Host a web application that accesses a database

The Research Data Services group within UITS Research Technologies provides a service known as the Research Database Complex (RDC), which supports research-related MySQL databases and data-intensive applications that require databases. Please note that the RDC also supports PostgreSQL, which is available upon request.


  1. Secure your own environment.


I only need a database server for the data:

  1. Read the IU Research Data Complex (RDC) usage policies.
  2. Get a MySQL account on the RDC. 
  3. Access your MySQL database on the RDC from your application host.
  4. Create MySQL user accounts.
  5. Secure the connection with SSL to encrypt the SQL traffic.
I also need a place to host the application:
  1. Use the RDCweb application server.
  2. Contact RDC administrators for help or to request the use of PostgreSQL. 

Approved for

The UITS provided infrastructure components (RDC, RDCweb) are approved for PHI, but subject to "Shared responsibility model for securing PHI on UITS systems".  If you use your own application host, you will need to ensure that it complies with HIPAA.  Email if you need help.

We want your feedback

Please email to report errors/omissions and send critiques, suggestions for improvements, new use cases/recipes, or any other positive or negative feedback you might have.  It will be your contribution to the Cookbook and appreciated by all who use it.