Fields Returned by JSON/CSV by Record Type

This is a list of the current (as of 6/9/2021) fields that are returned when using JSON/CSV endpoints for each record type. The fields are listed in the order they are provided with queries.


  • MorphoSource ID
  • Title
  • Media type
  • Modality
  • Device facility
  • Physical Object ID
  • Physical Object title
  • Physical Object organization
  • Physical Object type
  • Physical Object taxonomy
  • Short description
  • Full description
  • Element/Part
  • Collections media is member of
  • ARK
  • DOI
  • Date upload
  • Date last modified

Physical Objects

  • MorphoSource ID
  • Title
  • Organization
  • Institution code
  • Collection code
  • Catalog number
  • Occurrence ID
  • iDigBio Object UUID
  • iDigBio Recordset UUID
  • Object type
  • Vouchered
  • Taxonomy
  • Sex
  • Creator
  • Date uploaded
  • Date last modified


  • MorphoSource ID
  • Title
  • Date uploaded
  • Date last modified

Teams & Projects

  • MorphoSource ID
  • Title
  • Date uploaded
  • Date last modified