Configuration for EAC items

Staff in EAC (full-time and students) receive items from Smith for EAC, and need the ability to scan them in to take them out of transit.

To support this use case, we have a second circulation desk under Perkins Library named “East Asian Collection.” It is tied to all EAC locations and configured to provide “Reshelve” services only to those locations.

EAC staff (full-time and students) receive circulation desk operator with a scope of Perkins Library, but an attached circ desk of East Asian Collection, not the default circ desk.

This should allow them to use Fulfillment > Scan in items to receive new items from Smith and scan them in to reshelve.

Note that EAC full-time staff also receive physical item editor - limited, scoped to DUL, and reporting privileges.

If an EAC person tells you they aren’t able to scan items in, make sure they have set their location. If they don’t, they will not see the Scan in items option.