Access Services Processing


Alma has a work order type named Access Services Processing that supports projects and tasks managed by Access and Delivery Services in Perkins and Bostock.

Use cases covered in this work order type

Collection Spotlight

Collection Spotlight is the location for the special monthly themed collections curated by Perkins library. The process is managed by Annette Tillery with ADS. Items curated for Collection Spotlight come from libraries across DUL (with the exception of Special Collections.)

New & Noteworthy and Duke Authors

New & Noteworthy and Duke Authors are two curated collections on the first floor of Perkins Library. Items in these locations are usually ordered shelf-ready and need extra physical processing before they go on the shelf. The process is managed by Annette Tillery with ADS.

Papyrology Reserve Processing

TBD - pending discussions with Collection Services


Work Order Process

Collection Spotlight - DRAFT

This is a draft section - please be aware that this may change!

This documentation assumes that you have already assembled the list of items needed for a particular collection spotlight, and are ready to begin preparing the items.

Create a work order for the item

  1. From the “Physical Items” search, locate the item you are processing. From the “More Actions” menu, select “Work Order.”




  1. From the “Place Item in Process” menu, choose process type “Access Services Processing.”




  1. The screen will refresh.

    1. If you have the item in hand, check the box for “Do not pick from shelf.”

    2. If you need the item to be pulled and sent to you, make sure “Do not pick from shelf” is unchecked.

    3. Add a note if needed.


  1. Click Submit to create the work order.

Alma will return to the item screen. You should see a link to the request for the item, and a green success message in the top right corner.

If needed: Pull the item from the shelf

If the option to “Do not pick from shelf” was left unchecked, then Alma will create a request to pull the item at the home library that will appear under Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Pick from Shelf.



After the item has been pulled, go to Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Scan In Items to scan the barcode.

If you have Enable Quick Printing checked under your location, a transit slip will print.

Alma will tell you that the item destination is “Access Services Processing Department.”

Receive the item for Collection Spotlight Processing

  1. If you have not already done so, set your location in the top right of Alma to “Access Services Processing Department.”

  1. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items. For “Set Status to” choose “Processing for Collection Spotlight.” Scan the item barcode.

  1. Alma will receive the item at the Access Services Processing Department. and you will see the destination set to “Manage Locally.”

When you go to Fulfillment > Manage In Process Items, you will see the item is now showing as in process at the department.

At this point, the item is not requestable by patrons because it is being processed.

Finish processing the item for Collection Spotlight

  1. If you have not already done so, set your location in the top right of Alma to “Access Services Processing Department.”

  1. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items

  1. If the item is not yet at the temporary Collection Spotlight location, you’ll need to do that step here.

    1. Click on the “Change Item Information” tab.

    2. Set Change Type to “Temporary”, library to “Perkins/Bostock”, and location to “Collection Spotlight”.

    3. Set the “Due Back” time to 30 days after the end of the Collection Spotlight month. This will ensure that you have restore requests generated to clean up temporary locations for any items that were not cleaned up prior to that date.

    4. Scan the item barcode(s).

      1. If “Check Requests” is checked, Alma will warn you that the items have requests on them because the work order is still open. That is OK - you can continue.


  1. Finish the Work Order

    1. Click on the “Scan In Items” tab.

    2. Set “Done” to “Yes”.

    3. Scan the item barcode(s).

Alma will finish the work order and set the item for reshelving at Collection Spotlight.


New & Noteworthy and Duke Authors

Receive the New & Noteworthy or Duke Authors titles from Collection Services

Collection Services receives and processes items for New & Noteworthy and Duke Authors. They will set the items into a specific shipment and ensure that they are flagged appropriately for staff attention.

Create a work order for the items

  1. If you have not done so already, set your location to “Access Services Processing Department.”


  1. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items


  1. Click on the “Scan in items” tab.

    1. Set “Automatically print slip” to “No”.

    2. Set the status to “Processing for New & Noteworthy and Duke Authors”.

    3. Set “Done” to No.

Scan the item barcodes. Alma will put the item into the work order status.


Finish processing the items and shelve

  1. If you have not already done so, set your location in the top right of Alma to “Access Services Processing Department.”


  1. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items


  1. Finish the Work Order

    1. Click on the “Scan In Items” tab.

    2. Set “Done” to “Yes”.

    3. Scan the item barcode(s).

Alma will finish the work order and set the item for reshelving at New & Noteworthy.



Papyrology Processing - TBD

Papyrology processing will be developed.