YBP Shelf-Ready Receiving

Scope: Opening freight, sorting and processing YBP shelf-ready approval shipments.

Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 06/29/2021

Date of next review: 12/01/2021

YBP Shelf-Ready Receipts & Processing
Before you begin:

  1. Have email notifications and Box documents from MADS with incoming invoices (firm and approval), and spreadsheets with exceptions/pull items from these shipments.
  2. Retrieve large cart from Shelf Prep area to use for GOBI shipments.

New and Noteworthy (including NYT Best Sellers) / Lilly Current Lit / Duke Authors Shipments:
Note: for all these shipments, dust jackets stay on the books. Spine labels should be on the jackets. If not, pull as exception (see below).

  1. For each shipment, locate & open box with packing list enclosed.
    1. Approval plans may have a single packing list for multiple boxes
    2. Firm order plans should have one packing list per box
    3. Special plans (N&N, LCL, Duke Authors) will come in their own shipments
  2. Check packing list against Exceptions Pull List; mark "pull" items on packing list to make them easier to catch
  3. Open each box in shipment, checking off each item with a pencil on the packing list as you go.
  4. Put a flag into each book according to its category:
    1. New and Noteworthy (N&N Flag)
    2. New York Times Bestseller (N&N Flag)
    3. Current Lit (Lilly Current Lit Flag)
    4. Duke Authors (Duke Authors Flag)
  5. Pull exceptions and set them aside:
    1. Exceptions indicated on "Pull List"
    2. Any book lacking spine labels
    3. Any book with incomplete/incorrect labeling
    4. Rush items (items promoted to rush post-shipment, rarely)
  6. Take all (non-exception) items from N&N, Duke Authors, and Lilly Current Lit shipments directly to Shipping and Receiving. Place in bins designated for ADS staff.
  7. Place pulled "exception" items on cart and deliver to designated staff (OK to set all exceptions aside until all boxes have been unpacked, then deliver all exceptions at one time).
    1. Rush items do not go with the exception items (need more info on rush items!)
    2. Deliver Rush items to someone in MonoACQ to get rush info off the order record

GOBI Approval & Firm Shipments

  1. Take 4-5 empty mail bins from the Shipping and Receiving office. These are used to sort books by location as described below.
  2. Locate & open box with packing list enclosed. Note: Approval boxes will have a single packing list with multiple invoice numbers.
  3. Check packing list against Exceptions Pull List; mark "pull" items on packing list to make them easier to catch.
    1. Note: for all regular approval & firm shipments, remove dust jackets from the books, with the following exceptions:
      1. Books for Lilly (verify spine label under jacket)
      2. Books for Music (verify spine label under jacket)
  4. Open each box in shipment, checking off each item in pencil on the packing list as you go. Pull exceptions and set them aside:
    1. Exceptions indicated on "Pull List"
    2. Any book lacking spine labels
    3. Any book with incorrect labeling
    4. Rush items (items promoted to rush post-shipment, rarely)
  5. Items for Perkins Library go onto a cart (OK to mix approval & firm order books)
    1. Tape Perkins label to end of cart when you begin adding items
  6. Sort non-Perkins books into individual bins, according to info on spine label:
    1. Lilly
    2. Music
    3. Divinity
  7. When cart is full, it must be taken into the Shipping and Receiving office
  8. Deliver all non-Perkins items to Shipping and Receiving and place in bins labeled for each branch (any materials in excess bins require correct coversheet, from S&R):
    1. Lilly
    2. Music
    3. Divinity
  9. Place pulled "exception" items on cart and deliver to designated staff (OK to set all exceptions aside until all boxes have been unpacked, then deliver all exceptions at one time.) 
    1. YBP Shelf-Ready Errors and Corrections 
    2. Rush items do not go with the exception items
    3. Deliver Rush items to someone in MonoACQ to get rush info off the order record