Brittle books for Outsourcing


Contact: Lesley Looper

Unit: Resource Description

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Processing for sending outsourcing to HF group for LSC stickers
These are the ones already reviewed by Corrina

Note: These are already sorted by size and ready to prepare for outsourcing. 

Shelf Preparation Process for StorPak Boxing of paperbacks and hardbacks with LSC stickers
Outsourcing boxing—StorPak job: Kase-boxing

  • Will need to print call number for LSC sticker books and affix to spine. Allow LSC sticker to stay visible on spine of book and place a LSC flag in book
  • Stamp and target
  • Scan barcode in Aleph and change the IPS to PB if not already
  • It's ok to have a "GX" call number, which is the old way of classifying "Gift" books. Just make sure it's on the spine. All GX call number are shelved at the LSC so make sure book has a LSC flag.
  • Once completed, locate the area in the Kaseboxing backlog and place books on shelves

Ex. GX15943