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Project Board

Alma Integrations

Start Date

Sprint zero

Current Sprint

Sprint #6 22 Apr #10 - 03 May

Target DateDates

- data freeze / Ex-Libris-imposed-deadline for integrations

- Alma Go Live


 See list below for status updates


 Delivery of Duke’s Alma instance (1/18/2024)


Target date is set by Ex Libris as part of our project plan.


Priority #


Jira Epic





Patron Loader

AI-31: Patron Loader

Must have before go live


File retrievals are running as expected. Next steps are to We have run a full patron synchronization to see how long it takes. Incremental can add/update; drop has not been implemented yet. EN 24 Apr (70,000 records) and it took less than ten minutes, which is awesome. Functionality to include name suffix is done.

Handling dropped patrons is complete. We have one more Jira to complete. We will be good to go-live with the current implementation EN


TRLN Discovery/POD/Summon Integration

AI-28: TRLN Discovery/POD/Summon Integration

Must have at go live

 Extracts from Alma are operational. Currently populating a crosswalk index of record identifiers to support item availability lookup. Working toward end-to-end data flow so testers can view Alma data in a local TRLN Discovery instance.

24 Apr Loading data to the TRLN SOLR index is underway.



Invoice Export to Accounts Payable

AI-40: Invoice Export to Accounts Payable

Must have at go live


to submit test Finalizing file names and destination server for sending files to Duke AP - they aren’t available until early May for validation. Work continues on reporting and error handlingJB 24 Apr AP in production.



Invoice Creation from Vendor MARC records

AI-41: Invoice Creation from Vendor MARC Records

Must have at go live

Can use code from Harvard as a start

Started intial review of this integration on 4/22/24. Communicating with Harvard with a request to review their code and also reviewing acquisitions APIs.

JB 24 Apr Designing solution for users to run on demand by selecting a file to ingest.



Catalog Request System

AI-43: Catalog Request System

Must have at go live


Patron information, loans, fees and fines information is available. Work is ongoing on viewing item lists and placing requests. Work to differentiate title versus item is complete. AEON redirects as expected. Testing and debugging continues.

EN 24 Apr We’ve completed an implementation of a “read-only” mode that will be used to support the fulfillment freeze and be able to handle any Alma downtimes in the future.

We have remaining jiras, but will be acceptable to go live with what is currently implemented.




Must have at go live

 First meeting scheduled with CaiaSoft staff 5/2/2024.
KHN 17 Apr

Configuration in Alma is complete. Data has been extracted from Alma and sent to CaiaSoft. CaiaSoft is actively loading the data to our CaiaSoft test instance.

We’ve begun testing patron requests.


A-Z Journals List

AI-46: Online Journals List

Must have at go live

Discovery Working Group taking responsibility

Ongoing. Work will be discussed at 5-1 First Wednesday. EN 24 Apr . Tom C. provided an update at May First Wednesday ( First Wednesday 2024)

Library staff have been invited to test the interface and provide suggestions and feedback.



Migrate Open Patron Requests from Aleph to Alma

Must have at go live

 Requirements are complete; waiting for developer capacity. EN

24 Apr Successful test run on June 6th; we are prepared for migrating the final data set during fulfillment cutover. This is complete.



Bursar Export

Must have at go live

or at least by early August

We’ve begun conversations with the bursar about transitioning to the Alma service output in XML and moving mapping into the data transfer warehouse.



Location Guide

Must have at go live

tied to TRLN Discovery project

Work has begun as part of TRLN Discovery work. EN


Migrate FOLIO Licenses to Alma

Must have by June 10 for ExLibris to load during cutover

Coding was completed for a test run in Dec.

Open tasks are to fix some bugs and add a few changes based on users feedback on test data load.

JB 24 Apr Complete. Files delivered to ExLibris on 6/10/24



Migrate Aleph Order/Subscription Log Notes to Alma Orders

Post go live

Users will be able to view these logs in Aleph after go-live, but we need to import the data so that’s is available in Alma.


New Book Carousel

Post go live

Would need to adjust the landing page if not at go live

As long as the catalog date is in the 946B, this will continue to work without development needed.

Metadata Management needs to determine how to include the proper date in the 946B. - EN


Migrate FOLIO ERM Organizations Contacts and Interfaces to Alma


Post go live

Post go live

FOLIO data was archived to a spreadsheet on 6/27/24 so it will be available to load to Alma post-go live. Development work is not yet underway.


Alma Cloud App POC for Viewing Item History

Post go live

Connection to DSC for item history


Migrate 360 Notes to Alma E-Resources

not yet created

Post go live

The notes in 360 contain information to identify the owning library (Law, Med, etc).

These will likely not require developers, but may require desktop support or assistance from Learning Innovation:

Priority #


Jira Epic





Label Printing


Must have at go live

Application SpineOMatic being tested (Ex Libris’s recommended software for spine labels).

Met with Desktop Support to share installation instructions and create timeline for application to be pushed to staff computers. RL and RD staff working on call number parsing and label testing with desktop support client.

KHN 17 Apr EN


Printing Hold Slips on Schedule


Must have at go live

Configuration - VMs, print daemon (desktop support not developers)

Met with Desktop Support to share installation instructions and create timeline for print daemon to be pushed to staff computers.

KHN 17 Apr Daemon has been tested and works as expected. Next steps are to configure individual daemons for libraries and document configuration. OIT colleagues are working on this.



Standing up Leganto and integration with Canvas


Must have at go live

Configuration LTI with DLI; exporting Courses data

Loaded FOLIO courses, reading lists. LTI communication with Canvas working. Starting onboarding subject matter experts, working on loading .pdf files of readings.

KHN 17 Apr Leganto project is fully underway with separate project team and timeline for August implementation.



Resource Sharing/ReShare


Must have at go live

May not require developers - Index Data will help with testing and set-up


ABLE Binding Software

Shortly after go-live

Uses z39.50 to communicate with Alma
