
This page consists of tutorials for people getting started with the LSST project and software.

Getting Setup and Starting

First you need to get a physics department computer account. Talk to someone if you don’t.  Use your physics department account and login (using ‘ssh -Y’) to cosmology-01.phy.duke.edu.

If you don’t know how to use unix at all then I suggest you start by looking at the book “Effective Computation in Physics”.


There is a copy in the student office and will give you instructions on how to get started. Also, ask other students for help. Make sure you can login, list files in your directory, edit a file etc. When you to do basic operations you are ready to get started. Alternatively, you can find many resources on line to introduce you to Unix.

When you are familiar with basic Unix commands type:

source /var/phy/project/lsst/LSST-Duke.sh

and this will setup the LSST software for you. 

These are the tutorials that all new members should do:

All new group members should do these tutorials and present their results in a set of presentations at the weekly group meetings.

Here are more specialized tutorials for various topics

This collection of more specialized tutorials are for people who need to dive more closely into a particular topic.