Locating In-Process Rush Monographs

Scope: This document outlines how to best determine where a monograph may be within Collections Services should it become requested for rush-processing.

Contact: Leeda Adkins 

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy

Date last reviewed: 8/31/2018

Date of next review:


These criteria can best determine the Collections Services location of a monograph not initially rush-ordered, but now requested for rush processing via AskTech:

  • Does the item record have a system-generated B-barcode or a full D-barcode.
  • Does the item status read "on order," "in process," or another status.
  • Presence or absence of an order record.
  • Is the order record for a firm ordered or approval plan supplied monograph.
  • Presence or absence of a CID field at the bottom of the bibliographic record.
  • Does the item have information in the "all items history" tab.

B-Barcode versus D-Barcode Searching:

System-generated B-barcodes indicate that the monograph has not yet been received by a staff member. Some monographs may have a B-barcode with an item process status of AR "in process;" this material has not yet entered a physical processing workflow and is most likely on the Receipts shelves in Bay 10. (See Item Status Searching.)

Duke D-barcodes indicate either that a staff member has physically arrived and searched the material for cataloging copy, or that the material has arrived shelf-ready from YBP. See "CID Field Searching" for determining the location of the title based on the CID field in the bibliographic record. See "Item History Searching" in the absence of a CID field.

Item Status Searching:

Monographs with the item process status of OO "on order" could be in Collections Services awaiting processing. Most of the time this material is firm ordered; check with the appropriate OM staff member to determine whether the monograph has shipped from the vendor. (See Firm Ordered versus Approval Searching.)

The item process status AR "in process" usually indicates that the material is somewhere in the CS workflow. If the AR status is accompanied by a D-barcode, check the CID field in the bib record to narrow down its location (See CID Field Searching). Many approval plan monographs are batch-loaded into Aleph with an AR status; if the title has an AR item status and a B-barcode, it is most likely on the Receipts Management shelves awaiting physical processing.

To search the incoming receipts shelving wall in Bay 10, go to the order record of the item and note the vendor name in the Vendor Code. Then go to the Invoice selection in the order tree in the left pane and note the invoice number and invoice date Use these three criteria to narrow down the shipment to look for on the shelves.

Occasionally, a monograph will pass through a circulation point and onto the shelves without its IPS changed to Standard Loan, so it will appear to be in CS with an AR status. First seek assistance from Shelf Preparation to determine whether the title may have required binding, then contact the circulation point to have them check the shelves for the title. Some item statuses will indicate the title is in the Bindery workflow; contact Corrina Carter for assistance with these.

Monographs Lacking Order Records:

Collections Services receives two types of monographic materials lacking order records: gift monographs and titles supplied via the PL-480 Library of Congress plan. If a title has a bibliographic record and an item record, but lacks an order record, check the CID field in the bib record to narrow down the location of the title, or the item history for further information (see CID Field Searching and Item History Searching).

Firm Ordered versus Approval Searching:

Determine whether a monograph was firm ordered or supplied by approval plan by looking at Acquisition Method in the "2.General" tab of the order record, where P=firm order, C=firm order, and A=approval. Or check the three numbers before the year extension in the budget, where 631=firm order and 630=approval.

If the material is firm ordered, the initials in the Library Note of the order record can determine the Order Management staff member who can assist with searching. With the exception of non-Latin script materials, approval monographs begin their workflow in Monographic Receipts. Non-Latin script materials are handled by the language specialist in the Order Management staff.

CID Field Searching:

Along with the barcode and the item status, the CID field provides the best information for narrowing down a title's location in Collections Services. The CID field is located at the bottom of the bibliographic record and contains the cataloger's NetID, the date of processing, and the type of processing.

The notes COPY, NEW and REPLACE in the subfield "e" indicate that cataloging is complete for this title. Refer to the date in the CID subfield "d" to determine which range of shelves in Shelf Preparation may hold the material. Seek assistance from Shelf Preparation staff if the date for the cataloging is older than the date ranges for the current SP shelves.

The note CATS in the subfield "e" indicates that the title was sent to Resource Description for original cataloging. In RD, books are shelved by language, and CD and DVD titles are usually kept with Cathy Leonardi (CDs) and Ellen Maxwell (DVDs).

The note LOAD in the subfield "e" indicates that the title is in the YBP shelf-ready workflow. Leeda Adkins in MADS can best determine where in the process the title may be, along with Betsy Sorrell in Shelf Preparation and Antha Marshall in Monographic Receipts. For shelf-ready materials the invoice date, accessible in the order record, can help determine whether the title may be waiting for unboxing, or in Shelf-Preparation for sorting, or on its way to a circulation point.

If the CID field is absent and the item has a D-barcode, the cataloger may have forgotten to add the field. See "Item History Searching" to identify the cataloger and the date the material was last handled.

The CID subfield "a" contains the NetID of the staff member, in case they are needed for searching. YBP in the subfield "a" indicates the title is in the shelf-ready workflow. For unfamiliar NetIDs, MADS can help determine the identity of a cataloger by searching the ID in Aleph Staff Privileges.

Item History Searching:

In the absence of a CID field, or in cases where the requested item is an added copy or an added location, use the "All Items History" feature to determine the date of processing and who last handled the material. To access item histories, open the item record in the cataloging module and click "All Items History" in the left pane. Go to the "3.Item Changes" tab, and look for the barcode matching the requested item. Selecting an item change and clicking "View" will retrieve further data, and clicking "Change Info" in the "View" pop-up will give still more information. Each level of information contains the NetID and date the staff member worked on the item.