Task and Milestone Tracking Guidelines

Each Implementation Team and Working Group will have major tasks and milestones with deadlines as part of the activities needed to successfully launch FOLIO. A centralized task management tool has been developed so that each team/group can track their own tasks as granular as needed and in a consistent structure so that Duke's FOLIO project manager, Karen Newbery, can easily compile those tasks to track and analyze the overall progression of the project. 

The basic guidelines for using this tool are as follows:

  1. Each team/group is on their honor to only edit their respective tab.
  2. Edit it online so others can be editing at the same time.
  3. Add any custom columns AFTER 'I'. 
    1. Karen will copy columns 'A-I' into her master sheet.
  4. Add new rows before the 'insert new rows above this one' message.
  5. Column 'A' is the task number. You can have a major task with how many subtasks you want. Convention is:
    1. 1 = major task or task category
    2. 1.1 = subtask or major task
    3. 1.1.1 = 3rd level task
  6. Column 'B' is the task title. Your decision if you want to use indention or not. Color coding is setup to easy see the major tasks. 
  7. Column 'C' is for describing the task. You can use it how you see fit:
    1. for when the title doesn't give enough clarity.
    2. if there are more granular tasks you don't want to add to a column
    3. deliverables
    4. expected outcomes
    5. other groups involved
    6. who task is assigned to
  8. Column 'D' is coded with a percentage. Edit the field with any number up to 100 to help track the progress of that task. You decide how often that update should occur.
  9. Columns 'E', 'F', and 'G' manage the dates and are coded. Please don't change.
    1. Add your start date first
    2. Add the number of days you expect the task to take.
    3. The end date will auto calculate.
  10. Columns 'H' and 'I' represent the group/team you are on and the ones responsible for the task
    1. These are already preset and don't need to be edited. 

Link to the Tool: https://duke.box.com/s/vp3e3webe0h70xwy0h5m09mhr4gzmn4i

  • You can find it in the Box LSP Steering Group Project Planning folder: FOLIO_Proj_Task_Tracking.xlsx