Advancing Discovery

Scope: This page will document the various projects and initiatives that CS has engaged in on the topic of advances in discovery

Contact: Jacquie Samples

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department

Date last reviewed: 10/26/2023

Date of next review: 10/28/2024

TitleScope/Brief  DescriptionLinks to InitiativeDates of Engagement

Share-VDE is an initiative lead by the community of participating libraries, with the aim of setting up linked data based workflows.

Share-VDE makes available

  1. enrichment of original MARC data and of the records converted in linked data with identifiers from external sources (e.g. ISNI, VIAF) and with original Share-VDE identifiers;
  2. reconciliation and clusterization of entities created through library data conversion;
  3. conversion of library catalogues from MARC to linked data;
  4. delivery of converted and enriched data to libraries for reuse in their systems;
  5. publication of library records converted in linked on the discovery platform
ACVSAuthority control vendor services (ACVS) to enrich catalog data, with updated subject headings, URI in authorized fields, and updated RDA elements

Authority Control Documentation

LTI – Fall 2000-Spring 2019

MARCIVE – Spring 2019- present

Linked Data for Production: Pathway to Implementation (LD4P2)

Built upon the foundational work of Linked Data for Production (LD4P) Phase 1 and Linked Data for Libraries Labs (LD4L Labs), to begin the implementation phase of the cataloging community’s shift to linked data for the creation and manipulation of their metadata.
OCLC Member Merge"The OCLC Member Merge Project is designed to empower OCLC Members to reduce the presence of duplicate bibliographic records in WorldCat. Training and upgraded cataloging authorizations enable Member Merge participants to merge existing duplicate WorldCat records." – Member Merge on OCLC Support site
PCC MembershipNew emphasis on our commitment and engagement in the community.
