LSC Accessions Process

Scope: This process facilitates items being accessioned into the LSC and does not impact refiles from fulfillment activities. Ingest or transfers to the LSC must be pre-approved by the AUL for Collections Services or Head, Collection Strategy & Development.
Contact: Jacquie Samples
Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department
Date last reviewed: 07/24/24
Date of next review: 07/24/25

Note: There is no need to use the Collections Services work order with status LSC for materials that have not previously entered that work order (for example, gifts or anything not connected to an Acquisitions workflow).

  • Three ways to put things into the LSC Accession Work Order

    • Bulk Scan-In

    • Scan in individually

    • If you already have a list of barcodes, send to MADS to handle

Option 1: Scan Items Using Bulk Scan In App

In Alma, go to Perkins/Bostock Library Service Desk (in blue header at top of Alma, also called the persistent menu)

Then go to Bulk Scan In app (square icon in header)

Set up Bulk Scan In with the settings below. Don’t forget to click Save!

  • Library: Perkins/Bostock Library

  • Department: PERKN Acquisitions Department

  • Work order type: AcqWorkOrder

  • Status: LSC

    Bulk Scan In settings

Next, add file, click Scan

Bulk Scan In file upload

Option 2: Scan Items Using ‘Scan in Items’

  • Go to Fulfillment, Scan In Items, change Set Status To drop-down to LSC

  • Scan barcodes into scan item barcode field

o   Note, you may scan as many as you’d like, the system will automatically add items to the list at the bottom of the screen

Example: sending bunch of materials to LSC and they aren’t currently in another work order or status

  • Item now has the process status of LSC

  • Next, click Manage In Process Items button (top right)

  • Filter process status to LSC to confirm new items added

Option 3: You already have a .txt document of barcodes

  • Send an email to AskTech requesting that MADS add to the LSC Accessions Work Order

MADS steps in data flow until API can be updated:

  • MADS will go to the Perkins/Bostock Lib Acquisitions Dept service desk, manage in process items

  • Filter to process status of LSC

    • Click the export button

    • Copy barcodes from exported file, save as a local .txt file of the barcodes WITH NO HEADER

    • Next, open Bulk Scan app, confirm settings to match screenshot:

  • Next, drop .txt file into the choose barcode file box, then click Scan:

    • Review the list at the bottom that says ‘scanned in’



  • Go back to Bulk Scan and reset settings as Institution Level = LSC Accession Default Department, Work Order Type = LSCACC

    • Save, then choose same barcode file as previous step

    • Then click Scan