Student Sustainability Summit

Fall 2010 Summit

Spring 2010 Summit

Duke Student Environmental Leaders Summit

31 March, 2010 Content of Networking Flip Chart PaperTransportation-         GPSC Green Team

o  Bus signs ("What bus comes here")

o  Bike lines (on & at the edge of campus)

-         DUGI Transportation Committee

o  Researched biodiesel options for campus busses

Dining/Gardening-         EA Real Food Campaign

o  Working with the Real Food Challenge, a national organization that connects the food movements on campuses across the country

o  Creating demand for fair, local, sustainable food on campus

§ Campus farm in development

o  Awareness events

o  Quantifying the amount of "real" food on campus at each eatery

§ Collaboration with SSL Dining Committee on sustainable dining metric

o  Collaborating with other groups that have similar interests

-         SSL Dining Committee

o  Clamshell reusable to-go containers at Great Hall

o  Green dining certification with audit of all Duke eateries

§ Collaboration with Sustainable Duke and Duke Dining Services

-         Duke Culinary Society

o  "Food@Duke" week in Fall 2010 to kickoff Duke Farm

o  Collaboration with Duke Community )undergrad and grad)

o  Brining in local sustainably minded restaurants to feature at Duke

o  Forming an Iron Chef event focused on local produce

o  Speakers: Alice Waters

§ ~50k depending (Should this have said 5 or 50?)

§ Should talk with Charlie Thompson, Brenda Brodie SEEDS

§ Ideas? Need to book NOW

o  Jamie Oliver

§ Booked for the year

o  Marion Nestle

§ $5k + travel

o  Visits to local farms and farmer's markets

o  Documentary showing - "Food fight" ?

o  Bon Appétit/Duke Dining involvement

Land Use-         Grounds

o  Reuse of leaf compost

o  Transplant material from building sites

o  Replant storm damaged material (plants)

Water-         Grounds

o  Use collected water from cisterns to water annuals and trees on campus not on irrigation

-         EA

o  Take Back the Tap Campaign (See below in Purchasing)

Energy/Buildings-         Dorm Eco-Reps from Wilson Hall

o  Green dorm energy audits using kilowatt meters and a green dorm room checklist

-         DUGI Energy Committee

o  Researched building energy monitoring systems

-         Procurement services

o  Receive mass influx of green lighting vendors.  Would like to plan implementation of more responsible lighting program on both University and Health System sides

-         SESC

o  Help promote LEED-certified building

o  Educate students to practice conservation

Purchasing-         EA Take Back the Tap Campaign

o  Long term goal: End the sale of bottled water on campus

o  Short term:

§ Awareness events

§ Improving water quality on campus

§ Reducing student demand for bottled water

-         Green cleaning

o  Procurement Services currently working w/ DUGI to evaluate products

o  Need partnership w/ EA, DUGI - Statement from student about preferring green cleaning products

§ Contact

-         Office supplies

o  Procurement Services asking departments to order only once weekly instead of daly an utilize green produces indicator on Eway

-         Wilson Residence Hall Sustainability Committee

o   We're hoping to purchase Brita filters for residents to reduce the number of plastic water bottles being wasted and drying racks to encourage other ways of reducing energy

Education/Outreach-         SESC

o  Work with student groups to "green" events, especially big DSG events

o  create a green event planning guide for students 

-         Pratt

o  Create a freshman introductory course (maybe mandatory, but not necessarily full credit) that will serve as a prolonged orientation to the Duke/Pratt community and will integrate sustainability education to make students aware of on-campus initiatives

-         EA

o  Eco-Olympics

§ Month-long competition involving energy, recycling, and awareness events

§ Events involve education about a wide range of environmental issues

§ Happens every fall between all the dorms on East Campus

-         Grounds

o  Fall Duke GROWS program with students, planting projects

o  Arbor Day Foundation

§ Tree Campus USA

§ Arbor month - project with students and community revitalizing a landscape using edible plants and native plants

-         DR/SSL

o  Coffee Break - bring useful info about recycling & sustainability to office staff & administration on campus

Waste/Recycling-         GPSC Green Team

o  Recycling bin distribution program for grad student offices

o  Recycling in hospital/med center (working on this)

o  Opportunities for easier access/availability

-         Procurement Services

o  Working on recycling in hospital/med center

§ Contact Mary Crawford

o  Giving free furniture/computers to Duke departments and area non-profits. Developing hospitals in other countries with used-medical supplies from Duke via GHPLUS

-         SESC

o  Working to increase, and even mandate, recycling at fraternity and sorority events

-         Dorm Eco-Reps of Wilson Hall

o  We're hoping to increase awareness about cardboard recycling by either establishing a location within each dorm or distributing maps indicating where the outdoor cardboard recycling locations are around campus (usually a large dumpster within easy walking distance behind each dorm)

-         EA Recycling campaign

o  Working with Arwen to:

§ Coordinate the move-out for charity at the end of the year

§ Help with the Garbology event during Earth Month

§ Update the campus recycling guide

-         SSL

o  Clamshells in the Great Hall with Duke Dining Services

-         DUGI

o  Working to update/improve recycling options in LSRC

-         REMEDYo  Donating unused medical supplies to countries in needDiscussionWhat challenges are currently limiting the effectiveness of sustainability groups?

-         Central place for meeting spaces

-         Physical space for collaboration

-         Large amount of organizations - surprised by how many groups there are

o  Need more communication between groups

-         Thoughts on the wiki

o  Like the wiki - success depends on whether people using it are checking it regularly

§ If everyone in the room was checking it regularly, it would be very successful

o  Would support a periodic  e-mail reminder to check the wiki

o  Could be good to have some sort of open forum on the wiki where people could post questions - pages for diff. threads

o  Wiki is more efficient use of our time in terms of contact info

o  Staff should put on wiki answers to typical questions

§ Casey Roe will facilitate this

-         Barrier for environmental groups is knowing who to talk to

o  Compilation of what staff person to contact for certain things

§ i.e. dining, noise permit

-         Grad school programs tend to be self-contained

-         More meetings like this to get to know each other and collaborate together

o  Twice a semester meetings like this

o  General support for twice a semester meetings

-         Figuring out now who wants to collaborate together to make sure the right people are talking

-         We could create a "brown bag"

o  Prior to meeting - groups should submit what they are working on

-         Create a listserve of the people here today? Google group?

o  Everyone can post events and get a digest e-mail

-         Using all of the groups that are here to advocate for the same goals - this could create an opportunity for fundamental change

o  EA has a lot of manpower, but there is a lot more manpower in this room

o  We could work towards big policy change together

-         Introductions and networking time were the focus of this event, there is interest in continued conversations

o  How would you envision this time to make it most productive?

o  Open networking, structured discussion?

o  Open networking is important because students are leaving and new students are coming in, maybe we can evaluate what we have written down before the next summit - maybe we could form groups to present on ideas for the next summit

-         From a staff perspective, students really do lead the way - students can drive the change, we have trouble mandating anything at Duke

o  We value diverse backgrounds and choices

o  If there are enough student groups coming together and mandating a change they can be successful

o  Making a huge impact on 30,000 staff members

o  We need students to drive this

o  Figure out what the ideas are that you all want to see change in

o  Don't think you are just changing the students

What opportunities exist for creating a more sustainable Duke, and how can students lead the way?

How do we get at the student population, how do we connect with them, how to we have a brand that is recognizable?

-         EA - get name out as often as possible, be active

-         Simple catchy phrases and marketing

o  Bleed Blue. Live Green.

-         Collaborating with more and more groups - helping out where you can

How can the groups assembled here work together to empower each other?

-         As a staff member, work with many student groups on same projects - save money and time by collaborating more together

o  Green guide would be good example for future collaboration

-         In a lot of different groups there are several similar projects going

o  These sub-groups should collaborate

-         It would be helpful to meet again at the beginning of the semester before the projects are decided, projects now are already underway

-         DUGI gets together in the fall to decide what campaigns and committees they will have, it would be helpful to hear what other groups are doing

-         We all also have our unique constituents, so duplication isn't always ineffective

-         Collaboration between all of our groups - having a green week

o  "Purple week" in fall

o  Some sort of collaborative event between 22 groups

o  This would force us to see how our projects fit together

o  Fuqua has a green week in the fall

§ Competition among the different sections of the business school

§ Bring in other grad schools as well

-         We need to have some type of steering committee for this

o  Ben Soltoff

o  Casey Roe

o  Arwen Buchholz

o  Liz Bloomhardt

-         We will send out a list of today's participants