Server Information

CDRN Server Information

Server NameRAMStorageCPUsReboot Schedule (as of Sep 01, 2023)
vwp-pmndmc.dhe.duke.edu32 GB
  • Drive C: 160 GB
  • Drive D: 250 GB
  • Total: 410 GB
12 CPUs @2.50GHz eachManual reboot schedule, usually first Monday of every month
vld-i2b2dev.dhe.duke.edu8 GB
  • / 7.9 GB
  • /boot 526 MB
  • /data 146 GB
  • /dev 3.8 GB
  • /dev/shm 3.9 GB
  • /opt 9.2 GB
  • /run 3.9 GB
  • /sys/fs/cgroup 3.9 GB
  • /tmp 2.2 GB
  • /var 13 GB
  • /var/lib/mysql 45 GB
  • Total: 239.1 GB
2 CPUs @2.10 GHz each1st Thursday after the 2nd Tuesday of each month
vld-cdrnapps.dhe.duke.edu16 GB
  • / 3.0 GB
  • /boot 1014 MB
  • /boot/efi 599 MB
  • /data 245 GB
  • /dev 4.0 MB
  • /dev/shm 7.7 GB
  • /opt 5.0 GB
  • /run 3.1 GB
  • /run/user/55591 1.6 GB
  • /tmp 3.5 GB
  • /usr 6.0 GB
  • /var 5.0 GB
  • Total: 281 GB
4 CPUs @3.00 GHz each1st Sunday after the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

File Share Information

File Share NameServer Used OnStorage UsedStorage Total

as of 9/3/2024 - 1.59 TB

as of 3/1/2024 - 873 GB

as of 9/1/2023 - 1.9 TB

as of 3/1/2023 - 921 GB

as of 9/1/2022 - 594 GB

as of 6/14/2022 - 715 GB

as of 3/1/2022 - N/A

as of 9/3/2024 -10 TB

as of 3/1/2024 - 10 TB

as of 9/1/2023 - 60 TB

as of 3/1/2023 - N/A

as of 9/1/2022 - 1.8 TB

as of 6/14/2022 - N/A

as of 3/1/2022 - 2.19 TB

Related Servers

Airflow Servers

  • DEV:
  • PRD:


  •  RITM4754987 - for information on server reboot schedule
  • ServiceNow Entry for CDRN Application. See Relationships tab for entire list of servers and other associations.