LD4P Resources

Scope: A list of resources for more information on linked data in libraries and the LD4P Project

Contact: Heather Baker

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy

Date last reviewed: 04/14/2020

Date of next review:

LD4P Resources by Topic

Linked Data 101

Linked Data Crash Course by Dennis Christman, Duke University Libraries (2019)

A condensed version of Dennis Christman's NASIG 2019 pre-conference session

Linked Data for Librarians by Seth van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh (2017)Free course that provides a global introduction to linked data as well as a module on more advanced aspects of linked dataOnline training module
Linked Data for the Perplexed Librarian by Scott Carlson, Cory Lampert, Darnelle Melvin, and Anne Washington (2020)An ALCTS publication written to give a non-technical overview of linked data to librarians who have a limited understanding of the past, present, and future of linked data in librariesWhere to find this monograph in Duke Libraries
Semantic Web and Linked Data by UCLA Library (2020)This guide provides access to Semantic Web and Linked Data resources, vocabularies, use cases, and tools.Research guide


BIBFRAMEa library-focused linked data format intended to replace MARC
data modela description of data organization; often expressed in diagrams
GLAMgalleries, libraries archives, and museums
linked dataa large collection of datasets on the Internet that is structured so that both humans and computers can understand it
metadata application profile (MAP)sets of metadata elements, policies, and guidelines that may or may not be drawn from existing metadata schemas and standards, defined for a particular institutional or domain application
ontologyan abstract model representing some domain of knowledge; in linked data, ontologies take the form of specifications (rules) that deal with concepts (information) in a formal (standard) and shared (community-accepted) way
Share-VDE a library-driven initiative which brings together the bibliographic catalogues and authority files of a community of libraries in a shared discovery environment based on linked data (more information here)
Wikidataa structured and linked data depository based on standard linked data technologies; a collaboratively created knowledge base that can be read by humans and machines


Library Linked Data: Research and Adoption by Erik T. Mitchell (2014)Explores research in linked open data, explains concepts and pioneering services, addresses the five building blocks of metadata (data model, content rules, metadata schema, data serialization, and data exchange), and offers case studies on various issuesWhere to find this ebook in Duke Libraries
Ted Talk: The Next Web
by Tim Berners-Lee (2009)
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, describes a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together16-minute video
Using the Program for Cooperative Cataloging's Past and Present to Project a Linked Data Future by Steven M. Folsom (2019)Drawing on the PCC's history with linked data and related work this article identifies and gives context to pressing areas PCC will need to focus on moving forward. These areas include defining plausible data targets, tractable implementation models and data flows, engaging in related tool development, and participating in the broader linked data community.Journal article


Big and Open Linked Data (BOLD) in Government: A Challenge to Transparency and Privacy? b Marijn Janssen and Jeroen van den Hoven (2015)This article from Government Information Quarterly explores the pros and cons of open data transparency and privacy as well as the implications of how these concepts are interpreted, conceptualized, and implemented.Journal article
Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls: Semantic Web for Transparency and Privacy by Piero Bonatti, Bert Bos, Stefan Decker, Javier Fernández, Sabrina Kirrane, Vassilios Peristeras, Axel Polleres, and Rigo Wenning (2018)This paper argues that standard vocabularies are needed to describe personal data, how it is handled and processed, and how it aligns to the terminology of privacy legislation.Academic paper
Ethics in Linked Data Affinity Group (2020)Wiki for the group focused on the ethical considerations around ongoing and newly proposed work using linked data technologiesWebsite
Just Because We Can, Doesn't Mean We Should: An Argument for Simplicity and Data Privacy With Name Authority Work in the Linked Data Environment by Amber Billey (2019)This article from the Journal of Library Metadata presents the argument that cataloging practices should be adjusted to record only the most necessary information in authority records to curb catalog bias and insure personal data privacy for authors and contributors in authority files.Journal article

Applications and Practices

Authority Data: the good, the dirty and the semantic by E. Lynette Rayle and Dave Eichmann (2019)In-depth presentation on working with linked data authoritiesSlides
Linked Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums: How to Clean, Link and Publish Your Metadata by Seth van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh (2014)Handbook of core concepts of metadata standards and linked data including information on how to apply standards to existing data, and creating, cleaning, reconciling, importing, and exporting metadataWhere to find this monograph in Duke Libraries
Program for Cooperative Cataloging Task Group on Linked Data Best Practices Report (2019)A review of the list of issues outlined by the PCC Task Group on URIs in MARCH and the recommendations of the PCC BIBFRAME Task Group.Report
UCLA Library Semantic Web and Linked Data: Best Practices, Standards, and Metadata Application Profiles (MAPs) (2020)This guide provides access to Semantic Web and Linked Data resources, vocabularies, use cases and tools.Website


BIBFRAME Goes International (2019) In this presentation, Library staff review current activity of the BIBFRAME model on the international scene, including how Europe is exploring BIBFRAME, the interest in other parts of the globe and a large new project closer to home. Included are developments in the roles being played in the support of BIBFRAME by the Program for Cooperative Cataloging and the Italian book and metadata supplier, Casalini Libri.1-hour video
Library of Congress BIBFRAME Frequently Asked QuestionsThis list of 14 questions and answers addresses general information about BIBFRAME and its useWebsite
Library of Congress BIBFRAME Manual: The BIBFRAME Editor and BIBFRAME Database
Prepared by Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division, Library of Congress

This comprehensive resource offers an introduction to BIBFRAME as well as detailed information on how to access and use the BIBFRAME Editor and database. Units include:

Getting Started; BIBFRAME and linked data; Searching; Introduction to ID.LOC.GOV; Templates; Creating a New Work and Instance; Adding a New Instance to an Existing Work; Importing Descriptions from the BIBFRAME Database; Preview and Post; Workflows; and Non-Latin Scripts

Online training manual
Training Videos based on Library of Congress tools (2019)A collection of training videos based for the BIBFRAME Editor and Profile EditorVideos


Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals by David Stuart (2017)An introduction to ontologies, their future, and the role of the role of information professionals in building, developing, and using ontologiesWhere to find in TRLN Libraries
RDF Tutorial - An Introduction to the Resource Description Framework by Fullstack Academy (2017)A brief, introductory video explaining the Resource Description Framework9-minute video
Web Annotation Vocabulary (2017)The Web Annotation Vocabulary specifies the set of RDF classes, predicates, and named entities that are used b the Web Annotation Data Model. It also lists recommended terms from other ontologies that are used in the model, and provides the JSON-LD Context and profile definitions to use the Web Annotationn JSON serialization in a Linked Data context.Website


ARL White Paper on Wikidata: Opportunities and Recommendations by Association of Research Libraries (2019)The final report of the ARL Task Force on Wikimedia and Linked Open Data that primarily focused on linked open data and diversity/inclusion.White paper
Integrating Wikidata at the Library of Congress (2019)An overview of Wikidata and the implications of combining Library of Congress collection items with Wikidata informationBlog post
Wiki + data = Wikidata (and why you should care) by Asaf Bartov (2018)A brief explanation of Wikidata and examples and lists of some of its uses, such as centralizing data and avoiding duplication of effort, connecting disparate IDs and aligning datasets, serving as a discovery platform for data elsewhere, etc.8-minute video

LD4P Project

Linked Data for Production: Pathway to Implementation (LDP2) (2020)A hub for information on the the project including: news, project status, work areas, communication/organization, calendar, and ongoing cohort informationWebsite