Migration Known Issues

This page is a reference for library staff (DUL and independent libraries) for known issues with Duke’s migration from Aleph to Alma. For issues related to the Books & Media Catalog, more detailed documentation of the workarounds is available.

Known Issues


Update date

Issue description

Impact (Patrons and/or staff)

Workarounds for issue (if relevant)

Plan for anticipated resolution

Person and/or department that library staff can contact for additional questions

Previous Update


Update date

Issue description

Impact (Patrons and/or staff)

Workarounds for issue (if relevant)

Plan for anticipated resolution

Person and/or department that library staff can contact for additional questions

Previous Update


Jun 6, 2024

Duplicate e-resource records may appear during catalog (Books & Media as well as Summon over Alma) searching. Caused by data migration of e-resources inventory records from both Aleph and 360KB (formerly Serial Solutions).

Users may see the same title listed twice in search results. Ex: ISBN 9780814682289

Review all possible links that could provide access to the records and figure out which ones does actually work. (A search by title is suggested, since the duplicated records may not be next to each other in search results.)

Users still have access to the resources, but the duplicate result list might cause confusion and questions for staff.

Collections Services staff are actively reviewing and consolidating records. This will take time due to the volume of duplicate records.

Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions



Jun 6, 2024

Custom links for a subset of platforms and providers will not work until a few days after go live

Patron e-resource access

Navigate directly to e-resource platforms from the database A-Z list and find needed article/book from there, or if on campus, can just Google the citation to gain access

This issue should resolve itself after a few days when the CDI publishing job is completely rolled out to SoA

ERSA / Virginia Martin / Abby Wickes



Jun 13, 2024

For some boundwith records, extra holdings will display that are not actually boundwith holdings for that bibliographic record.

Alma publishes related records through OAI-PMH that are harvested and sent to TRLN Discovery and POD. In cases where the parent bibliographic record has multiple holdings, copies from the parent that are not actually boundwiths may display as holdings for the children records.

In some scenarios, the patron may end up requesting an item that is not actually the one that they intended to request.

If the request is for the wrong item, place the request in Alma directly for the correct item. (Look up the item from the physical items search and place the request from there.)

Metadata Management project team members are evaluating potential resolution, which will most likely involve significant data work.

Metadata and Discovery Strategy (DUL)



Aug 22, 2024

Data may not yet be completely published from Alma to TRLN Discovery - patrons may see some records that are stale and do not yet have updates from Alma.

Patrons may see incorrect information about holdings in Books & Media.

Go from the TRLN Discovery item to the request system (click the green request button) to get information from Alma.

We have started another full publish of data from Alma to TRLN Discovery/Books & Media. The process should take a week to get to the SOLR indexing point, and the indexing may take another 5 days. Plans are to start incremental loads after this last full load, as many of the issues on this list are being addressed by code and data updates this time. Aug 22, 2024 KHN

Library Systems and Integration Support - submit a ticket at https://support.lib.duke.edu to the Alma queue.

The latest push of data from Alma to Discovery is currently running and will display updates made as of 08/09/2024 11:43:28 EDT.

A large number of records were updated in Alma since the last run (5,773,920), so the run was expected to complete by Monday 8/12/24, but will likely take longer due to that high volume of updated records.


Jul 11, 2024

Some stale records cannot be requested even though the TRLN Discovery record looks correct; the patron gets an error message of “bibliographic record not found.”

The core issue is the presence in TRLN Discovery of bibliographic records that were loaded into TRLN Discovery from Aleph, but are not in Alma (for example, bibliographic records with physical holdings only at Duke Kunshan.)

Patrons are not able to request material that they think should be available to them and that they want to use.

Identify the material the patron needs and request that material from interlibrary loan.

The agile development team is working on an initial plan to scope the records that need to be removed and then figure out how to remove them. (Suppressing them in Alma won’t work, since they were never loaded into Alma in the first place.)

Digital projects - assign a ticket to them at https://support.lib.duke.edu



Jul 11, 2024

Records that were suppressed and/or deleted prior to cutover to Alma are displaying in Books & Media.

Patrons may see records that we do not intend to show in the catalog.


The initial publishing from Alma to TRLN Discovery must be completed, and then we will begin regular updates from Alma to TRLN Discovery that will include deleting suppressed records from Books & Media

Digital Projects - assign a ticket to https://support.lib.duke.edu



Aug 9, 2024

Regular updates of records are not yet being sent to Books & Media - includes edits, new records, and suppressed or deleted record changes.

Patrons and staff may see out of date bibliographic information, and may not see records for new items created after we began using Alma.


The development team is working as quickly as it can to automate the process of sending updates from Alma to Books & Media.

Digital Projects - assign a ticket to https://support.lib.duke.edu



Aug 9, 2024

Many catalog record for ebooks and ejournals are missing View Online link.

Ex: Record has two active portfolios in Alma, but the link to the e-resource isn’t displaying in the catalog. https://find.library.duke.edu/catalog/DUKE99119332054308501

Patrons and staff are unable to view content online unless they find their way to the Summon over Alma search https://library.duke.edu/find/ebooks

Links are available using the Summon over Alma search https://library.duke.edu/find/ebooks.

The Online Journal Tool (https://library.duke.edu/find/journal-titles) is the best way to search for ejournals.

Team is looking at enriching the publishing profile to pull URL from the Alma portfolio sincethere isn’t a URL in the bib MARC.


ERSA / Virginia Martin.

Issue posted here by @Julie Brannon

ServiceNow ticket is owned by @Matthew Harrington



Aug 21, 2024

Interested user/patron holds aren’t being automatically created by the system when a new order includes an interested user with the “hold” checkbox set to true.

This issue impacts ADS and Collections Services staff since they need create the hold request manually rather than relying on Alma to automatically create the hold request. This is inefficient and frustrating for staff.

ADS staff are creating a hold when material arrives at the circ desk.

Ex Libris has communicated that they believe this is due to a defect that has a planned release of December '24.




Aug 28, 2024

If a holding has multiple items, where one or more items are available to circulate, but one or more items were withdrawn in Aleph, the withdrawn item appears in Books & Media.

The withdrawn item(s) are in Alma with a status of “Technical-Migration,” which is expected behavior from the Ex Libris migration process.

The record appears in the catalog because because Alma handles withdrawn and suppressed records differently than Aleph. In Alma, item records cannot be suppressed.

It appears like we hold more copies of an item than we actually have, though the withdrawn copies are not requestable.

Go to the CRS and request a copy of the item that is requestable.

DUL plans an approach to managing withdrawn records that will use a separate Alma library; eventually, the Aleph-withdrawn items will move to that library and no longer appear in the catalog.

Metadata and Discovery Strategy; submit a ticket to asktech@duke.edu



Aug 26, 2024

Records with large numbers of holdings (100 or more) are not displaying in order in the Catalog Request System

Holdings and item information for the record are displayed in order of the paging process and API return and are not sorted or grouped by holdings.

Patrons need to page through all items to find the ones they need

We are working on a design change the paging functionality so that the items will be sorted appropriately.

Note that Alma does not provide a bulk API tool for item information, which means item lists must be paged through individual API requests.

Alma queue - assign a ticket through https://support.lib.duke.edu


Resolved issues


Update date

Issue description

Impact (Patrons and/or staff)

Workarounds for issue (if relevant)

Plan for anticipated resolution

Person and/or department that library staff can contact for additional questions



Update date

Issue description

Impact (Patrons and/or staff)

Workarounds for issue (if relevant)

Plan for anticipated resolution

Person and/or department that library staff can contact for additional questions



Jun 6, 2024


Patrons without netids can’t access My Library Account to see their borrowing information.

Patron access to information is delayed. Affects ~300 borrowers.

Patrons can email or call a library circulation desk for assistance / information about their account.

These patrons need to get OneLink accounts, and then their Alma account needs to be adjusted. Affected patrons were contacted about this prior to Alma cutover, but the actual fix cannot be done until post-Alma cutover. This work has to be done one-by-one. We will do the work as fast as we can, but it will take time.

Perkins Requests (perkins-requests@duke.edu)




Jun 17, 2024


Visitors without borrowing accounts are not prompted to request LSC items for delivery to campus. Instead, they hit a stop point when they cannot log into the Catalog Request System.

Visitors without netids or borrowing accounts have to fill out a form to ask to have the LSC deliver the item to campus so they can use it in the library. The form is still available, but it will not be shown to the patron when they are viewing the item in the catalog.

Give patron a direct link to the LSC form -

Implement logic to display the form on the Books & Media bibliographic details page as a button on the right, similar to the digitization workflows. This work is planned, but we ran out of time prior to the Alma freeze.

Library Systems and Integration Support - submit a ticket at https://support.lib.duke.edu to the Alma queue.



Jul 8, 2024


The “Show all ___ items” button on the Books & Media catalog is confusing. Sometimes it appears and says “Show all 1 items” (which it did not do prior to Alma.)
When there are more potential items, it expands as expected, but displays repeating holdings call numbers rather than one call number per holding. Example:


Patrons may be confused about what holdings we have and whether repeating data is an error or shows a problem with the catalog.

Click the green “Request” button to go to the catalog request system to get item information directly.

An approach has been identified to fix this and work is underway. We have found a path to be able to restore the item level description, which will help make this record view much easier to parse.


Digital Projects – assign a ticket to them at



Jul 8, 2024


Patrons can use the Books & Media catalog to view holdings at NCSU, UNC, NC Central, and Duke, all in one view. The bibliographic details page when in the TRLN view still displays item level information that may not be correct once we are using Alma.

Patrons may be confused about what holdings are available to request from other institutions or from Duke and whether repeating data is an error or shows a problem with the catalog.

Click the green “Request” button to request the item through interlibrary request or through the Duke catalog request system.

Developers are assessing how to change the display to resolve the issue. We will update this page once a path to resolve is determined.

Digital Projects – assign a ticket to them at https://support.lib.duke.edu



Jul 16, 2024


Books & Media availability data is stale

Patrons may see information that a holding is not available when it is available, and vice versa.

Log into the CRS for real-time information.

We plan to push a code update to hopefully resolve the issue and will update when that occurs.

Digital Projects - assign a ticket to https://support.lib.duke.edu



Jul 31, 2024


Some vendors are missing their “additional code” value in Alma

Users who are approving invoices need to edit the vendor to add the additional code value until the fix is implemented. Invoice approvers were notified via email on 7/12 and broader DUL order creaters were notified on Teams.

Lookup the additional vendor code value in Aleph, edit the vendor to add the value.

Bug is being worked on by the Alma Integrations Agile team. RESOLVED

@Julie Brannon



Jul 23, 2024


Items at temporary locations are not displaying at the temporary locations in Books & Media for all use cases

Patrons may think items are not at reserves, new & noteworthy, and other locations that are often temporary.

Click the request button to see the correct location information.

The main development work for this has been completed.

Temporary locations may still appear incorrect due to stale records, if items were moved to temporary locations recently. See 8.

Digital Projects - assign a ticket to https://support.lib.duke.edu



Aug 2, 2024


Issues with accessioning Rubenstein Library materials into CaiaSoft. The collection code table in CaiaSoft needs to be updated to remove duplicates and indicate which LSC collection codes are used for “refiles”.

Staff in RL are unable to send items for accessioning into the LSC>

No work around. Table needs to be updated.

Table updates will be completed by August 9 at the latest RESOLVED

@Jacquie Samples



Aug 12, 2024


Lilly DVDs housed at the Perkins locked stacks not showing request buttons in the Books and Media catalog.

Patron are unable to request these items.


LSIS will work with MADS to determine the proper work order for these items. The Lilly Renovation work order these items are currently in does not allow requesting, which is what we want for all other items in this work order.




Aug 12, 2024


Lilly DVDs requested by staff for patrons are recalled by the Lilly Renovation work order

Staff are unable to request these items for patrons.


There is a “recall items” check box on the Lilly Renovation work order that we are investigating as the culprit.




Aug 2, 2024


Records with large numbers of holdings (100 or more) may load slowly or very slowly in the catalog request system. It may appear to time out even though the request is still processing behind the scenes.

Items cannot be requested and the patron is not able to get what they need.

Wait for the record to load completely or request the item(s) for the patron directly in Alma or AEON.

We are working on a design change to support paging functionality so that we do not wait until the full set of records is retrieved before displaying information to the patron. We will update this page as that work progresses.

Note that Alma does not provide a bulk API tool for item information, which means item lists must be paged through individual API requests.




Sep 17, 2024


Some print records include a "View Online" button in the catalog.

Cause: The MARC 856 contains a Table of Contents URL. This data is coming in the MARC from OCLC.

To find examples, filter for print books, and then filtering again for "Available Online" on the top left. Note: This issue relates only to the TOC URLs which have been fixed - there are still print records that may show the “Available Online” link and are not a new Alma issue - those existed in Aleph as well.

This is confusing to patrons. They see a view online link and therefore expect to view an ebook, but the material is a print resource.


The Alma Integrations Agile team will implement special handling in the data pipeline to TRLN Discovery to identify these records and remove the TOC link. The team identifying records with the TOC links and remove the links from the MARC record so that they’ll be published to TRLN Discovery without the TOC link and avoid displaying the View Online button.

@Matthew Harrington



Aug 28, 2024


Newly cataloged items are not being displayed in the Books and Media “New Titles” facet.

The New Titles facet is currently displaying only 3 titles.


Processes for adding the 946 field in the bib record will need to be added as new materials are loaded into Alma.