Task Management for CSDP Documentation

Scope: This page details how to create, assign, and manage tasks.

Contact: Heather Baker

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy

Date last reviewed: 06/12/24

Date of next review: 06/12/25

Assigning a Task

Go the page to be assigned. Click Edit. Place the cursor under Contact in the header of the document. If assigning on a main page, place the cursor below the listed child pages and above Additional Resources.

Click the + symbol on the toolbar and select Task list. This will automatically insert a check box on the page.

Next, type @ and the name of the person assigned to the task. As you type the person’s name, the name will autofill.

*If the person’s name does not autofill or appear in a list of choices, it means that the person has not yet logged in to Confluence. Ask the person to log in, and then contact the MADS team to assign permissions.

Once the person’s name has been added next to the check box, type //. This will generate a calendar. Select a due date for the task. The date will appear next to the name of the person assigned. 

Add any needed text to explain the task. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the page.

An email will be sent to the assignee letting them know they have an assigned task. Two weeks prior to the due date, Confluence will send the assignee a daily reminder email until the task is completed.

Viewing Assigned Tasks

Once logged into Confluence, click on your name or photo in the top right corner of the page. Select Tasks. In this screen, you can view tasks assigned to you or by you as well as tasks that are complete or incomplete. Click on the link to the right of the task to go directly to the assigned page.

After Completing a Task

Once a task is complete, do one of the following:

  • Click Edit. Make changes to the assignee or due date for the next review. Click Save.       
  • Check the box to mark it complete. This will shade the task gray but will not delete it.
  •  Click Edit. Delete the task. Click Save.
    •  Note: Deleting a task will completely remove it from your Tasks page.