Policy Group/Account Setup

The first thing that is required is a policy group per account in DASH.

Group Account is a way to identify resource usage on DASH. This will often times be represented by your lab group but it could also be represented as a project name for cross lab collaboration.  

Each Policy Group must be associated with a fund code/cost center and must be a unique name.

A Grouper Policy Group controls the list of people who can:

  • ssh into the Azure HPC cluster
  • Access the group’s data folder that is unique to that Policy Group/Account; i.e. /data/dcibioinformatics.

A Policy Group account is required for each lab/group/fund code using DASH BEFORE accessing DASH.  To request a policy group: 

  1. Go to the DukeHealth IT Portal (ServiceNow) https://duke.service-now.com/sp?id=index
  2. Select GetIT.
  3. Select "Create a New Request (something you would like to have or need)" 
  4. In the "Describe your request" field, provide the following: 
    1. Group Policy Account for DASH is requested for:   labname or project name; e.g., westlab or westrnaforbms
    2. PI Name and NETID:  example:  Terri West, tlh52
    3. Member Names and NETIDs
  5. In Select the group for your request, select:  "I know which group should receive this ticket" and enter Systems-HPC-DHTS.
  6. Select the blue "Request Now" button.