GOBI ordering (print)

Scope: Introduction to ordering print books on GOBI's website.

Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 02/15/2021

Date of next review: 08/16/2021

I. To Search for Selections:

In GOBI, choose Search
Choose Selections

GOBI screenshot - Search by selection
Choose Selector Initials
Click Search

GOBI screenshot - search criteria, with red arrows pointing at Selector Initials and Search
The selection list will appear
(in Options—My Preferences make sure "Full" is chosen as the default display)

II. Reviewing and Editing Selections:

Step 1. Review the information the Selector has provided. If you need to make any changes, you can click Enter Order Details button above the list of selections.

Screenshot of GOBI interface - Edit Order Details Button
Step 2. Check for duplicates.

a. For titles that are NON-RETURN/NON-CANCEL YBP, search in Aleph by ISBN and title to ensure we have not already purchased the title.

b. For titles that are numbered monographic series or sets, search in Aleph to confirm that the title will not come on standing order. Also check titles that appear to be serial titles (travel guides, for example).

c. Look at the GOBI information to see if the title has already shipped or will ship. Look at the right side of the GOBI record for the following:

PhraseMeaning (taken from GOBI help)
Already owned by libraryLibrary reported ownership
Approval book for seriesSeries volumes shipped on approval
eCollection open orderAn eCollection that contains this title is on order
eCollection invoicedAn eCollection that contains this order was delivered and invoiced
Invoiced (date)eBook order was already invoiced
Library open order (date)Item is on order with GOBI
Preparing to shipItem is on order and ready for shipment to library
Shipped to library (date)Item has shipped to library
Slip sent (date)Notification slip sent to library
Title selected (date)Item selected by GOBI user for purchase
Will ship to libraryLibrary will receive an approval copy of this title

From GOBI's webpage, the approval statuses & their meanings:

  1. "Due on approval (mmddyyyy)."
    We have not yet received the book in our warehouse and it has not yet been profiled. Most often this will apply to forthcoming titles.

    "Preparing to profile."
    The book has just been received and will be profiled.

    "Approval profiling in process."
    Book-in-hand profiling is underway.

    "Handled on approval (mmddyyyy)."
    The profiling process is complete.

If you identify a duplicate, you will deselect the title from the cart (you may wish to consult with the selecting librarian about duplication preferences, in case it is an intentional duplicate):

  • Click on the record so the blue bar appears at the left.
  • Choose Deselect from menu at the left hand side of the screen.
  • Hit OK when the pop-up window appears.

III. Availability Checking and Vendor Selection:

Check US Status and UK Status to see if the book is available and whether it is better to order the title from Yankee or Lindsay & Croft:

In Stock
Low Stock (means that they have 4 copies)
Orders Accepted (means that the book is not in stock)
Import only (if not available in US, vend with UK, and vice versa)

Screenshot of GOBI interface - price and status of title

If status is Orders Accepted, check Last Received YBP and Last Received L&C. If the date is not recent, Yankee/L&C will probably not be able to supply.

If the title is not available from GOBI, you will need to remove the selection and vend the title elsewhere:

    • Click on the record so the blue bar appears at the left.
    • Email the order to yourself on the left hand side of the screen.
    • Add note to the order that it is being vended elsewhere, and if necessary, place a block. Screenshot of GOBI interface - library note

IV. Placing the Order:

Once you have reviewed the subject librarian's selections, checked for duplicates, determined whether it is available, and decided whether it should be vended with Yankee or Lindsay & Croft, you are ready for the final step to place the orders:

    • Choose the record(s) so the blue bar appears.
    • Click GOBI Express—this will bring up the Order Form (you can also edit the records first using Enter Order Details and Save). Screenshot of GOBI interface - GobiExpress button
    • Select Subaccount 1370-09 for Yankee and 1370-60 for Lindsay & Croft (UK).

Screenshot of GOBI interface - Order Form subaccount dropdown menu

  • Click Order.

V. Creating Orders in GOBI:

If you receive a selection request that was not originally put into the selection cart by a selector, but it can be acquired through YBP or LC, you can create an order in GOBI by doing the following:

  • In GOBI, conduct a Quick Search for the ISBN or TITLE of the selection
  • Mark the titles you want to order
  • Click Put in Cart (put it in Order Cart) or GOBI Express
  • Enter Order Details: Subaccount, Location, Budget Code, Selector Initials, RUSH (Yes or No), any vendor or Aleph notes
  • Click Order


  • You are encouraged to vend anything to Yankee/Lindsay & Croft using EOCRs that is available through these vendors.
  • Not yet published orders can be placed on GOBI if they are projected to be published before the end of our fiscal year. Check Amazon, Barnes & Noble, OCLC or the publisher website to find out the projected date of publication. If it is unlikely to be received this fiscal year, check with your subject librarian to see if they would rather proceed with the order or resubmit in the new fiscal year.
  • Budget codes should always be entered in uppercase letters; budget codes must be made available in GOBI before they can be used. Contact the department head to have a new code added.
  • For Rush Orders, you must add the patron information and hold the next day, after records have been loaded.
  • Be sure to count these records in both the receiving and ordering statistics. (They will need to be counted manually, as they will not appear in Aleph searches on order group.)
  • You will be alerted to duplicates when the records are loaded. If you have unintentional duplication, please contact our rep at YBP ASAP to cancel the order before it ships.
  • Turnaround: if your subject librarian sends orders regularly on GOBI, you should check for new orders at least every few days and orders should be placed and cleared out of the folder every week. Your subject librarian's initials will appear in the list only if they have selections that are ready to order.
    • Set selection alerts for each librarian you support through GOBI to receive an email alert anytime they select a new title.