AV Material Shelf Preparation

Scope: Describes shelf preparation steps for fully cataloged audio-visual materials (music CDs, DVDs, etc.).

Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 06/28/2021

Date of next review: 12/20/2021

Music CD Processing

Printing Labels
Mechanical process is the same as running call number labels on books (Basic Monograph Shelf Preparation)

  • Find the barcode – usually on the insert/paper booklet inside jewel case
    • Identify any need for multiple labels for each item
  • Label location for music CDs: lower-left of the paper booklet / insert INSIDE the case, not ON the case (Music and Lilly)

Photo of CD in jewel case with labelled booklet
(Exception: when container is box rather than jewel case, label may go on outside)

  • In cases when there are additional inserts, those also get their own call number label
    • To generate multiple identical call number labels, scan the item barcode additional times

Photo of multiple CD booklets for Music, stamped and labelled
Stamping goes inside the booklet, look for white space/don't cover information

  • Additional inserts also get stamped

Labelling the discs
Holding Library + type of disc + accession number

  • Example: "Music CD 12345" for multiples, also note what # in set

Photo of CD hub with accession number hand-written

DVD processing

DVDs also get label in lower-left of their CASE, not on the insert.
Photo of labelled DVD case
DVDs going to Music get two labels – one on the outside of the case, one on the insert.
Labelling the discs
DVDs also get their hubs handwritten:

  • Holding Library + type of disc + accession number "Lilly DVD 12345"
  • Use black Sharpie, extra-fine point to label disc hubs

Stamp the paper insert in the DVD (when one is present), regardless of final branch destination.
Photo of stamped DVD insert
AV materials DO NOT get targeted (no security strips are inserted during processing).
***Lilly Devil DVDs***

  • Processed as rush items
  • Handled identically to regular DVDs, but hub label includes "Devil" and copy number (Devil DVDs are usually multiples) Devil DVD 12345 c.1

When finished processing AV

Finished AV in cases are not sent loose to libraries; load into specific cardboard boxes (CD boxes hold about 11 CDs)

  • Put in small cardboard boxes labeled for the correct location (rush labeled boxes exist)
    • Boxes are periodically returned from branch libraries
  • Place in destination library bins (with finished books, as usual)

AV Items for the LSC

AV materials that go to LSC shelves should arrive with their own LSC sticker already, following spine label rules for spine label location on AV items. They are stamped according to the directions above.
***Do not write LSC on the hub for LSC AV items ***