Sharing Access to Media

Sharing Access to Media

There are a few different ways to share access to a single media record, which vary in the types of access they offer and the contributor use cases they try to solve. In order to best understand the different advantages of these methods, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with the various User Roles for Media. As described in How to See Who Has User Roles for a Given Media, current access levels for an existing media can be seen on the Share tab of the Media edit page. An example Media edit page with Share tab is presented to the right.

Data Manager

Only one individual may be the data manager for media. You can transfer media to another MorphoSource contributor user and make that user the data manager for this media. This will revoke your data manager status for this media, although you may retain edit access to media. The current data manager for media is listed in the Share tab.

Individual Sharing

You can share media with individual MorphoSource users with the Add Sharing section of the Media edit page Share tab. You can choose to share the media with either View, Download, or Edit access. Individuals with access to the media are listed in the Share tab.

Project or Team Membership

Adding a media to a project or team will share that media with all members of the project or team, in line with their project or team membership role. Individuals with access to media through a project or team are listed in the Share tab.

Temporary Link (Anonymous) Access

It is possible to generate temporary links that grant anonymous and time-limited access to media record pages. It's also possible for anonymous access to a media to be granted through a project with a project temporary access link. See Media Temporary Access Links and Project Temporary Access Links for more detail. 

Finally, a feature that can intersect with media access, sharing, and ownership transfer is Organization Ownership Transfers. If you are contributing media from an organization that has an Organization Ownership Transfer policy, you will be informed of this during initial media submission. You can check the linked documentation above for more details on how this process works.

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