How to Create and Edit Media

How to Create and Edit Media

The “New Media” button can be found on the Dashboard’s main page, the Media and Objects tab, and a Project main page (only for Project Managers). The upload process will then ask several questions to guide you through the steps of data collection for the media record. A video tutorial of this process is available at bit.ly/MStutorials

Raw/Derived Media Type

The first of these questions asks the type of data being uploaded and the way the data was collected. Based on the answers provided, MorphoSource will help determine if the media is raw or derived. What is raw/derived media? Examples of raw media are data produced by scanner software with no additional processing applied, X-ray projection images produced by scanner software, initial images produced by camera with no filters or processing applied, etc. Examples of derived media are mesh or point cloud with subsequent processing, reconstructed image slices, camera images with any type of processing, etc. It is important to format the media correctly. Critical Formatting Details can be found here 

Parent Media

Selecting “Derived” media will prompt MorphoSource to ask about parent media. The site is able to link all media produced during a single processing event for users to track the steps of a media’s creation. Parent media can be either raw or derived. To link the media record of the parent media, simply type in its media ID (found at the end of the record’s URL or the Media ID field). In what order should they be loaded? Parent media should be added first. For example, a CT scan should be loaded before a mesh file derived from that scan so that you have the Media ID of the CT scan for the upload of the mesh. If the parent media is not being uploaded to MorphoSource, the “Parent Not Available” button proceeds to the next step.

Search for an Object

This step asks whether the object is a Biological Specimen or Cultural Heritage object. After the selection has been made, MorphoSource brings up the object search portal. This portal searches specimen records on MorphoSource and iDigBio. iDigBio records will only show up if the information entered into the fields exactly match the information on the iDigBio record. If the specimen record already exists in MorphoSource, you would select “Use”. If the iDigBio record has not been imported into MorphoSource, you would select “Import”. All the information from the iDigBio record would be used to create the MorphoSource specimen record. Tips on using the search portal can be found here How to Add and Edit Physical Object Records . If you're certain there is no iDigBio record, a new MorphoSource needs to be created. Those instructions can be found here How to Add and Edit Physical Object Records


Once the specimen information is established, the next step is entering information for the facility used to collect the data and/or the facility managing the device used in data collection. The device itself will also be selected in this step. 

The list of institutions with organizations records on MorphoSource can be found here. What if I don’t find my scanning facility or if I own my device? If the institution managing your device is not in our records, we will need to create an organization record. To create an organization record, see the instructions here

Capture (Imaging Event)

This step allows you to fill in the initial parameters used to image these media. The fields vary depending on the imaging modality. It is recommended to fill in as many details as are available. The more details filled in for the specimen records, the more future users will have to work with. For tips on how to fill this out, click here Modality Specific Instructions


Raw media skips over this step since the data will not have gone through any processing steps. Derived media will prompt fields to appear which can be used to track the processing steps taken to create the media. Processing steps are those like masking, cropping, image reconstruction, photos to mesh, noise reduction, etc. Each processing step gets its own set of fields. To add more processing steps, simply press the “+” next to the “Processing activity step” field at the top.


This is the final step. Here is where your files will be uploaded. Files can either be dragged and dropped into the labeled box or the “Add File” button can be used. The custom thumbnail can also be added here to be displayed as the preview image for the media record. A thumbnail is strongly encouraged for meshes and photogrammetry image stacks since they serve as a visual guide for what’s in the media record. Please review our Critical Formatting Details to ensure the media fits our criteria. For tips on how to fill in the Media Details, click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QByWl5t0SFD4QkdxUdoUbeTNms3HEhQYdTndo6PR-Ts/edit#heading=h.jue1h8jfx7xa

How to Edit Media

If a mistake is found after the media has been submitted, the “Edit” button allows users to modify any information for the media record. The tabs follow the same order as the upload process. The information available in this document about each step is applicable to the editing tabs.

Video Tutorials


For a more thorough explanation, please see this google document -

How to organize and submit media to MorphoSource

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