Waste Reduction

DSG's Student Environment Sustainability Committee (SESC) Project 1: "Flyering" Reduction

"Flyering" has become a serious environmental issue on Duke's campus. Various campus organizations, SLGs, and fraternities will often place multiple copies of the same flyer on student activities bulletin boards, sidewalks, and benches to advertise their events. We are currently working with DSG, IFC, and OSAF to provide a punishment for excessive flyering. As of January 18th, 2011, the following clause is being debated in the DSG Senate:

iv. No student group may post more than 1 flyer advertising their
event per flyer board on campus. The first violation of this policy
will result in a 5% reduction to the group's next funding request. The
second violation of this policy will result in a 10% reduction to the
group's next funding request. The third violation of this policy will
result in automatic placement in to probation. Records of violations
are to be erased at the end of each academic year and each groups
violation count reset to 0.

We believe that is very probably that this new rule will pass in the DSG Senate. This new rule will affect all student organizations, including SLGs and fraternities. Although SLGs and fraternities often do not apply for funding through OSAF, the third violation of student group probation will affect the SLGs and fraternities as well.

SESC Project 2: Duke Stores Plastic Bag Reduction

We are trying to reduce the plastic bag waste from all the Duke Stores, including the University Store, the Lobby Shop, and the Computer Store. We have met with Duke Stores management and Mike LeFevre, president of DSG. The Director of the Duke Stores (Jim Wilkerson) decided to buy reusable bags and offer them at the main University Store. They will be $2.00, and customers can get a 10 cent discount each time they use the bag. Mr. Wilkerson said that they aren't going to provide a discount for bag use in the Lobby Shop and the store under the Marketplace because transactions are so small there that they would lose a lot of money. However, there is still a possibility for this happening in the future. The reusable bags are currently available at the main University store.

However, SESC needs the help of other campus environmental organizations to promote the use of these bags among Duke students, faculty, staff, and regular visitors to campus. Although Duke Stores have placed adds in The Chronicle, very few people on campus know about these reusable bags. Please contact Nik Raju at nikhi.raju@duke.edu if you are interested in helping SESC promote the reusable Duke Store bags.

SESC Project 3: Campus Eateries Plastic Bag Reduction

SESC Project 4 (long-term): "Bottleless Campus"

SESC is currently working with EA (Environmental Alliance) and SSL (Students for Sustainability Living) on a long-term project to eliminate bottled water (i.e. Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, etc.).

Washington University in St. Louis has already gotten rid of water bottles on their campus. They have ~14,000 students, approximately the same as Duke. Contracts are being renegotiated this year, so this is a major opening to pursue a similar campaign.

Undergrads currently working on this campaign:
SSL (primary project):
Anna Territo (anna.territo@duke.edu)
Jessye Waxman (jessye.waxman@duke.edu)
Nelson (nelson.jd.iii@gmail.com)
EA (secondary):
Deborah Lee (deborah.lee@duke.edu)