Paying invoices manually in Alma

Scope: Creating monographic orders for material in Alma as purchase order lines.

Contact: @Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: July 31, 2024

Date of next review: Nov 26, 2024

Click the Acquisitions menu on the sidebar, and click Create Invoice.

Choose Manually, then click Next.

Enter invoice details:

Enter the invoice number, invoice date, vendor and total price (total price includes shipping, etc.).

You can search for the vendor by name or vendor code.

Our invoices should always be set to Owner: Duke University.

Type of Payment

Payment method

Prepaid [check the “Prepaid” checkbox at the bottom of the Invoice Details Screen]

Type of Payment

Payment method

Prepaid [check the “Prepaid” checkbox at the bottom of the Invoice Details Screen]

Check payment

Accounting Department


Pcard (procurement card)

Credit card



Bank Transfers


International Wire

Bank Transfers


Completed vendor information:

Enter any shipping or additional charges in the Additional Charges section; pro rata should be checked so that charges are distributed across all POLs.

When Invoice Details are complete, click Save and Create Invoice Lines.



Add invoice lines one at a time:

Click Add Invoice Line.

Search for your POL by POL number or title.

Review the price and make changes if necessary.

After each POL, click Add. After the final POL, click Add and Close.

Completed invoice lines:

Confirm the invoice is balanced by checking the Summary tab.

If necessary for your Payment Method, check “Prepaid” and fill out the Payment status, date, and Payment amount fields.



When you are finished with the invoice, click Save and Continue.

Invoice is complete, mark up and submit to accounting.