ABLE BK no. Instructions


Contact: Corrina Carter

Unit: Resource Description

Date last reviewed: 14 Apr 2020

Date of next review: 14 Apr 2021

ABLE Instructions for 
Pers/Serials Items with BK number [i.e., BK990] written inside the piece

Instructions below are also used for Analytics of Serial record BK number

New for 2014: We now scan in the barcode on the ABLE screen in the box at the bottom. See the example below.

Note: If there are 3 or more BK no. items to process, you may add in ABLE as a new title to retrieve an ID number for processing. This will eliminate entering the same information over and over again and help prevent typing errors. This replaces the "Keep feature" we had in LARS. (See new bind document for setting up a new title in ABLE)

Books with BK number written on t.p are supposed to always be "Not currently received" (NCR) on Aleph

Therefore, if the Aleph record has a BK number and also Currently (CR) that's a problem. For this type, please return book to responsible staff in ERM as a problem. If the item is currently received and has an ID number (bindery no.), then see "ABLE ID no. Instructions."

For Pers/Serials' Binding Units with BK # and no problems, follow the steps below to add item to Per bindery LOT:

Note: First make sure the correct LOT is chosen [i.e., 060612P]. Make sure 'P' is at the end of the lot with correct shipment date.

1) Select the Title Text key from the Key dropdown arrow. 

2) Choose the correct Fmt [format] to fit book in hand (see below)

Note: There is not an author/title format for books with author and title marking on title page. Therefore, enter the author first behind the title prompt and then the title with the correct double back slashes (\\) as appropriate. (Refer to actual examples for further clarity; when in doubt, please ask.)

Format Codes for Periodicals/Serials/Analytics

For just Cutters & Variables



(mid-spine holdings)

(Per) Periodicals

For When Lib Location only
(Do not enter Per)



(mid-spine holdings)

(Per) Periodicals

For cutters with year variable



(mid-spine holdings)

(Per) Periodicals

For LC call number





Upon choosing the correct format, all initials prompts should appear, along with Print. Print is the color of the lettering of spine for Periodicals/Serials, which is G. (Below represents Fmt VY1)

3) Then fill in the Cover Color (use the drop down arrow to choose). 
The Cover Color will be the BK number written inside the piece i.e., 990.

4) Next enter slot Lvl (Levels) in Lvl column (use bindery spine scale instrument for measuring the spine and enter numbers under Lvl).

This first example shows the Lvl slot numbers and represents call number with cutter and variables, which is Fmt VY1. For cutter call numbers, the variables prompts are already entered and need to stay. However, it may be necessary to adjust variables prompts to meet the needs of the call number if it is different from the initial group. Note for Pers, each part of call number has a slot level number.

See example below:

This second example represents Fmt Y2 for an LC call number. Remember for LC call numbers, there is no need to have variable prompts. The call number can be typed straight across as written inside the piece, making sure all parsing is correct and is separated by back slashes. 

Once Lvl numbers are complete:
5) Delete the [TITLE] prompt before entering the title. After which, enter (title and/or author & title. All should be marked on title page). If not marked on title page, please give to supervisor. [Note: Remember not to type past the Print slot when typing the title. Also remember to add the back slashes between each word and check to see if title needs truncating.  If the title is too long to fit on the spine, omit some of the words with three dots following the last word to show it has been shortened.]

6) Press TAB to move the cursor to the right of the first variable prompt and enter the variable information. TAB to the other variables, if present, and enter the corresponding information.

This example represents Fmt VY1 for Perkins Per cutter call number

Cover Proof (spine view)

Once everything is entered, please use the Cover Proof feature to verify all information that will be on the spine.

Check for these matching points

  • Check the author and\or title for spelling errors
  • Check the Base call number and the location
  • Make sure you edit the correct holdings (variables) in the call number or mid-spine and they match the book holdings
  • Check to see if author and/or title need truncating due to spine size
  • If single item, make sure to change Class to c-custom (see below for example)

Once verification is completed:
Click Add Item and print ticket to the bindery printer lib-plex-opp17-BIND on lib-ps-2016 or LIB-PLEX-SRM17-BIND on lib-ps-2016 if the first one is not available. Also, upon picking up your tickets, make sure "Periodical Standard" or Periodical Custom is appropriately printed at the top of your tickets. If not, check the item in ABLE to make sure the correct information is there to the left of the screen. If it is not there, click on the appropriate information, update the item, and re-print the ticket. However, if "Periodical Standard" did not print, please let Shelf Prep Coordinator know. (see example below)

REMEMBER Also: New for 2014: We now scan in the barcode on the ABLE screen in the box at the bottom before going to the next record.  The barcode prints on the ticket so we can change the IPS to "OB-Out to Bindery".

Continue to next BK Binding Unit.

Note: If type of call number and variable changes, use the Fmt (format) that fits the item in hand.