Summon Discovery Layer

Scope: Summon, a discovery layer that has been integrated into the main library page and is focused on discovery for articles at Duke

Contact: Jacquie Samples

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy Department

Date last reviewed: 01/17/2024

Date of next review: 01/17/2025

History at Duke – Summon was implemented at Duke Libraries in 2011 and is integrated into the main library page, as the main search option for the discovery of electronic articles.

When searches from that page result in articles, these are displayed under “Articles” in the bento-style results page.

  • Populated with titles and works from the 360 core KB as well as from regular updates from the library Aleph catalog

  • Jacquie Samples is the administrator for Summon discovery layer; works with Tom Crichlow to make updates to the interface

  • Cover images in Summon are populated by the Syndetics unbound service DUL subscription found here.

  • While the bento results page is scoped to provide article links, almost all types of resources are available through the interface

  • By default, article results are limited to scholarly journal and magazine articles (i.e.: this excludes book reviews, newspaper articles, dissertations, etc.)