Syndetics Unbound

Scope: Use of Syndetics Unbound discovery service by Duke University Libraries, previously we used Syndetics Classic

Contact: Jacquie Samples

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department

Date last reviewed: 01/29/2024

Date of next review: 01/29/2025


  • About Syndetics Unbound

    • Provides cover images, tables of contents, and summary statements to enrich the libraries’ discovery layers, including the Books & Media Catalog, the Summon discovery layer, the Online Journal Titles list, and TRLN Discovery.

      • These are provided via a Duke University Library subscription or a TRLN subscription, depending on the discovery layer.

    • When patrons go to, they see cover images straight from the Syndetics dataset

      • These data are not stored in our back end datasets but are displayed on the fly

    • Cover images, summaries of the work, and Tables of Content are displayed on the pages for individual titles when available. Cover images also appear on Duke main search page and in Summon.

    • These enriching details are connected to titles via ISBN to ensure that the correct information is displayed with the work.

      • Collections services (rarely) get messages from patrons or public-facing staff that the cover image or summary statement doesn’t match the book, we send that info plus the correct ISBN/ISSN to