL on the file will be visible by a "+" sign at the end of a long file listing:

    $ ls -l
    -rw-rw----+ 1 myusername myusername 4194304 Mar  4 10:40 filename
  4. To list the ACLs:

    getfacl filename

    which will show:

    # file: filename
    # owner: myusername
    # group: myusername


IU supercomputers are approved for PHI,  but subject to "Shared responsibility model for securing PHI on UITS systems".

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