To Copy Data to an AWS S3 Bucket

To copy data from DASH to an AWS S3 bucket, you need to install the AWS client on your home directory in DASH.  Below are the instructions:

From your DASH /home directory:

'curl "" -o "" '


'cd aws'

'mkdir -p /home/<NetID>/local/aws'

'./install -i /home/<NetID>/local/aws -b /home/<NetID>/bin'

'which aws' (verify that the path to the binary you just installed is shown)

'aws --version' (show aws cli version)

'aws configure' (select options from menus to configure account settings)

To COPY to your DHTS AWS S3 bucket:

'aws s3 cp /data/<labname>s3://dhts AWS bucket name --recursive'

EXAMPLE of AWS S3 bucket name:  dh-dusom-biochem-west