ABLE ID no. Instructions


Contact: Corrina Carter

Unit: Resource Description

Date last reviewed: 04/15/2020

Date of next review: 04/15/2021

ABLE Instructions: Books with ID number

(The ABLE WEB version 7 software allows you to print tickets as the items are entered in a LOT.)

ABLE instructions for Book with ID number on title page

New for 2014: We now scan in the barcode in ABLE in the box located at the bottom left of the screen. See the snipit example below.

Using "Cover Proof" when editing or entering titles in ABLE and also for when revising:
Proofing the spine for accuracy is now done in real time. This means upon entering information, the spine cover proof can be viewed on the screen and the changes are seen at the same time they are entered. This should decrease the need to spend time reviewing everything just before adding the item.

When an item already has an ID number on title page, you need to make sure the Key slot has "Title: Title ID".  Type the ID number in the slot next to "Title: Title ID", press the tab key or the enter key--immediately all pertinent information should show on the screen. Also there may be a pop-up-note that appears on the screen. This note is an instructional note. Please read carefully to be sure to follow instructions upon adding the title to the LOT. (See below for example of a pop-up-note.)
Type the variables (holding) information at the blue prompts (i.e., 2, 2010 for v.2 and year 2010). Once the variables are entered all information for that item is on the screen. Now you need to check for instructional notes by clicking Instructions at the lower right hand side of the screen. Remember to apply to the record if any specifics are instructed. Also, if you have a single item, make sure to change Class to c – custom by clicking on the drop down arrow at Class located on the left side of the screen.

Instructions (Note area) Remember to read any and all pop-up-notes for specific instructions to apply to the record being added:

However if a note does not appear and "instructions" appears blue, then you need to click on instructions and carefully read the note.  If further instructions are given please apply to the record before continuing and let supervisor know that the note did not pop-up after entering the ID number.

Please verify by utilizing the Cover Proof (spine view) and the items listed below.

Cover Proof (spine view)

Please use the Cover Proof feature to verify all information that will be on the spine
Check for these matching points

  • Title is the same
  • Base call number is the same (location and all)
  • Make sure you edit the correct holdings (variables) in the call number or mid-spine.
  • If you have a single item, make sure you change Class to c – custom.
  • Check the spine size to see if you need to shorten the title with three little dots.

Problems to look out for: Dewey Call Number (see below)

  • If the call number shows up as Dewey, and you have an LC call number, you will need to edit the call number and update the title record.
  • If the call number is a Dewey and Dewey should stay, then the item must have an LSC flag for sending to the LSC when returned from CB. If the book does not have an LSC flag that's a problem. Do NOT add item. Report problem to Shelf Prep Coordinator.

However, if you are editing the call number from Dewey to LC, see below for updating the title record in ABLE before adding the variables. (If not Dewey then proceed below to "Remember to do the following before…")

Updating the title record:
Once call number has been changed do the following:

  • click on Update; Title; Update Title in menu above on ABLE screen
  • The title record is now updated with the current LC call number.

Remember to do the following before adding item (formerly saving the record).

If single item, then make sure to change Class to c - custom and then click Add Item to save the record to the Lot. (Upon adding item the print screen shows up for printing tickets. Choose the bindery printer (lib-plex-opp17-BIND on lib-ps-2016) and print a ticket after each item is entered)

Remember, for items that do not fit the above simple process, please read the scenarios below and follow the one that fits the item in hand.
Scenario 1: Sometimes the ABLE variable screen will have fewer blue prompts than what is written inside the item. If that's the case, check the Aleph 853 pattern. If the pattern in Aleph is the same as ABLE, and the variables written inside are different, leave ABLE as is and enter holding information according to the example below. When in doubt, please ask the Shelf Prep Coordinator.

Example: Book has v.21, no.1-4, 2010.   ABLE prompts are [V.v., YR].  (No. may be listed because the volume is incomplete or the size of the issues changed.)

If Aleph has 853 with v. and year, then keep what ABLE has and type no. behind the YR prompt in front of the actual year [i.e., Vv.21\YRno.1-4\2010]

Scenario 2: Sometimes the ABLE variable screen will have more blue prompts than the book. If that's the case, check the Aleph holdings record and review the 853 field. If there is more than one pattern: 853 field, then see Scenario 3. However, if there is only one pattern (853 field) and it matches ABLE, delete the extra prompt that's not used in the book, update the title record, and complete entering the holdings accordingly. See examples below

ABLE blue prompts

Example Aleph 853 field

Book has DS



Scenario 3 More than one pattern (853 field): Sometimes the ABLE variable screen will have more blue prompts than the book because it has more than one pattern (853 field). If so, check the Aleph holding record for more than one pattern 853 field. If it does not have more than one pattern, see Scenario 2. However, if there is more than one pattern 853 field, review which pattern matches your book; make sure the title matches before making any adjustment to ABLE prompts. If the title doesn't match then there is probably a title change situation. Please review with supervisor or with ERM staff to make sure Aleph information is correct.

If the title does match and one of the Aleph 853 patterns is the same as the book, then make the appropriate adjustments to the ABLE prompts and finish entering the holding information in the ABLE record.

Example: Item has v.21, 2010     ABLE prompts are [v.VNOno.YR]

If Aleph has 853 with v. and year, then edit the prompts in ABLE to match Aleph and your item. Update the title record if necessary. If unsure, ask supervisor.


LC call number

Scenario 4 Title Change (TC) situation: The variable screen could have more or fewer blue prompts due to a TC situation (780-785). If that's the case, follow the instructions on processing a title change by editing ABLE as needed according to the --780-785 document. Also re-enter the title as needed and update the title appropriately.

Scenario 5 Different Variables: If ABLE and the item have different variables Promptsresearch by doing the following and make a note of what is found and report problem to the Shelf Prep Coordinator. Check the Aleph 853 field on the holdings record to see what is listed, and make a note on what variables are being used. If Aleph has what the book has, you need to check the history of the title in ABLE and report your finding to the Shelf Prep Coordinator.

Scenario 6 Different Title Shows Up: If the title is different on ABLE and the binding unit, research by doing the following, make notes of the findings and report the problem to the Shelf Prep Coordinator: check the Aleph 245 field on the bib record, make a note about the differences, and check the bib record for a 78X field. Make a note whether the record has a 78X field and report as a problem to the Shelf Prep Coordinator. S/he will instruct what to do next. Do NOT add item to ABLE.

Instructions (Note area)

Remember to check under Instructions Notes for specific instructions to apply to the record:

With ID numbers there may be notes in the Instructions area to apply to the record.  With ABLE Web Version 7, there are pop-up notes upon entering the title ID#. Therefore, if a note pops up make sure to read carefully for further instructions and edit or inquire as needed. Also if a note does not pop up and the Instructions area shows a blue color, that means there is a note. Please click on Instructions and carefully read the note for further instructions and edit or inquire as needed before continuing.

Once everything is entered, verification is needed for accuracy. Please follow instructions below for verifying all information.

Cover Proof (spine view)

Please use the Cover Proof feature to verify all information that will be on the spine

Check for these matching points:

  • Title is the same
  • Base call number is the same (location and all)
  • Make sure you typed the correct holdings (variables) in the call number or mid-spine
  • If single item, then make sure to change Class to c - custom
  • Check the spine size to see if you need to shorten the title with three little dots

Problems to look out for

  • If the call number that shows up is Dewey, and you have an LC call number, you will need to edit the call number and update the title record.
  • If the call number is a Dewey and Dewey should stay, the book must have an LSC flag for sending to the LSC when the book is returned. If the book does not have an LSC flag that's a problem. Do NOT add item. Report problem to the Shelf Prep Coordinator.

However, if you need to update the call number from Dewey to LC, see below for updating the title record in ABLE.

REMEMBER Also: New for 2014: We now scan in the barcode in ABLE in the box located at the bottom left of the screen before going to the next record.  See example below.

Updating the title record:
Once the call number has been changed do the following:

  • click on Update; Title; Update Title in the menu above on the ABLE screen
  • The title record is now updated with the current LC call number.

Remember to do the following before adding item to the LOT.
If your piece is a single item, make sure to change the Class to c - custom
Document Updated by Corrina 4-15-2020