Invoice Data Mapping: Aleph to Alma

Purpose:  This page describes data value crosswalks and data element mapping for the migration of Invoice data from Aleph to Alma.  This migration guide and video from ExLibris provide instructions to complete a migration form prior to the automated migration of Aleph data to Alma.  The decisions we need to make about invoice data migration are outlined on this page.

Page Contents

Alma Invoice Structure

Alma invoices are comprised of invoice_details (mandatory) and invoice_lines (not mandatory). The migration of Aleph invoices creates:

  • One Alma Invoice for each Aleph invoice header (Z77): Aleph invoice headers without attached invoice line item should not be migrated
  • One Alma Invoice Line for each Aleph invoice line item (Z75) matching an invoice header (Z77).
  • Invoice migration ensures the total invoice amounts are correct, not necessarily the net breakdowns.
  • VAT is included in the total invoice amount. VAT details are mapped to Alma invoice and invoice lines notes (Z77_VAT_CODE, Z77_VAT_AMOUNT, 77_VAT_RECEIVER, Z75_VAT_CODE, and Z75_VAT_AMOUNT).

Crosswalks: Aleph code values to Alma code values

The following tables describe the crosswalk of Aleph code values for key invoice data elements to the target Alma code value.

Aleph Invoice Type to Alma Payment Method

The Aleph Invoice type maps to the Payment Method in Alma.  The following section defines the steps needed to decide how we want to crosswalk the Aleph Invoice Type values to Alma Payment methods.

Next Steps

1. Review the list of Alma Payment Methods below to become familiar with them.

Alma Payment Method CodesDescription
ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENTThe payment method is determined by the institution's accounting department (Invoice in Alma cannot be defined as Pre-Paid with this payment method).
CASHPayment is done using cash.
CREDITCARDPayment is done using a credit card.
BANKTRANSFERSPayment is done using bank transfers.
DEPOSITACCOUNTPayment is done using a deposit account where the institution deposits money with the vendor in advance.
PREPAYMENTPayment is transferred before the actual purchases take place.
SPECIALPAYMENTSpecial payment as decided between the institution and the vendor.
ATTACHMENTPayment method is described within the Attachment tab at the vendor account/Invoice.

2. Decide which values to enable, decide on the "Description" labels that are seen by users, and choose a default value.

Aleph Invoice Type CodeAleph DescriptionCount (6/30/23)Target Alma Payment MethodAlma Description Label - do we want to change any?
REGRegular183,718 ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENTAccounting Department
INTInternal25,240 ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENTAccounting Department
PREPrepaid4,784 PREPAYMENTPrepayment
PROProforma1,304 DEPOSITACCOUNTAccounting Department
DEPDepositDEPOSITACCOUNTDeposit account

*For the data migration, the default value when not mapped is ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT

Invoice Line Type

In Alma, there is an invoice line type which is a change from Aleph where we only had an invoice type on the header. Per Chana at ExLibris,  Invoice lines from Aleph will be mapped as a "regular" line type. There are no recommended clean-up processes for invoice line types in Aleph prior to migration. The additional line types can be used in Alma moving forward and will be something we will explore in Acquisitions training.

The remainder of this section is a discussion which values to use going forward and doesn't impact data migration, but I'm putting it here as a placeholder.  We'll need to decide whether we want to set the "split additional charges parameter" to true. This would allow individual invoice lines to have different types other than the ones that come out of the box.

Out of the box, in addition to the Regular line, the standard additional invoice-line types Shipment, Insurance, Overhead, Discount, and Other are automatically enabled for each invoice - see the screen shot below. We can enable and disable additional line types in the Invoice Line Types code table (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Invoices > Invoice Line Types). The Invoice Line Types option only appears in the menu when the customer parameter invoice_split_additional_charges is set to true, so if we want to change how this is setup we'll need to ask ExLibris to enable the split additional charges parameter so that we can access that in the Configurations area.  The full list of possible invoice line types is available in the ExLibirs documentation here.

Aleph Invoice Status to Alma Payment Status

According to this Aleph to Alma migration guide, the Aleph Invoice Payment Status maps to the Alma Payment Status.  The first table below lists the record counts in Aleph for each payment status.  

Z77_P_STATUS Payment statusDescriptionCount (10/3/23)
CPaid and sent to R/3216029
YPayment authorization given311
NNot ready to be paid89
RReady to be paid3

10/3/23: Per Chana at EL, they determine that the invoice is closed by the following mapping.  I've included counts to list how many records in Aleph as of 10/3/23 match that criteria.

Next Step

Review the table below to determine whether any data cleanup is needed or if we're OK with invoices moving to Alma with the status values listed in the blue section of the table.

If Aleph invoice contains these values...

Migrate invoice to Alma as...

Z77_P_STATUS Payment status

Z77_I_DATE Invoice date

Z77_P_DATE Payment DateOther/notesCount of invoices matching this criteria in Aleph (10/3/23)

Alma Payment Status

Entry point in Alma

'P' Paid

null!= 0  (an invoice date value exists)!= 0 (a payment date value exists)
Any other custom values taken from tab48.lng (At Duke we use 'C' - Paid and sent to R/3)
!= 0 (a payment date value exists)
Any other custom values taken from tab48.lng (At Duke we use 'C' - Paid and sent to R/3)

= 0 (a payment date value doesn't exist)

null= 0  (an invoice date value doesn't exist)
Incomplete invoice header194Won't migrate to Alma
null!= 0 (an invoice date value exists)= 0 (a payment date value doesn't exist)
'N' Not ready to be paid

'R' Ready to be paid

'R' Ready to be paid

'Y'  Payment notification sent


Data Mapping

This table describes the Alma target field for each Invoice field in Aleph. Note: Much of this content was copied from Harvard's data mapping guides, last updated in 2018. Please consider this page a draft until the Duke team verifies that this mapping information is current and concurs with Duke's migration decisions.  For reference, Aleph invoice screenshots are included below.

Aleph FieldAlma FieldAdditional Information
Aleph General Invoice
Line items (count)doesn't migrate to Alma
Total Amount Gen. InvoiceTotal Amount
Total Amount Line ItemsTotal invoice lines amount
Vendor CodeVendor Code
Invoice NumberInvoice Number
Net Amountdoesn't migrate to Alma
Shipment AmountShipment
Overhead Amountdoesn't migrate to AlmaThere is data in this field: 16,492 contain a value greater than zero; 198,865 records contain 0. (7/26/23)
Insurance Amountdoesn't migrate to Alma

98 records contain a value greater than zero (7/26/23)

Discount Amountdoesn't migrate to Alma7510 records contain a value greater than zero (7/26/23)
Total AmountTotal amount

VAT is included in the total invoice amount. 

Total Amount incl. VAT

Local Amount

Refers to InvoiceInvoice Reference #
TypeNotes?, Payment method - see crosswalk aboveDo we want to map the Aleph value to Notes for reference?  This value also sets the Payment Method in Alma.  See crosswalk above.

CurrencyIncluded in Total invoice lines amount 
Explicit Ratiodoesn't migrate to Alma
DebitTotal invoice lines amount does not include a minus sign.
CreditTotal invoice lines amount includes a minus sign. 
Invoice DateInvoice Date
Received Datedoesn't migrate to Alma
Shipment Datedoesn't migrate to Alma
VAT Recipient

Not used in Aleph - all records null in 77_VAT_RECEIVER as of 7/26/23

VAT details are mapped to Alma invoice and invoice lines notes (Z77_VAT_CODE, Z77_VAT_AMOUNT, 77_VAT_RECEIVER, Z75_VAT_CODE).
VAT Percentn/a
VAT AmountVAT details are mapped to Alma invoice and invoice lines notes
VAT per Line Itemn/a
Add VAT to Amountn/a
NoteNotes Tab
Payment DatePayment Date
Check NumberPayment Identifier
AmountPayment Amount
StatusPayment StatusValues in Alma are 
  • In Review: The invoice was created but not yet reviewed
  • In Approval:- The invoice is waiting for manual approval
  • Ready to be Paid: The invoice was approved and is ready to be sent to the ERP
  • Waiting for Payment: The invoice was approved and sent to the ERP (or skipped the ERP if the institution does not use one)
  • Closed: The invoice is paid and closed
Approval Dep.Notes Tab "Approved by <Approval department>10/3/23 Notes from Chana on Basecamp: 

"All invoices will be migrated at the institutional level with institution as the owner.

We check Z77_APPROVAL_DEPARTMENT if it's null to determine whether an invoice is WAITING_APPROVAL and in a note to indicate "Approved by … <value in Z77_APPROVAL_DEPARTMENT>. So the information will end up in a note field on the invoices."

Approval NumberNotes Tab
Aleph Line Item Form
Vendor CodeVendor 
Invoice NumberIn banner at top of screen
Net AmountPrice
Estimated Pricen/a
Added Amountn/a
CurrencyIncluded in Amount
Total AmountTotal Price
Object CodeReporting Code
Total, Incl. VATn/a
VAT Percentn/a
Local Amountn/a
VAT Amountn/a
Number of UnitsQuantity
DebitInvoice line amount does not include a minus sign.  No - in Total invoice lines amount 
CreditInvoice line amount does not include a minus sign.
Aleph Invoice Line Items columns
Seq.Line #
Order No.PO Line #
Net Amt.Price
Total Amt.Total Price
Object CodeReporting Code
Local Amt.Allocated Fund Transaction - Amount
Units in OrdAvailable in invoice line view
Units in InvAvailable in invoice line view

Aleph Invoice Screenshots

General Invoice Screen:

Payment Screen

Invoice fields that don't migrate to Alama

Invoice header

  • Z77-I-REC-DATE
  • Z77-I-NO-ITEMS
  • Z77-I-NET-AMOUNT (Net amount of invoice)
  • Z77-I-SHIP-AMOUNT (Added charges)
  • Z77-I-OVER-AMOUNT (Added charges)
  • Z77-I-INSU-AMOUNT (Added charges)
  • Z77-I-DISC-AMOUNT (Amount discounted)

Invoice line


Data Cleanup Tasks