Adding New Titles to the ABLE Database


Contact: Corrina Carter

Unit: Resource Description

Date last reviewed: 04/16/2020

Date of next review:  04/16/2021

Instructions for Adding New Titles to the ABLE Database

New Binds Process Currently Received items (adding titles to ABLE)

Also used for BK numbers when you have 3 or more of the same title that need to be bound.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The process of adding a new title to ABLE is separate from the process of adding it to a LOT. Please follow steps in this document when adding a new title to ABLE.

ABLE Process for New Bind Currently Received (CR) instructions below

Also for Not Currently Received (NCR) items and BK#s written inside items-- if there are 3 or more items with the same title, use the same instructions listed below:

The binding unit will have "New Bind" (NB) written on the title page where the call number is located or a "New Bind" flag with CR checked off or it may a have "no #" written inside.

Instructions: Aleph work:

    • Check the record in Aleph to confirm it is Currently Received by scanning in the barcode and bringing up the Holding record. The 866 field should have a note indicating:
    • "Currently Received" Serial or Periodical; or it may have
    • "LIBRARY HAS: v. 14 (2008)- to date."
Note: If the Aleph record does NOT have one of the CR notes above and the item has a flag with CR marked on it, or, the years are recent years [i.e., 2019; 2020, etc.], please consult with the Shelf Prep Coordinator or responsible staff in Continuing Resource Acquisitions.
  • Check the bib record for a title change (TC) (for 780 or 785 field w/indicators 00)
    • 780 00=Earlier or Old title
    • 785 00= New or latest title

If there is a 780 or 785 field w/indicators 00, please see separate document on 780 and 785 fields for how to process. If you are unable to retrieve earlier or later title, search ABLE to make sure the title is not listed.

Note: If indicators are not 00, and the call numbers are not the same, then it is not to be considered a Title Change (TC). When in doubt please ask. For further information about 780 and 785 fields please refer to document titled "BibRec 780 and 785 earlier & later title"

If the item is not part of a TC, proceed to process the item in ABLE with instructions below.

Note: If there are other volumes listed on the item screen as being in the stacks, check ABLE to see if the title has been set up. If the title is already in ABLE, use the ID number listed in ABLE for processing. If the title is not in ABLE, email Perkins Requests for the other item to see the color of the cover before processing as a new title in ABLE.

However, if the item in hand is the first item in the Library, it is ready to process as a new title for the first time in ABLE:

Please follow the instructions below or ABLE work.

**Adding a New Periodical/Serial Title to the ABLE Database:

Login to ABLE:
To add a new periodical title, the Key should be on the Title Text.

Follow the steps below:

  • Tab to or click in the Fmt [Format]. Check your call number to know which format field to use and enter a periodical/serial format code. (See format chart below) 

  • Select a cover color.
  • Select a print (foil) color if not already there
  • Click in the Lvl [Level] column and enter a slot number for the title text. Click to the Lvl area for the LC call number and enter the slot number for the call number. 

If the call number is a periodical, enter the slot number for mid-spine holdings and the call number.

Enter the appropriate text: 

  • Delete the [TITLE]prompt and enter the complete title in all Caps; do not truncate the title at this point
  • Enter base call number; (remember not to add holdings at this point) just the variable prompts; (see below about adding variable prompts)
  • Enter special note under instructions if needed
  • Enter Class which would be standard if needed (located in the left pane)
  • Once completed,

click on Add Title.

Click Yes on the "Are You Sure?" window.

This example is an LC call number.

This example is a Periodical (Per) cutter call number

Enter variables from call number inside the item 

Variable Prompts

Follow the steps below to add variable prompts: 
1 Position the cursor where we'd like the variable prompt to be. 
2 Right-click in the title text area and select Variable from the menu. 
3 Type in the variable prompt. 
The text should appear in a bold blue font. If the text is not blue then it is not a variable prompt and will appear on the spine, so we'll delete the text and repeat step 2. 
4 Right-click again and select Normal from the menu. 
5 Type any additional title text. 
When we type, the text will appear in a regular black font. If the text is still blue then it is still a variable and will not appear on the spine, so we'll delete the text and repeat step 4.

Variable Prompt Demonstration

This demonstration shows how variable prompts are added to a title record.

Note: Remember to delete the [TITLE] prompt before entering the title

Once the item is added, search ABLE to retrieve the ID number, write it inside, and add it to Aleph in the 852 subfield x in the holding record.

The item can be searched by title or call number. See searching title examples for searching titles on ABLE.

Format Codes for Monographs; Paperbacks; Rebinds; Music Scores; Digicovers


Format Code


Monograph and Thesis



Music Score



Music Pocketbooks







Docs Serial sets

Format Codes for Periodicals /Serials/Analytics

Type of Call number




For LC call number



P - Periodical(Serials)

For cutters with year only variable


(mid-spine holdings)

P - Periodicals (Per)

When Lib Location only


(mid-spine holdings)

P - Periodicals (Per)

Cutter & Variables


TITLE vol YR Call
(mid-spine holdings)

P - Periodicals (Per)

Cutter & Variables with months


TITLE vol YR MO Call
(mid-spine holdings)

P - Periodicals (Per)

Call number may vary

Format may vary

TITLE vol YR MO Call
(mid-spine holdings)

Np - newspaper

Suffix used at end of Lot Name

Type of Material

Suffix at end of Lot Name









Digicover (formerly Copi-Cover)



