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Scope: When and how to cancel monographic orders in Aleph

Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 

Date of next review:




Order Cancellations

Why cancel an order?

  • Inadvertent duplicate order
  • Material lost in transit that will not be re-supplied by vendor (for free)
  • Vendor unable to supply
  • Order created and/or encumbered in error
  • Etc.

The origin of a cancellation could be the vendor, a subject librarian, or other sources.

Example note from vendor that requires a cancellation in Aleph:

Purchase order no. [number / approval\\] of [date]:
Rossiisko-izrail`skie otnosheniia: istoriia i sovremennost` : Po materialam mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii "Rossiia - Izrail`: 20 let vosstanovleniia diplomaticheskikh otnoshenii". Rossiia, g. Moskva, 24-25 oktiabria 2011 g.
M.: Institut vostokovedeniia RAN, 2012, ISBN 9785932733653, 279 p.
$31.00 (Item no. M52954)
Information: *the book sold out, please cancel this order we will not be able to supply it*
This note could come from the vendor, your subject librarian or another source.

The basic steps are:

  • Find the order with PO # or ISBN. Close the order. In the case of claim replies (as the examples below from MIPP) the correct setting will probably be "VC – Vendor Cancelled." Sometimes you'll also see (and perhaps use) "LC – Library Cancelled." This will depend on who chose to cancel the order, us or them.
  • Put a message in the order's library note to that effect. I like to mention the vendor, in case we decide to re-vend the order in future. "MIPP unable to supply." or "MIPP cannot supply." is enough. It can be helpful to provide a who – "Order cancelled per JPT" or "Cancelled per JEK for budget compression"
