Special programs / affiliations

Robertson Scholars

Robertson Scholars (https://robertsonscholars.org/ ) are enrolled at both Duke and UNC and get special privileges to cross-enroll at each others schools.

Students whose primary school is UNC are still loaded into the Duke directory every semester, with an academic program type of undergraduate non-degree (you’ll see the directory show them as “U-NON”.) That status should have them load into Alma automatically from the identity management feed, and get undergraduate as a patron group.

Students from Duke Kunshan University

Students from Duke Kunshan University can be graduate students or undergraduates.

The University Registrar maintains a special identity management group for Duke Kunshan students that are enrolled in courses in Durham or Beaufort. This includes both graduate students or undergraduates.

If the student appears in the Registrar’s special group, they will be automatically loaded into Alma with the appropriate patron group for who they are (Fuqua Masters, Undergraduate, Graduate).

They will receive a statistical category of “DKU in Durham” with a value of “Yes.”