CSDP Meta-Documentation and Guidelines

Scope: This document describes the basic guidelines and instructions for the 2 CSDP spaces

Contact: Jacquie Samples

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy

Date last reviewed: 06/12/24

Date of next review: 06/12/25

  1. The Collections Services Documentation Portal (CSDP) is split into 2 wiki spaces, DUL Collections Services (Open to All) and DUL Collections Services (Staff Only). The staff only space is used when a page has personal or confidential information, i.e.: tax information, account passwords, netID, etc., that should not be shared world-wide.
  2. Also within scope for the staff only space is in-draft documentation where a person wants to not publicize their work until it is finalized.  There is also an archived documentation area in the staff only space to which deprecated documentation should be moved.  Moving documents is possible through the ellipses (...) in the top right corner.
  3. When creating new documentation using header information is required for managing pages and page history.  Use the template as described here Adding CSDP Documentation
  4. Because most of the work of CS flows across departments, there are no department-specific pages or policies, but rather these are arranged by activity or topic.
  5. Each page should have at least one page label applied. Page labels are singular, not plural, so if creating a new one, please review the top-level page pages (Open to All and Staff Only) for formatting examples.
  6. No one outside the Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department (MADS) can delete or move a page between our CSDP spaces. If you find a page that requires deletion or moving, please submit an AskTech ticket directed toward MADS.